(object Petal | |
version 50 | |
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charSet 0) | |
(object Design "Logical View" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded TRUE | |
attributes (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Java" | |
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tool "Java" | |
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value "") | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagText1" | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagApply1" | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagName2" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagText2" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagApply2" | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagName3" | |
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(object Attribute | |
tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagText3" | |
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tool "Java" | |
name "UserDefineTagApply3" | |
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quid "3A0B2474025F" | |
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showMessageNum 1 | |
showClassOfObject TRUE | |
notation "Unified") | |
root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View" | |
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exportControl "Public" | |
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logical_models (list unit_reference_list) | |
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list | |
(object UseCaseDiagram "Main" | |
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title "Main" | |
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max_width 21600 | |
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items (list diagram_item_list)))) | |
root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View" | |
quid "3A0B24740269" | |
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subsystem "Component View" | |
quidu "3A0B2474027D" | |
logical_models (list unit_reference_list | |
(object Class_Category "ecore" | |
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is_loaded FALSE | |
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quid "39A5ED04004E") | |
(object Class_Category "application" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
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quid "38C03008014E") | |
(object Class_Category "client" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\client.cat" | |
quid "38C0280700C0") | |
(object Class_Category "ejb" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
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quid "3780E272032D") | |
(object Class_Category "webapplication" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
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quid "38C076D603DD") | |
(object Class_Category "commonArchiveCore" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\commonArchiveCore.cat" | |
quid "3A0DB68B0046") | |
(object Class_Category "java" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jem\\rose\\edocjava2.cat" | |
quid "36549F2C004E") | |
(object Class_Category "common" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\common.cat" | |
quid "38C08F0F038D") | |
(object Class_Category "jca" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\jca1_0.cat" | |
quid "3C60904200BB") | |
(object Class_Category "wsclient" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\webservices_client_1_0.cat" | |
quid "3E4D2F4B02AA") | |
(object Class_Category "jsp" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded FALSE | |
file_name "$WORKSPACE_ROOT\\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core\\rose\\jsp_2_0.cat" | |
quid "3E4D4F69036B")) | |
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(object CategoryView "Logical View::ecore" @1 | |
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font (object Font | |
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Parent_View @1 | |
location (960, 76) | |
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icon_style "Label" | |
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quidu "39A5ED04004E" | |
width 300 | |
height 180) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::application" @2 | |
location (1904, 816) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @2 | |
location (1760, 732) | |
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label "application") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
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quidu "38C03008014E" | |
width 300 | |
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(object CategoryView "Logical View::client" @3 | |
location (2368, 1104) | |
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size 10 | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @3 | |
location (2224, 1020) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
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label "client") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
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quidu "38C0280700C0" | |
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(object CategoryView "Logical View::ejb" @4 | |
location (752, 848) | |
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size 10 | |
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Parent_View @4 | |
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label "ejb") | |
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Parent_View @4 | |
location (598, 763) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 10 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 308 | |
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label "<<metamodel>>") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
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quidu "3780E272032D" | |
width 320 | |
height 182) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::webapplication" @5 | |
location (1216, 880) | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @5 | |
location (1072, 796) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 288 | |
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label "webapplication") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
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quidu "38C076D603DD" | |
width 300 | |
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(object CategoryView "Logical View::java" @6 | |
location (640, 416) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @6 | |
location (486, 381) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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label "java") | |
stereotype (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @6 | |
location (486, 331) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 10 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 308 | |
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label "<<metamodel>>") | |
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quidu "36549F2C004E" | |
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stereotype TRUE | |
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quidu "39BD366000FE" | |
client @6 | |
supplier @1 | |
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(768, 270) | |
(768, 159) | |
(953, 159)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (768, 270) | |
terminal_attachment (953, 159)) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::common" @8 | |
location (1200, 432) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @8 | |
location (1056, 348) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
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justify 0 | |
label "common") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
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quidu "38C08F0F038D" | |
width 300 | |
height 180) | |
(object ImportView "" @9 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "38FF3C150151" | |
client @5 | |
supplier @8 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1210, 735) | |
(1203, 522)) | |
line_style 0) | |
(object ImportView "" @10 | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "38FF3C1002A8" | |
client @2 | |
supplier @8 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1756, 671) | |
(1756, 513) | |
(1350, 513)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1756, 671) | |
terminal_attachment (1350, 513)) | |
(object ImportView "" @11 | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "380567F50384" | |
client @4 | |
supplier @6 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(752, 702) | |
(752, 507)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (752, 702) | |
terminal_attachment (752, 507)) | |
(object ImportView "" @12 | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "38FF3C1C0256" | |
client @4 | |
supplier @8 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(863, 702) | |
(863, 406) | |
(1049, 406)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (863, 702) | |
terminal_attachment (1049, 406)) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::jca" @13 | |
location (1680, 192) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @13 | |
location (1536, 108) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
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label "jca") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3C60904200BB" | |
width 300 | |
height 180) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::commonArchiveCore::looseconfig" @14 | |
location (1744, 1152) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @14 | |
location (1500, 1068) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 488 | |
justify 0 | |
label "looseconfig") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3C71147E033D" | |
width 500 | |
height 180) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::wsclient" @15 | |
