| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| Creating__UI_=Creating: |
| Error_creating_an_EAR_proj_UI_=Error creating an Enterprise Application project. |
| JdkJarFileDoesNotExist_UI=The file {0} does not exist. |
| APP_PROJECT_ERROR_EXC_=IWAE0001E An error occurred accessing the Enterprise Application project. |
| UNKNOWN_UI_=?? |
| Creating_Java_Project_UI_=Creating Java Project |
| Errors_occurred_deleting_module_dependencies_UI_=Errors occurred deleting module dependencies. |
| Can_not_remove_module_dependency_from_project_UI_=Can not remove module dependency from project {0} because the project is binary. |
| Errors_occurred_renaming_module_dependencies_UI_=Errors occurred renaming module dependencies. |
| Can_not_rename_module_dependency_from_project_UI_=Can not rename module dependency from project {0} because the project is binary. |
| |
| ENTERPRISE_APPLICATIONS_UI_=Enterprise Applications |
| WIZ_BAN_DESC_UI_=Select the {0} projects to be migrated. If needed, the project structures will be migrated. |
| ENTERPRISE_APP_PROJECTS_UI_=Enterprise application projects: |
| MIGRATE_J2EE_SPEC_UI_=Migrate project from version level J2EE 1.2 to J2EE 1.3 |
| MIGRATE_EJB_SPEC_UI_=Migrate project from version level EJB 1.1 to EJB 2.0 |
| MIGRATE_MODULE_PROJECTS_UI_=Migrate module projects |
| APPLICATION_CLIENTS_UI_=Application Clients |
| APPLICATION_CLIENT_PROJECTS_UI_=Application client projects: |
| ENTERPRISE_BEANS_BAN_UI_=Enterprise Beans |
| EJB_PROJECTS_UI_=EJB projects: |
| ADD_LOCAL_CLIENT_VIEWS_CHECK_UI_=Add local client views |
| MIGRATE_CMP_BEANS_UI_=Migrate CMP 1.1 beans to CMP 2.0 beans |
| ADD_LOCAL_CLIENT_VIEWS_BAN_UI_=Add Local Client Views |
| SELECT_EJB_CLIENT_VIEWS_UI_=Select the enterprise beans that will have local client views added. |
| ENTERPRISE_BEANS_LIST_UI_=Enterprise beans: |
| DELETE_REM_CLIENT_VIEWS_UI_=Delete remote client views |
| LOCAL_CLIENT_VIEW_SCHEME_UI_=Local client view naming scheme: |
| REUSE_DELETED_CLIENT_VIEW_NAME_UI_=Reuse the deleted remote client view name |
| SPECIFY_SUFFIX_UI_=Specify suffix: |
| SUFFIX_EXAMPLE_UI_=(For example, enterprise bean \'foo\' will have local client views named: \'fooLocal\' and \'fooLocalHome\'.) |
| MIGRATION_SUCCESS_REPORT_UI_=Migration finished successfully. |
| MIGRATION_WARNINGS_REPORT_UI_=Migration finished with warnings; see log files for details. |
| MIGRATION_ERRORS_REPORT_UI_=Migration finished with errors; see log files for details. |
| PROJECT_STRUCTURE_SUCCESS_UI_=Project structure migration successful: {0}. |
| PROJECT_STRUCTURE_FAILED_UI_=Project structure migration failed: {0}. |
| PROJECT_NOT_NEED_MIGRATION_UI_=Project structure did not need migration: {0}. |
| J2EE_VERSION_SUCCESS_UI_=J2EE version level migration successful: {0}. |
| J2EE_VERSION_FAILED_UI_=J2EE version level migration failed: {0}. |
| J2EE_VERSION_NOT_NEED_MIGRATION_UI_=J2EE version level did not need migration: {0}. |
| LOCAL_CLIENT_ADD_SUCCESS_UI_=Local client views added successfully: {0}. |
| LOCAL_CLIENT_ADD_FAILED_UI_=Local client views failed on add: {0}. |
| LOCAL_CLIENT_VIEWS_EXIST_UI_=Local client views already exist: {0}. |
| REMOTE_CLIENT_DELETE_SUCCESS_UI_=Remote client views deleted successfully: {0}. |
| REMOTE_CLIENT_DELETE_FAILED_UI_=Remote client views failed on delete: {0}. |
