| |
| (object Petal |
| version 47 |
| _written "Rose 8.0.0303.1400" |
| charSet 0) |
| |
| (object Class_Category "wsclient" |
| is_unit TRUE |
| is_loaded TRUE |
| attributes (list Attribute_Set |
| (object Attribute |
| tool "Ecore" |
| name "prefix" |
| value (value Text "Webservice_client")) |
| (object Attribute |
| tool "Ecore" |
| name "basePackage" |
| value (value Text "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservice")) |
| (object Attribute |
| tool "Ecore" |
| name "nsURI" |
| value (value Text "webservice_client.xmi"))) |
| quid "3E4D2F4B02AA" |
| exportControl "Public" |
| logical_models (list unit_reference_list |
| (object Class "ServiceRef" |
| quid "3E4D2F560184" |
| documentation |
| |The service-ref element declares a reference to a Web |
| | service. It contains optional description, display name and |
| | icons, a declaration of the required Service interface, |
| | an optional WSDL document location, an optional set |
| | of JAX-RPC mappings, an optional QName for the service element, |
| | an optional set of Service Endpoint Interfaces to be resolved |
| | by the container to a WSDL port, and an optional set of handlers. |
| |
| superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list |
| (object Inheritance_Relationship |
| quid "4023AF2C001C" |
| supplier "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup" |
| quidu "4023ADF20197")) |
| class_attributes (list class_attribute_list |
| (object ClassAttribute "serviceRefName" |
| quid "3E4D2FD301A1" |
| documentation |
| |The service-ref-name element declares logical name that the |
| | components in the module use to look up the Web service. It |
| | is recommended that all service reference names start with |
| | "service/". |
| |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public") |
| (object ClassAttribute "wsdlFile" |
| quid "3E4D30050199" |
| documentation |
| | The wsdl-file element contains the URI location of a WSDL file. The |
| | location is relative to the root of the module. |
| |
| stereotype "0..1" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public") |
| (object ClassAttribute "jaxrpcMappingFile" |
| quid "3E4D301C03CD" |
| documentation |
| |The jaxrpc-mapping-file element contains the name of a file that |
| | describes the JAX-RPC mapping between the Java interaces used by |
| | the application and the WSDL description in the wsdl-file. The |
| | file name is a relative path within the module file. |
| |
| stereotype "0..1" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public"))) |
| (object Class "PortComponentRef" |
| quid "3E4D30D903A7" |
| documentation |
| |The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency |
| | on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface |
| | to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint |
| | Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used |
| | by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call. |
| |
| class_attributes (list class_attribute_list |
| (object ClassAttribute "portComponentLink" |
| quid "3E4D31220348" |
| documentation |
| |The port-component-link element links a port-component-ref to a |
| | specific port-component required to be made available by a service |
| | reference. |
| | |
| | The value of a port-component-link must be the port-component-name |
| | of a port-component in the same module or another module in the same |
| | application unit. The syntax for specification follows the syntax |
| | defined for ejb-link in the EJB 2.0 specification. |
| |
| stereotype "0..1" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public"))) |
| (object Class "Handler" |
| quid "3E4D31640072" |
| documentation |
| |Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can access the |
| | init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface. If |
| | port-name is not specified, the handler is assumed to be associated |
| | with all ports of the service. |
| | |
| | Used in: service-ref |
| |
| superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list |
| (object Inheritance_Relationship |
| quid "4023B0080005" |
| supplier "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup" |
| quidu "4023ADF20197")) |
| class_attributes (list class_attribute_list |
| (object ClassAttribute "handlerName" |
| quid "3E4D31ED0097" |
| documentation "Defines the name of the handler. The name must be unique within the module." |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public") |
| (object ClassAttribute "soapRoles" |
| quid "3E4D32660285" |
| documentation "The soap-role element contains a SOAP actor definition that the Handler will play as a role." |
| stereotype "0..*" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public") |
| (object ClassAttribute "portNames" |
| quid "3E4D328A0331" |
| documentation "The port-name element defines the WSDL port-name that a handler should be associated with." |
| stereotype "0..*" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public"))) |
| (object Class "WebServicesClient" |
| quid "3F2EB3090267" |
| documentation "@version J2EE1.4 deprecated") |
| (object Class "ComponentScopedRefs" |
| quid "3F2EB42A00AA" |
| documentation "@version J2EE1.4 deprecated" |
| class_attributes (list class_attribute_list |
| (object ClassAttribute "componentName" |
| quid "3F2EB454015F" |
| type "String" |
| exportControl "Public"))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$0" |
| quid "3E4D310700E6" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "serviceEndpointInterface" |
| quid "3E4D31080354" |
| documentation |
| |The service-endpoint-interface element defines a fully qualified |
| | Java class that represents the Service Endpoint Interface of a |
| | WSDL port. |
| |
| label "serviceEndpointInterface" |
| supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass" |
| quidu "36549FCC00FA" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| Containment "By Reference" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$1" |
| quid "3E4D31080372" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::PortComponentRef" |