location (2048, 336) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @15 | |
location (1904, 252) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 288 | |
justify 0 | |
label "wsclient") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3E4D2F4B02AA" | |
width 300 | |
height 180) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::jsp" @16 | |
location (2448, 336) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @16 | |
location (2304, 252) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 288 | |
justify 0 | |
label "jsp") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3E4D4F69036B" | |
width 300 | |
height 180) | |
(object ImportView "" @17 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "38FF3C180336" | |
client @3 | |
supplier @8 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2219, 959) | |
(2219, 462) | |
(1350, 462)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2219, 959) | |
terminal_attachment (1350, 462)) | |
(object CategoryView "Logical View::commonArchiveCore" @18 | |
location (1072, 1184) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @18 | |
location (928, 1100) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 288 | |
justify 0 | |
label "commonArchiveCore") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3A0DB68B0046" | |
width 300 | |
height 180))))) | |
root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View" | |
quid "3A0B2474027D" | |
physical_models (list unit_reference_list) | |
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list | |
(object Module_Diagram "Main" | |
quid "3A0B24790338" | |
title "Main" | |
zoom 100 | |
max_height 28350 | |
max_width 21600 | |
origin_x 0 | |
origin_y 0 | |
items (list diagram_item_list))) | |
category "Logical View" | |
quidu "430A8774022C") | |
process_structure (object Processes | |
quid "3A0B2474027E" | |
ProcsNDevs (list | |
(object Process_Diagram "Deployment View" | |
quid "3A0B24740291" | |
title "Deployment View" | |
zoom 100 | |
max_height 28350 | |
max_width 21600 | |
origin_x 0 | |
origin_y 0 | |
items (list diagram_item_list)))) | |
properties (object Properties | |
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tool "Ecore" | |
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value "809135966") | |
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tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsName" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Attribute" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isTransient" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isVolatile" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isChangeable" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isUnsettable" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isUnique" | |
value TRUE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "default__Role" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isTransient" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isVolatile" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isChangeable" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isUnsettable" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isResolveProxies" | |
value TRUE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "propertyId" | |
value "809135966") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Role" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Const" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value ""))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Inherit" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Module-Spec" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Copyright" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "RootPackage" | |
value "C++ Reverse Engineered") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "InitialHeaderIncludes" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "InitialBodyIncludes" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "RevEngRootDirectory" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "RevEngDirectoriesAsPackages" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "HeaderFileExtension" | |
value ".h") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ImplementationFileExtension" | |
value ".cpp") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "NewHeaderFileDirectory" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "NewImplementationFileDirectory" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "FileCapitalization" | |
value ("FileCapitalizationSet" 0)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeGenExtraDirectories" | |
value ("CodeGenExtraDirectoriesSet" 0)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "StripClassPrefix" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "UseTabs" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "TabWidth" | |
value 8) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "IndentWidth" | |
value 4) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "AccessIndentation" | |
value -2) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ModelIdCommentRules" | |
value ("ModelIdCommentRulesSet" 1)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "PageWidth" | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ClassMemberOrder" | |
value ("MemberOrderSet" 1)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "OneParameterPerLine" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "NamespaceBraceStyle" | |
value ("BraceStyleSet" 2)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ClassBraceStyle" | |
value ("BraceStyleSet" 2)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "FunctionBraceStyle" | |
value ("BraceStyleSet" 2)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeGenExtraDirectoriesSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "None" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Namespaces" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Packages" | |
value 2))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "FileCapitalizationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Same as model" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Lower case" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Upper case" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Lower case with underscores" | |
value 3))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "BraceStyleSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "B1" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "B2" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "B3" | |
value 3) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "B4" | |
value 4) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "B5" | |
value 5))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "MemberOrderSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Public First" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Private First" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Order by kind" | |
value 3) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Unordered" | |
value 4))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ModelIdCommentRulesSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Code generation only" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Code generation and reverse engineering" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Never generate model IDs" | |
value 3))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CreateBackupFiles" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CommentRules" | |
value ("CommentRulesSet" 1)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CommentRulesSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Always synchronize" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Code generation only" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Reverse engineering only" | |
value 3) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Never synchronize" | |
value 4))))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Param" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Attribute" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Operation" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "InitialCodeBody" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Inline" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "GenerateFunctionBody" | |
value ("GenerateFunctionBodySet" 2)) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "GenerateFunctionBodySet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Default" | |
value 2) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "True" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "False" | |
value 0))))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Class" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "Synchronize" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "ImplementationType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "HeaderSourceFile" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "BodySourceFile" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "default__Category" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "IsNamespace" | |
value FALSE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Cplusplus" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "ANSI C++ Event Watcher" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "ANSIConvert" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "propertyId" | |
value "838326200") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Project" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SpecFileExtension" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SpecFileBackupExtension" | |
value "1.ad~") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SpecFileTemporaryExtension" | |
value "1.ad#") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "BodyFileExtension" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "BodyFileBackupExtension" | |
