blob: 67523e03067ec5fc49f149280ad5383e199618f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001, International Business Machines Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
# Thin Client Generator (TCG) properties file
(object Petal version 42)
(list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "roseId"
value "837263636"
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "propertyId"
value "984747394"
# Class properties
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "default__Class"
value (list Attribute_Set
# A description to use when displaying this class' name on panels or within text.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "DisplayName"
value ""
# A comma delimited list of user roles which this field is used by
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AppliesToRoles"
value ""
# A classification of user experience level which would use this type
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExperienceLevel"
value ("UserExpLevel_Set" 100)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExpLevel_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BASIC"
value 100
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 101
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "EXPERT"
value 102
# A description to use for the title of detail panels containing an object of this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "StdDetailPanelTitle"
value ""
# Contains a comma-separated list of attribute id's in the order they should appear on the
# default detail panel for this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "StdDetailPanelFieldsInOrder"
value ""
# A description to use for the title of collection panels containing elements of this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "StdCollectionPanelTitle"
value ""
# Contains a comma-separated list of attribute id's in the order they should appear on the
# default collection panel for this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "StdCollectionPanelFieldsInOrder"
value ""
# A string containing attribute name parameter slots which will be filled in with values from the attributes.
# Typically used to calculate a tree node description for an object.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "DescriptionPattern"
value ""
# A uri to content which will be included just above the description area of the detail page for this class
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "PreDescriptionIncludeURI"
value ""
# A uri to content which will be included just above the form area of the detail page for this class
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "PreFormIncludeURI"
value ""
# A uri to content which will be included in the footer area of the detail page for this class
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FooterIncludeURI"
value ""
# Whether views should be generated for this type
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SkipViewGeneration"
value FALSE
# The icon file uri for small 16x16 icon representing this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SmallIcon"
value ""
# The icon file uri for large 32x32 icon representing this class.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "LargeIcon"
value ""
# An alternate uri (absolute or relative to web app root) to include as the description in the
# detail panel.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AltDescriptionURI"
value ""
# Class Attribute Properties
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "default__Attribute"
value (list Attribute_Set
# The label text to use when displaying this attribute (without ':')
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "DisplayName"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IsRequired"
value TRUE
# A string which can be used to group this field with other fields with the same categoryId
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CategoryId"
value ""
# A comma delimited list of user roles which this field is used by
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AppliesToRoles"
value ""
# A classification of user experience level which would use this type
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExperienceLevel"
value ("UserExpLevel_Set" 100)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExpLevel_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BASIC"
value 100
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 101
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "EXPERT"
value 102
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FieldType"
value ("FieldType_Set" 71)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FieldType_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 71
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "TEXT_AREA"
value 72
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "COMBO_BOX"
value 73
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "LIST_BOX"
value 74
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CHECK_BOX"
value 75
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "OPTION"
value 76
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 77
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CUSTOM"
value 78
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FILE"
value 79
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "URI"
value 80
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 81
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "MaxLength"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BooleanValueKind"
value ("BooleanValueKind_Set" 91)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BooleanValueKind_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 91
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 92
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "YES_NO"
value 93
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ON_OFF"
value 94
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ColumnWidthPercent"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "VisibleSize"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IncludeActionURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IncludeJSPURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AltDescriptionURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationMinValue"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationMaxValue"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationPattern"
value ""
# A text description of special validation requirements that apply to this field
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SpecialValidationReqs"
value ""
# The validation class which implements the special validation requirements for this field.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SpecialValidationClass"
value ""
# Role Properties
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "default__Role"
value (list Attribute_Set
# The label text to use when displaying this attribute (without ':')
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "DisplayName"
value ""
# Specifies that this field should not appear in any views
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SkipGeneration"
value FALSE
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IsRequired"
value TRUE
# Whether or not to show this field in the tree if it is a composite field with card 0..1 or 1
# When FALSE, the code generator should embed the detail page of the contained type within
# the detail page of the container type.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ShowCompositeInTree"
value TRUE
# When TRUE, the code generator should embed the collection page of the contained types within
# the properties page of the detail page of the container type.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ShowAsPropertiesPage"
value FALSE
# A comma delimited list of user roles which this field is used by
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AppliesToRoles"
value ""
# A classification of user experience level which would use this type
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExperienceLevel"
value ("UserExpLevel_Set" 100)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "UserExpLevel_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BASIC"
value 100
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 101
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "EXPERT"
value 102
# A string which can be used to group this field with other fields with the same categoryId
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CategoryId"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FieldType"
value ("FieldType_Set" 71)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FieldType_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 71
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "TEXT_AREA"
value 72
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "COMBO_BOX"
value 73
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "LIST_BOX"
value 74
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CHECK_BOX"
value 75
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "OPTION"
value 76
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 77
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "CUSTOM"
value 78
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "FILE"
value 79
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "URI"
value 80
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 81
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "MaxLength"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BooleanValueKind"
value ("BooleanValueKind_Set" 91)
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "BooleanValueKind_Set"
value (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 91
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
value 92
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "YES_NO"
value 93
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ON_OFF"
value 94
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ColumnWidthPercent"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "VisibleSize"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IncludeActionURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "IncludeJSPURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "AltDescriptionURI"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationMinValue"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationMaxValue"
value ""
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "ValidationPattern"
value ""
# A text description of special validation requirements that apply to this field
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SpecialValidationReqs"
value ""
# The validation class which implements the special validation requirements for this field.
(object Attribute
tool "TCG"
name "SpecialValidationClass"
value ""