| quidu "3E4D30D903A7"))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$2" |
| quid "3E4D313C039F" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "portComponentRefs" |
| quid "3E4D313D0256" |
| documentation |
| |The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency |
| | on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface |
| | to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint |
| | Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used |
| | by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call. |
| |
| label "portComponentRefs" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::PortComponentRef" |
| quidu "3E4D30D903A7" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$3" |
| quid "3E4D313D0260" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$4" |
| quid "3E4D316E031F" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "handlers" |
| quid "3E4D316F0258" |
| documentation |
| | Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can access the |
| | init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface. If |
| | port-name is not specified, the handler is assumed to be associated |
| | with all ports of the service. |
| |
| label "handlers" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::Handler" |
| quidu "3E4D31640072" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$5" |
| quid "3E4D316F0262" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$6" |
| quid "3E4D31F9012A" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "handlerClass" |
| quid "3E4D31FA0280" |
| documentation "Defines a fully qualified class name for the handler implementation." |
| label "handlerClass" |
| supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass" |
| quidu "36549FCC00FA" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| Containment "By Reference" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$7" |
| quid "3E4D31FA02A8" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::Handler" |
| quidu "3E4D31640072"))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$8" |
| quid "3E4D3221002D" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "initParams" |
| quid "3E4D322101E6" |
| label "initParams" |
| supplier "Logical View::common::ParamValue" |
| quidu "3E4C221202C1" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$9" |
| quid "3E4D322101E8" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::Handler" |
| quidu "3E4D31640072" |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$10" |
| quid "3F2EB48E0271" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "componentScopedRefs" |
| quid "3F2EB4910275" |
| label "componentScopedRefs" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ComponentScopedRefs" |
| quidu "3F2EB42A00AA" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$11" |
| quid "3F2EB4910277" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::WebServicesClient" |
| quidu "3F2EB3090267" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$12" |
| quid "3F2EB52403D5" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "serviceRefs" |
| quid "3F2EB5270158" |
| label "serviceRefs" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$13" |
| quid "3F2EB527016C" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ComponentScopedRefs" |
| quidu "3F2EB42A00AA" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$14" |
| quid "3F2EB59B006F" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "serviceRefs" |
| quid "3F2EB59B0354" |
| label "serviceRefs" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$15" |
| quid "3F2EB59B0368" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::WebServicesClient" |
| quidu "3F2EB3090267" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$16" |
| quid "3F4392CC02FA" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "serviceQname" |
| quid "3F4392CD02F1" |
| label "serviceQname" |
| supplier "Logical View::common::QName" |
| quidu "3F3BEF5D02C0" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$17" |
| quid "3F4392CD02FB" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| is_aggregate TRUE))) |
| (object Association "$UNNAMED$18" |
| quid "3F43933C02A0" |
| roles (list role_list |
| (object Role "soapHeaders" |
| quid "3F43933D0193" |
| label "soapHeaders" |
| supplier "Logical View::common::QName" |
| quidu "3F3BEF5D02C0" |
| client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") |
| Containment "By Value" |
| is_navigable TRUE) |
| (object Role "$UNNAMED$19" |
| quid "3F43933D019D" |
| supplier "Logical View::wsclient::Handler" |
| quidu "3E4D31640072" |
| is_aggregate TRUE)))) |
| logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list |
| (object ClassDiagram "Service Ref" |
| quid "3E4D30A20131" |
| title "Service Ref" |
| documentation |
| |Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can access the |
| | init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface. If |
| | port-name is not specified, the handler is assumed to be associated |
| | with all ports of the service. |
| | |
| | Used in: service-ref |
| |
| zoom 100 |
| max_height 28350 |
| max_width 21600 |
| origin_x 1050 |
| origin_y 138 |
| items (list diagram_item_list |
| (object Label @1 |
| location (53, 56) |
| font (object Font |
| size 14 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold TRUE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 1006 |
| label "Web Services Client DD V1.1") |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::common::DescriptionGroup" @2 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (2820, 1918) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics TRUE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @2 |
| location (2642, 1839) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 356 |
| justify 0 |
| label "DescriptionGroup") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 12632256 |
| quidu "3E4D451F01FB" |
| width 374 |
| height 182 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsclient::PortComponentRef" @3 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (1824, 464) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @3 |