value "2.ad~") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "BodyFileTemporaryExtension" | |
value "2.ad#") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CreateMissingDirectories" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateBodies" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateAccessorOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateStandardOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ImplicitParameter" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CommentWidth" | |
value 60) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "StopOnError" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ErrorLimit" | |
value 30) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "UseFileName" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Directory" | |
value "$ROSEADA83_SOURCE") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DefaultCodeBody" | |
value "[statement]"))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Class" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ClassName" | |
value "Object") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ImplementationType" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsSubtype" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "PolymorphicUnit" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "HandleName" | |
value "Handle") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "HandleAccess" | |
value ("ImplementationSet" 45)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Discriminant" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Variant" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "EnumerationLiteralPrefix" | |
value "A_") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "RecordFieldPrefix" | |
value "The_") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateAccessorOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateStandardOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ImplicitParameter" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ClassParameterName" | |
value "This") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DefaultConstructorKind" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DefaultConstructorName" | |
value "Create") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineDefaultConstructor" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CopyConstructorKind" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CopyConstructorName" | |
value "Copy") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineCopyConstructor" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DestructorName" | |
value "Free") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineDestructor" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "ClassEqualityOperation" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "HandleEqualityOperation" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineEquality" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsTask" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ImplementationSet" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Public" | |
value 45) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Private" | |
value 43) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "LimitedPrivate" | |
value 200) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ConstructorKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Module-Spec" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Generate" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "FileName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ReturnType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenericFormalParameters" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "AdditionalWiths" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "AdditionalUses" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Module-Body" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Generate" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "FileName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ReturnType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "AdditionalWiths" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsSubunit" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "AdditionalUses" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Operation" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SubprogramImplementation" | |
value ("SubprogramImplementationSet" 2)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ClassParameterMode" | |
value ("ParameterModeSet" 203)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Inline" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "EntryCode" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ExitCode" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SubprogramImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Spec" | |
value 1) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Body" | |
value 2) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Renaming" | |
value 3) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Separate" | |
value 4))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ParameterModeSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "In" | |
value 204) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Out" | |
value 205) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InOut" | |
value 203) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "FunctionReturn" | |
value 206) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Renames" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InitialCodeBody" | |
value "${default}"))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Has" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${supplier}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DataMemberName" | |
value "${relationship}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${relationship}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${relationship}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Variant" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerGeneric" | |
value "List") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerDeclarations" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SelectorName" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SelectorType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Declare" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Attribute" | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DataMemberName" | |
value "${attribute}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${attribute}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${attribute}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Variant" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Declare" | |
value ("DeclareSet" 234)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Association" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${targetClass}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${association}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${association}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateAssociate" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "AssociateName" | |
value "Associate") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineAssociate" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "GenerateDissociate" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "DissociateName" | |
value "Dissociate") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineDissociate" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))))) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Role" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${targetClass}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DataMemberName" | |
value "${target}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${target}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${target}") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerGeneric" | |
value "List") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerType" | |
value "") | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "ContainerDeclarations" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada83" | |
name "SelectorName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "SelectorType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Declare" | |
value ("DeclareSet" 234)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "default__Subsystem" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "Directory" | |
value "AUTO GENERATE"))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada83" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "propertyId" | |
value "838326200") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Project" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SpecFileExtension" | |
value "1.ada") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "SpecFileBackupExtension" | |
value "1.ad~") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "SpecFileTemporaryExtension" | |
value "1.ad#") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "BodyFileExtension" | |
value "2.ada") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "BodyFileBackupExtension" | |
value "2.ad~") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "BodyFileTemporaryExtension" | |
value "2.ad#") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "CreateMissingDirectories" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "UseColonNotation" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateBodies" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessorOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateStandardOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ImplicitParameter" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CommentWidth" | |
value 60) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "StopOnError" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ErrorLimit" | |
