blob: 9fccc9e1b00c10e45f2730cdb904b8e86ab45688 [file] [log] [blame]
(object Petal
version 47
_written "Rose 8.0.0303.1400"
charSet 0)
(object Class_Category "jsp"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "prefix"
value (value Text "Jsp"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "basePackage"
value (value Text "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "nsURI"
value (value Text "jsp.xmi")))
quid "3E4D4F69036B"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "JSPConfig"
quid "3E4D4A3A01C8"
|@since J2EE1.4
|The jsp-configType is used to provide global configuration
|information for the JSP files in a web application. It has
|two subelements, taglib and jsp-property-group.
(object Class "JSPPropertyGroup"
quid "3E4D4A970353"
|@since J2EE1.4
|The jsp-property-groupType is used to group a number of
|files so they can be given global property information.
|All files so described are deemed to be JSP files. The
|following additional properties can be described:
|- Control enabling of EL evaluation. - Control enabling
|of Scripting elements. - Indicate pageEncoding
|information. - Indicating that a resource is a JSP
|document - Prelude and Coda automatic includes.
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3E4D4CCD0144"
supplier "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup"
quidu "4023ADF20197"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "urlPattern"
quid "3E4D4CDC0236"
stereotype "0..*"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "elIgnored"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "isUnsettable"
value TRUE))
quid "3E4D4CE302B8"
|Can be used to easily set the isELIgnored
| property of a group of JSP pages. By default,
| the EL evaluation is enabled for Web
| Applications using a Servlet 2.4 or greater
| web.xml, and disabled otherwise.
type "boolean"
initv "true"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "pageEncoding"
quid "3E4D4D33010E"
|The valid values of page-encoding are those of
| the pageEncoding page directive. It is a
| translation-time error to name different
| encodings in the pageEncoding attribute of the
| page directive of a JSP page and in a JSP
| configuration element matching the page. It is
| also a translation-time error to name different
| encodings in the prolog of a document in XML
| syntax and in a JSP configuration element
| matching the document. It is legal to name the
| same encoding through mulitple mechanisms.
stereotype "0..1"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "scriptingInvalid"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "isUnsettable"
value TRUE))
quid "3E4D4D5803E3"
|Can be used to easily disable scripting in a
| group of JSP pages. By default, scripting is
| enabled.
stereotype "0..1"
type "boolean"
initv "true"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "isXML"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "isUnsettable"
value TRUE))
quid "3E4D4DBA0018"
|If true, denotes that the group of resources
| that match the URL pattern are JSP documents,
| and thus must be interpreted as XML documents.
| If false, the resources are assumed to not be
| JSP documents, unless there is another property
| group that indicates otherwise.
stereotype "0..1"
type "boolean"
initv "false"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "includePreludes"
quid "3E4D4E1700EE"
|The include-prelude element is a
| context-relative path that must correspond to
| an element in the Web Application. When the
| element is present, the given path will be
| automatically included (as in an include
| directive) at the beginning of each JSP page in
| this jsp-property-group.
stereotype "0..*"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "includeCodas"
quid "3E4D4E370235"
|The include-coda element is a context-relative
| path that must correspond to an element in the
| Web Application. When the element is present,
| the given path will be automatically included
| (as in an include directive) at the end of each
| JSP page in this jsp-property-group.
stereotype "0..*"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")))
(object Class "TagLibRefType"
quid "3E4D4C370148"
|@since J2EE1.4
|A taglib can be used to provide information on a tag
|library that is used by a JSP page within the Web
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "taglibURI"
quid "3E4D4C4A02CC"
| A taglib-uri element describes a URI identifying a
| tag library used in the web application. The body
| of the taglib-uri element may be either an
| absolute URI specification, or a relative URI.
| There should be no entries in web.xml with the
| same taglib-uri value.