| REMOTE_CLIENT_VIEWS_NOT_EXIST_UI_=Remote client views did not exist: {0}. |
| JAR_11_IMPORT_20_UI_=The 1.1 JAR is being imported into an EJB 2.0 module. The deployment descriptor will be converted, but the CMP beans remain version 1.1. |
| CMP_11_IMPORT_20_UI_=The following CMP 1.1 beans are being imported into an EJB 2.0 module. The deployment descriptor will be converted, but the CMP beans remain version 1.1. |
| OLD_PROJECT_STRUCTURE_UI_=The J2EE project {0} has an old project structure, and should be migrated. |
| PROJECT_MUST_BE_SELECTED_UI_=A {0} project must be selected. |
| ENTERPRISE_APPLICATION_UI_=enterprise application |
| APPLICATION_CLIENT_UI_=application client |
| EJB_MUST_BE_SELECTED_UI_=An enterprise bean must be selected. |
| MIGRATE_UI_=Migrate... |
| MIGRATE_J2EE_PROJECTS_UI_=Migrate J2EE Projects... |
| OPEN_J2EE_MIGRATION_WIZARD_UI_=Open J2EE Migration Wizard... |
| MIGRATING_PROJECT_STRUCTURES_UI_=Migrating project structure... |
| MIGRATING_J2EE_VERSION_UI_=Migrating project J2EE version level... |
| ADDING_LOCAL_CLIENT_VIEWS_UI_=Adding local client views... |
| DELETING_REMOTE_CLIENT_VIEWS_UI_=Deleting remote client views... |
| MIGRATION_NOT_NEEDED_REPORT=Migration was not needed for the selected items. |
| MIGRATION_NOT_POSSIBLE_REPORT=Migration was not possible for the selected items. |
| SOURCE_FOLDER_RENAME_FAILED=Unable to rename the Java source folder {0}. |
| SOURCE_FOLDER_RENAME_SKIPPED=The Java source folders are not renamed when there is more than one source folder. |
| WEBCONTENT_FOLDER_RENAME_FAILED=Unable to rename the web content folder {0}. |
| WEBCONTENT_FOLDER_RENAME_SKIPPED=The web content folder {0} not renamed. |
| WEBPROJECT_VERSION_MIGRATE_FAILED=Unable to migrate the web project version. |
| ABS_PATHS_APP_EXT_REMOVED=Absolute paths were removed from the application extensions file in enterprise application project {0}. |
| PROJECT_REFERENCES_UPDATED=Project references were updated in enterprise application project {0}. |
| PROJECT_CLASSPATH_UPDATED=Project Java build path was updated for project {0}. |
| FAILED_MIGRATING_IMPORTED_CLASSES=Unable to migrate the imported_classes JAR file. Exception: {0} |
| EXTRACTED_IMPORTED_CLASSES=Imported classes were extracted from file {0}. |
| IMPORTED_CLASSES_FILE_DELETED=Imported classes file {0} was deleted. |
| BACKEND_MIGRATION_FAILED=Unable to migrate the Map and Schema file structure in project {0} |
| BINARY_MIGRATION_FAILED=Unable to migrate binary project {0}. |
| COMPLETED_BACKEND_MIG=The backend (Map and Schema) meta-data of the {0} project migrated successfully. |
| NOT_NEEDED_DEPLOYMENT_DESC_MIG=The deployment descriptor was not found in the project {0}. |
| NOT_NEEDED_BACKEND_MIG=The old backend (Map and Schema) structure was not found in the project {0}. |
| MIGRATION_COMPLETE=Migration Complete |
| MIGRATION_ERRORS=Migration Errors |
| MIGRATION_NOT_NEEDED=Migration Not Needed |
| CONFIRMATION_TITLE=Confirm Migration |
| CONFIRM_MIGRATE_PROJECT_STRUCTURE=This will migrate the project structure for the selected items to the latest format. Continue? |
| CONFIRM_MIGRATE_J2EE_13=This will migrate the project structure for the selected items if necessary, and migrate the J2EE version of the selected items from 1.2 to 1.3. Continue? |