value 30) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "UseFileName" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Directory" | |
value "$ROSEADA95_SOURCE") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DefaultCodeBody" | |
value "[statement]"))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Class" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeName" | |
value "Object") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeVisibility" | |
value ("TypeVisibilitySet" 43)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeImplementation" | |
value ("TypeImplementationSet" 208)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeControl" | |
value ("TypeControlSet" 225)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeControlName" | |
value "Controlled_${type}") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeDefinition" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordImplementation" | |
value ("RecordImplementationSet" 209)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordKindPackageName" | |
value "${class}_Record_Kinds") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsLimited" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsSubtype" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessType" | |
value ("GenerateAccessTypeSet" 230)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessTypeName" | |
value "Handle") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessTypeVisibility" | |
value ("TypeVisibilitySet" 45)) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessTypeDefinition" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessClassWide" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "MaybeAliased" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ParameterizedImplementation" | |
value ("ParameterizedImplementationSet" 11)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ParentClassName" | |
value "Superclass") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "EnumerationLiteralPrefix" | |
value "A_") | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldPrefix" | |
value "The_") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ArrayOfTypeName" | |
value "Array_Of_${type}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessArrayOfTypeName" | |
value "Access_Array_Of_${type}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ArrayOfAccessTypeName" | |
value "Array_Of_${access_type}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessArrayOfAccessTypeName" | |
value "Access_Array_Of_${access_type}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ArrayIndexDefinition" | |
value "Positive range <>") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessorOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateStandardOperations" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ImplicitParameter" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ImplicitParameterName" | |
value "This") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" | |
value ("SubprogramKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DefaultConstructorName" | |
value "Create") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineDefaultConstructor" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateCopyConstructor" | |
value ("SubprogramKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CopyConstructorName" | |
value "Copy") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineCopyConstructor" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateDestructor" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DestructorName" | |
value "Free") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineDestructor" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateTypeEquality" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeEqualityName" | |
value (value Text | |
|"=" | |
)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineEquality" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Tagged" | |
value 208) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Record" | |
value 210) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Mixin" | |
value 211) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Protected" | |
value 44) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Task" | |
value 212))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SingleType" | |
value 209) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "MultipleTypes" | |
value 213))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ParameterizedImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "Generic" | |
value 11) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Unconstrained" | |
value 214))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeVisibilitySet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Public" | |
value 45) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Private" | |
value 43))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SubprogramKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeControlSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "None" | |
value 225) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InitializationOnly" | |
value 226) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AssignmentFinalizationOnly" | |
value 227) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "All" | |
value 228))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessTypeSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "Always" | |
value 229) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Auto" | |
value 230))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IncompleteType" | |
value ("IncompleteTypeSet" 1)) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "TypeControlVisibility" | |
value ("TypeVisibilitySet" 43)) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "IncompleteTypeSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotDeclare" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "NoDiscriminantPart" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "UnknownDiscriminantPart" | |
value 3) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "KnownDiscriminantPart" | |
value 4))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IndefiniteType" | |
value FALSE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Module-Spec" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Generate" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FileName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ReturnType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenericFormalParameters" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AdditionalWiths" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsPrivate" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AdditionalUses" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Module-Body" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Generate" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FileName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ReturnType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AdditionalWiths" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsSubunit" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AdditionalUses" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Operation" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SubprogramImplementation" | |
value ("SubprogramImplementationSet" 2)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Renames" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateOverriding" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ImplicitParameterMode" | |
value ("ParameterModeSet" 203)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ImplicitParameterClassWide" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessOperation" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Inline" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "EntryCode" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ExitCode" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "EntryBarrierCondition" | |
value "True") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SubprogramImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Spec" | |
value 1) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Body" | |
value 2) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Abstract" | |
value 3) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Renaming" | |
value 4) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RenamingAsBody" | |
value 5) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Separate" | |
value 6))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ParameterModeSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "In" | |
value 204) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Out" | |
value 205) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InOut" | |
value 203) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Access" | |
value 220) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InitialCodeBody" | |
value "${default}"))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Has" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${supplier}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementation" | |
value ("RecordFieldImplementationSet" 216)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldName" | |
value "${relationship}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${relationship}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${relationship}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsAliased" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerImplementation" | |
value ("ContainerImplementationSet" 217)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerGeneric" | |
value "List") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerDeclarations" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SelectorName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SelectorType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Component" | |