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "taglibLocation"
quid "3E4D4C4F03B0"
|the taglib-location element contains the location
| (as a resource relative to the root of the web
| application) where to find the Tag Library
| Description file for the tag library.
type "String"
exportControl "Public")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "3E4D4B560249"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "tagLibs"
quid "3E4D4B570074"
label "tagLibs"
supplier "Logical View::jsp::TagLibRefType"
quidu "3E4D4C370148"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "3E4D4B570076"
supplier "Logical View::jsp::JSPConfig"
quidu "3E4D4A3A01C8"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "3E4D4C9D03DA"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "propertyGroups"
quid "3E4D4C9E034F"
label "propertyGroups"
supplier "Logical View::jsp::JSPPropertyGroup"
quidu "3E4D4A970353"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "3E4D4C9E0351"
supplier "Logical View::jsp::JSPConfig"
quidu "3E4D4A3A01C8"
is_aggregate TRUE))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "JSP_2_0"
quid "3E4D4FA203A9"
title "JSP_2_0"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 531
origin_y 1684
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::jsp::JSPPropertyGroup" @1
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
IncludeAttribute TRUE
IncludeOperation TRUE
location (1056, 1791)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @1
location (591, 1560)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 1
max_width 930
justify 0
label "JSPPropertyGroup")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 10949559
fill_color 15778042
quidu "3E4D4A970353"
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @1
location (591, 1621)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
icon_style "Icon"
fill_color 16777215
anchor 2
nlines 8
max_width 800)
width 948
height 486
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::jsp::TagLibRefType" @2
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
IncludeAttribute TRUE
IncludeOperation TRUE
location (2000, 1680)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @2
location (1737, 1574)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 1
max_width 526
justify 0
label "TagLibRefType")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 10949559
fill_color 15778042
quidu "3E4D4C370148"
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @2
location (1737, 1635)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
icon_style "Icon"
fill_color 16777215
anchor 2
nlines 3
max_width 444)
width 544
height 236
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::jsp::JSPConfig" @3
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
IncludeAttribute TRUE
IncludeOperation TRUE
location (1520, 1184)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @3
location (1383, 1133)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 1
max_width 274
justify 0
label "JSPConfig")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 10949559
fill_color 15778042
quidu "3E4D4A3A01C8"
width 292
height 126
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$2" @4
location (1054, 1168)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 10949559
quidu "3E4D4C9D03DA"
roleview_list (list RoleViews
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$3" @5
Parent_View @4
location (173, -1612)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @6
Parent_View @5
location (1310, 1127)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
hidden TRUE
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label ""
pctDist 0.800000
height 42
orientation 0)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "3E4D4C9E0351"
client @4
supplier @3
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1054, 1168)
terminal_attachment (1374, 1168))
(object RoleView "propertyGroups" @7
Parent_View @4
location (173, -1612)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @8
Parent_View @7
location (819, 1504)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 308
justify 0
label "+propertyGroups"
pctDist 0.899498
height 176
orientation 1)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "3E4D4C9E034F"
client @4
supplier @1
vertices (list Points
(1054, 1168)
(994, 1168)
(994, 1548))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (1054, 1168)
terminal_attachment (994, 1548)
label (object SegLabel @9
Parent_View @7
location (1061, 1509)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 15
justify 0
label "0..n"
pctDist 0.912060
height 67
orientation 0))))
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @10
location (2006, 1222)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 10949559
quidu "3E4D4B560249"
roleview_list (list RoleViews
(object RoleView "tagLibs" @11
Parent_View @10
location (1676, 916)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object SegLabel @12
Parent_View @11
location (1901, 1516)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 1
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 172
justify 0
label "+tagLibs"
pctDist 0.866995
height 106
orientation 1)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "3E4D4B570074"
client @10
supplier @2
line_style 3
origin_attachment (2006, 1222)
terminal_attachment (2006, 1562)
label (object SegLabel @13
Parent_View @11
location (2070, 1514)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
anchor 2
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 15
justify 0
label "0..n"
pctDist 0.859606
height 64
orientation 0))
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @14
Parent_View @10
location (1676, 916)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "3E4D4B570076"
client @10
supplier @3
vertices (list Points
(2006, 1222)
(2006, 1162)
(1666, 1162))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (2006, 1222)
terminal_attachment (1666, 1162))))
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup" @15
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
IncludeAttribute TRUE
IncludeOperation TRUE
location (411, 1233)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @15
location (65, 1054)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 1
max_width 692
justify 0
label "CompatibilityDescriptionGroup")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "4023ADF20197"
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @15
location (65, 1159)
font (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
icon_style "Icon"
fill_color 13434879
anchor 2
nlines 5
max_width 437)
width 710
height 382
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object InheritView "" @16
stereotype TRUE
line_color 10949559
quidu "3E4D4CCD0144"
client @1
supplier @15
vertices (list Points
(582, 1548)
(509, 1548)
(509, 1424))
line_style 3
origin_attachment (582, 1548)
terminal_attachment (509, 1424))))))