| INFORM_OPEN_EDITORS=Open editors exist in the workbench. Please close all editors before running migration. |
| WEBCONTENT_LIBPATH_UPDATE_FAILED=Unable to remove JAR file from classpath. |
| FAILED_DEPLOY_DELETE=Failed deleting deploy code in {0} project. |
| COMPLETED_DEPLOY_DELETE=Completed delete of deploy code in {0} project. |
| FAILED_LOCAL_CLIENT_CREATE=Failed creating local client view for {0}. |
| COMPLETED_LOCAL_CLIENT_CREATE=Completed creation of a local client view for {0}. |
| COMPLETED_CMP20_CODEGEN=Completed CMP 2.0 code generation in {0} project. |
| LOCAL_CLIENT_NOT_NEEDED=A local client view was not created since one already exists for {0}. |
| INFORM_PROPER_SELECTION=Selection must be one enterprise application project or any combination of EJB, web, and application client module projects. |
| CONFIRM_CLIENT_VIEW_REQUIRED=The following beans are required to have client views because of inheritance or relationship rules. These beans will be automatically selected and client views will be generated. |
| FILES_OUT_OF_SYNC=Cannot migrate because some resources are out-of-sync with the file system in project {0}. Refresh the project and try again. |
| DeleteModuleOperation_UI_0=No Projects to delete |
| ResourceReferenceDataModel_UI_0=Type must be indicated. |
| ResourceReferenceDataModel_UI_1=Authentication must be indicated. |
| ReferenceDataModel_UI_3=No Owner for the reference has been indicated. |
| ReferenceDataModel_UI_5=Reference name cannot be empty. |
| ReferenceDataModel_UI_6=Reference name already exists. |
| ServiceReferenceDataModel_ERROR_8=IWAE0041E A target Web Service must be selected. |
| EJBReferenceDataModel_UI_10=Selected target EJB does not have local interfaces. |
| EJBReferenceDataModel_UI_11=Selected target EJB does not have remote interfaces. |
| EJBReferenceDataModel_UI_12=Target bean must be selected. |
| PortComponentReferenceDataModel_ERROR_4=IWAE0042E Service Endpoint Interface must be indicated. |
| MessageDestReferenceDataModel.7=Type must be indicated. |
| MessageDestReferenceDataModel.8=Usage must be indicated. |
| MessageDestReferenceDataModel.9=Link must be unique within EAR. |
| ResourceEnvironmentReferenceDataModel.2=Type must be selected. |
| RenameModuleOperation_UI_0=No Projects to rename. |
| ServerTargetDataModel_UI_7=There are no available target servers. |
| ServerTargetDataModel_UI_8=A target server must be set. |
| ServerTargetDataModel_UI_9=Invalid target server selected. |
| InvalidCharsError=Invalid character #. |
| Remote_cannot_be_empty_UI_=Remote interface cannot be empty. |
| Home_cannot_be_empty_UI_=Home interface cannot be empty. |
| Local_home_cannot_be_empty_UI_=Local home interface cannot be empty. |
| Local_cannot_be_empty_UI_=Local interface cannot be empty. |
| |
| USE_REMOTE_FOR_DIFFERENT_EAR=Best practice is to create 'remote' reference for an EJB if it's in different EAR. |
| USE_LOCAL_FOR_DIFFERENT_EAR=Best pracitce is to create 'local' reference for an EJB if it's in same EAR. |
| TARGET_ALSO_EXIST_IN_SAME_EAR=The selected EJB was detected in ''{0}'' EAR which contains the ''{1}'' module project . Did you mean to select the EJB from the ''{0}'' EAR? |
| APP_CLIENT_ONLY_HAVE_REMOTE=Application client module can only have remote references. |
| J2EE_1_2_ONLY_HAVE_REMOTE=J2EE 1.2 modules can only have remote references. |
| |