value 216) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Discriminant" | |
value 218) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminant" | |
value 219))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Array" | |
value 217) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Generic" | |
value 11))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Declare" | |
value ("DeclareSet" 234)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminantClassWide" | |
value FALSE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Attribute" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementation" | |
value ("RecordFieldImplementationSet" 216)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldName" | |
value "${attribute}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${attribute}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${attribute}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsAliased" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Component" | |
value 216) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Discriminant" | |
value 218) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminant" | |
value 219))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Declare" | |
value ("DeclareSet" 234)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminantClassWide" | |
value FALSE))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Association" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${targetClass}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${association}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${association}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAssociate" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AssociateName" | |
value "Associate") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineAssociate" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateDissociate" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DissociateName" | |
value "Dissociate") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineDissociate" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Role" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "CodeName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "NameIfUnlabeled" | |
value "The_${targetClass}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementation" | |
value ("RecordFieldImplementationSet" 216)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldName" | |
value "${target}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 199)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessGet" | |
value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GetName" | |
value "Get_${target}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineGet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "GenerateAccessSet" | |
value ("ProcedureKindSet" 201)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SetName" | |
value "Set_${target}") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InlineSet" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsAliased" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "IsConstant" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "InitialValue" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerImplementation" | |
value ("ContainerImplementationSet" 217)) | |
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tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerGeneric" | |
value "List") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerDeclarations" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SelectorName" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "SelectorType" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ProcedureKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Procedure" | |
value 202) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "RecordFieldImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Component" | |
value 216) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Discriminant" | |
value 218) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminant" | |
value 219))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "ContainerImplementationSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Array" | |
value 217) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Generic" | |
value 11))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "FunctionKindSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Function" | |
value 199) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DoNotCreate" | |
value 201))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Declare" | |
value ("DeclareSet" 234)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "DeclareSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Before" | |
value 233) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "After" | |
value 234))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "AccessDiscriminantClassWide" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Representation" | |
value (value Text "")))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "default__Subsystem" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "Directory" | |
value "AUTO GENERATE"))) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ada95" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "propertyId" | |
value "809135966") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Project" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "CreateMissingDirectories" | |
value TRUE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "Editor" | |
value ("EditorType" 100)) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "IncludePath" | |
value "") | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "StopOnError" | |
value TRUE) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "EditorType" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "BuiltIn" | |
value 100) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "WindowsShell" | |
value 101))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "PathSeparator" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Class" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "ArrayDimensions" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "ConstValue" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "ImplementationType" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Module-Spec" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "AdditionalIncludes" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "CmIdentification" | |
value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "InclusionProtectionSymbol" | |
value "AUTO GENERATE"))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Module-Body" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "AdditionalIncludes" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "CmIdentification" | |
value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "CopyrightNotice" | |
value (value Text "")) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "InclusionProtectionSymbol" | |
value "AUTO GENERATE"))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Operation" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "Context" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "OperationIsOneWay" | |
value FALSE))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Attribute" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "ArrayDimensions" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "CaseSpecifier" | |
value "") | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "IsReadOnly" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "Order" | |
value ""))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Role" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "ArrayDimensions" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "CaseSpecifier" | |
value "") | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "GenerateForwardReference" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "IsReadOnly" | |
value FALSE) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "Order" | |
value "") | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "BoundedRoleType" | |
value ("AssocTypeSet" 47)) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "AssocTypeSet" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "Array" | |
value 24) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "Sequence" | |
value 47))))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "default__Uses" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "CORBA" | |
name "GenerateForwardReference" | |
value FALSE))) | |
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tool "CORBA" | |
name "HiddenTool" | |
value FALSE) | |
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tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "propertyId" | |
value "809135966") | |
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tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "default__Project" | |
value (list Attribute_Set | |
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tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "project" | |
value "") | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "TableCounter" | |
value 0) | |
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tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "DomainCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "SPPackageCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "TriggerCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "IndexCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "ConstraintCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "StoreProcedureCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "PrimaryKeyCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
name "ForeignKeyCounter" | |
value 0) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Data Modeler" | |
< |