| location (1607, 414) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 434 |
| justify 0 |
| label "PortComponentRef") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| quidu "3E4D30D903A7" |
| width 452 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsclient::ComponentScopedRefs" @4 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (480, 1136) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @4 |
| location (212, 1086) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 536 |
| justify 0 |
| label "ComponentScopedRefs") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 16745727 |
| quidu "3F2EB42A00AA" |
| width 554 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsclient::WebServicesClient" @5 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (576, 304) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @5 |
| location (352, 254) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 448 |
| justify 0 |
| label "WebServicesClient") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 16745727 |
| quidu "3F2EB3090267" |
| width 466 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$10" @6 |
| location (527, 719) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB48E0271" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "componentScopedRefs" @7 |
| Parent_View @6 |
| location (-1687, 291) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @8 |
| Parent_View @7 |
| location (453, 997) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 444 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+componentScopedRefs" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB4910275" |
| client @6 |
| supplier @4 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @9 |
| Parent_View @7 |
| location (544, 1043) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 0)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$11" @10 |
| Parent_View @6 |
| location (-1687, 291) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @11 |
| Parent_View @10 |
| location (519, 433) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| hidden TRUE |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 359 |
| justify 0 |
| label "" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB4910277" |
| client @6 |
| supplier @5 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @12 |
| Parent_View @10 |
| location (618, 408) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)))) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::java::JavaClass" @13 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| SuppressAttribute TRUE |
| SuppressOperation TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (2767, 868) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @13 |
| location (2633, 818) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 268 |
| justify 0 |
| label "JavaClass") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 12632256 |
| quidu "36549FCC00FA" |
| width 286 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @14 |
| location (2558, 491) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D310700E6" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "serviceEndpointInterface" @15 |
| Parent_View @14 |
| location (1515, -93) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @16 |
| Parent_View @15 |
| location (2999, 698) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 470 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+serviceEndpointInterface" |
| pctDist 0.786070 |
| height 249 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D31080354" |
| client @14 |
| supplier @13 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (2558, 491) |
| (2750, 491) |
| (2750, 806)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2558, 491) |
| terminal_attachment (2750, 806) |
| label (object SegLabel @17 |
| Parent_View @15 |
| location (2718, 692) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.776119 |
| height 33 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @18 |
| Parent_View @14 |
| location (1515, -93) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D31080372" |
| client @14 |
| supplier @3 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2558, 491) |
| terminal_attachment (2050, 491)))) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::common::ParamValue" @19 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (1887, 2570) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @19 |
| location (1655, 2416) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 464 |
| justify 0 |
| label "ParamValue") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 12632256 |
| quidu "3E4C221202C1" |
| width 482 |
| height 332 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef" @20 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (1824, 1120) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @20 |
| location (1694, 1070) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 260 |
| justify 0 |
| label "ServiceRef") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| quidu "3E4D2F560184" |
| compartment (object Compartment |
| Parent_View @20 |
| location (1694, 1131) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| fill_color 16777215 |
| anchor 2 |
| nlines 4 |
| max_width 0) |
| width 278 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$2" @21 |
| location (1824, 791) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D313C039F" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "portComponentRefs" @22 |
| Parent_View @21 |
| location (759, -387) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @23 |
| Parent_View @22 |
| location (1618, 622) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 380 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+portComponentRefs" |
| pctDist 0.643080 |
| height 207 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D313D0256" |
| client @21 |
| supplier @3 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @24 |
| Parent_View @22 |
| location (1892, 599) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.726080 |
| height 68 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$3" @25 |
| Parent_View @21 |
| location (759, -387) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D313D0260" |
| client @21 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 0))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "" @26 |
| location (2370, 1060) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D2FE101FC" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "" @27 |
| Parent_View @26 |
| location (750, 940) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @28 |
| Parent_View @27 |
| location (2045, 1019) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| hidden TRUE |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 450 |
| justify 0 |
| label "" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D2FE4014C" |
| client @26 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2370, 1060) |
| terminal_attachment (1963, 1060)) |
| (object RoleView "serviceInterface" @29 |
| Parent_View @26 |
| location (750, 940) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @30 |
| Parent_View @29 |
| location (2296, 1168) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 304 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+serviceInterface" |
| pctDist -0.185484 |
| height 108 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D2FE4012E" |
| client @26 |
| supplier @13 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (2370, 1060) |
| (2647, 1060) |
| (2647, 930)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2370, 1060) |
| terminal_attachment (2647, 930) |
| label (object SegLabel @31 |
| Parent_View @29 |
| location (2701, 972) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$12" @32 |
| location (1220, 1126) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB52403D5" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "serviceRefs" @33 |
| Parent_View @32 |
| location (-1581, -20) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @34 |
| Parent_View @33 |
| location (1590, 1081) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 240 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+serviceRefs" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB5270158" |
| client @32 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @35 |
| Parent_View @33 |
| location (1639, 1175) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1..n" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$13" @36 |
| Parent_View @32 |
| location (-1581, -20) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @37 |
| Parent_View @36 |
| location (851, 1090) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| hidden TRUE |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 444 |
| justify 0 |
| label "" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB527016C" |
| client @32 |
| supplier @4 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @38 |
| Parent_View @36 |
| location (805, 1185) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 0)))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$14" @39 |
| location (1199, 711) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB59B006F" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "serviceRefs" @40 |
| Parent_View @39 |
| location (843, 424) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @41 |
| Parent_View @40 |
| location (1645, 953) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 240 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+serviceRefs" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB59B0354" |
| client @39 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @42 |
| Parent_View @40 |
| location (1646, 1067) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$15" @43 |
| Parent_View @39 |
| location (843, 424) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @44 |
| Parent_View @43 |
| location (755, 470) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| hidden TRUE |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 359 |
| justify 0 |
| label "" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F2EB59B0368" |
| client @39 |
| supplier @5 |
| line_style 0 |
| label (object SegLabel @45 |
| Parent_View @43 |
| location (754, 357) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)))) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::common::QName" @46 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (934, 1813) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @46 |
| location (587, 1634) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 694 |
| justify 0 |
| label "QName") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| quidu "3F3BEF5D02C0" |
| width 712 |
| height 382 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$16" @47 |
| location (1183, 1184) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F4392CC02FA" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "serviceQname" @48 |
| Parent_View @47 |
| location (-647, 63) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @49 |
| Parent_View @48 |
| location (1078, 1521) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 300 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+serviceQname" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F4392CD02F1" |
| client @47 |
| supplier @46 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (1183, 1184) |
| (1119, 1184) |
| (1119, 1622)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1183, 1184) |
| terminal_attachment (1119, 1622) |
| label (object SegLabel @50 |
| Parent_View @48 |
| location (1150, 1458) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.675299 |
| height 31 |
| orientation 0)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$17" @51 |
| Parent_View @47 |
| location (-647, 63) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F4392CD02FB" |
| client @47 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1183, 1184) |
| terminal_attachment (1685, 1184)))) |
| (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsclient::Handler" @52 |
| ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE |
| IncludeAttribute TRUE |
| IncludeOperation TRUE |
| location (1856, 1952) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object ItemLabel |
| Parent_View @52 |
| location (1754, 1902) |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 204 |
| justify 0 |
| label "Handler") |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| line_color 3342489 |
| fill_color 13434879 |
| quidu "3E4D31640072" |
| compartment (object Compartment |
| Parent_View @52 |
| location (1754, 1963) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| icon_style "Icon" |
| fill_color 16777215 |
| anchor 2 |
| nlines 4 |
| max_width 0) |
| width 222 |
| height 124 |
| annotation 8 |
| autoResize TRUE) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$6" @53 |
| location (2385, 1447) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D31F9012A" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "handlerClass" @54 |
| Parent_View @53 |
| location (1407, -594) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @55 |
| Parent_View @54 |
| location (2613, 1025) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 276 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+handlerClass" |
| pctDist 0.895404 |
| height 154 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D31FA0280" |
| client @53 |
| supplier @13 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (2385, 1447) |
| (2766, 1447) |
| (2766, 930)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2385, 1447) |
| terminal_attachment (2766, 930) |
| label (object SegLabel @56 |
| Parent_View @54 |
| location (2820, 1021) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "1" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$7" @57 |
| Parent_View @53 |
| location (1407, -594) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D31FA02A8" |
| client @53 |
| supplier @52 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (2385, 1447) |
| (1930, 1447) |
| (1930, 1890)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (2385, 1447) |
| terminal_attachment (1930, 1890)))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$8" @58 |
| location (1885, 2209) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D3221002D" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "initParams" @59 |
| Parent_View @58 |
| location (907, 168) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @60 |
| Parent_View @59 |
| location (1757, 2309) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 228 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+initParams" |
| pctDist 0.515152 |
| height 129 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D322101E6" |
| client @58 |
| supplier @19 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1885, 2209) |
| terminal_attachment (1885, 2404) |
| label (object SegLabel @61 |
| Parent_View @59 |
| location (1958, 2345) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.697987 |
| height 73 |
| orientation 0)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$9" @62 |
| Parent_View @58 |
| location (907, 168) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D322101E8" |
| client @58 |
| supplier @52 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1885, 2209) |
| terminal_attachment (1885, 2014)))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$4" @63 |
| location (1750, 1535) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D316E031F" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "handlers" @64 |
| Parent_View @63 |
| location (685, 357) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @65 |
| Parent_View @64 |
| location (1607, 1778) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 186 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+handlers" |
| pctDist 0.685185 |
| height 144 |
| orientation 1) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D316F0258" |
| client @63 |
| supplier @52 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1750, 1535) |
| terminal_attachment (1750, 1889) |
| label (object SegLabel @66 |
| Parent_View @64 |
| location (1817, 1797) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.740741 |
| height 67 |
| orientation 0)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @67 |
| Parent_View @63 |
| location (685, 357) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3E4D316F0262" |
| client @63 |
| supplier @20 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1750, 1535) |
| terminal_attachment (1750, 1181)))) |
| (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$18" @68 |
| location (1194, 2007) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F43933C02A0" |
| roleview_list (list RoleViews |
| (object RoleView "soapHeaders" @69 |
| Parent_View @68 |
| location (-668, 54) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| label (object SegLabel @70 |
| Parent_View @69 |
| location (865, 2123) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 1 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 271 |
| justify 0 |
| label "+soapHeaders" |
| pctDist 0.800000 |
| height 42 |
| orientation 0) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F43933D0193" |
| client @68 |
| supplier @46 |
| vertices (list Points |
| (1194, 2007) |
| (1134, 2007) |
| (1134, 2159) |
| (906, 2159) |
| (906, 2004)) |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1194, 2007) |
| terminal_attachment (906, 2004) |
| label (object SegLabel @71 |
| Parent_View @69 |
| location (960, 2064) |
| font (object Font |
| size 10 |
| face "Arial" |
| bold FALSE |
| italics FALSE |
| underline FALSE |
| strike FALSE |
| color 0 |
| default_color TRUE) |
| anchor 2 |
| anchor_loc 1 |
| nlines 1 |
| max_width 15 |
| justify 0 |
| label "0..n" |
| pctDist 0.900000 |
| height 54 |
| orientation 1)) |
| (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$19" @72 |
| Parent_View @68 |
| location (-668, 54) |
| stereotype TRUE |
| line_color 3342489 |
| quidu "3F43933D019D" |
| client @68 |
| supplier @52 |
| line_style 3 |
| origin_attachment (1194, 2007) |
| terminal_attachment (1745, 2007)))))))) |