blob: 44a3dc31e5094b9cde7bfda5f3292f8bb51b095b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.adapters;
* Copyright (c) 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/01/13 16:17:00 $
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.*;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core.*;
* Beaninfo (introspection) utilities methods
public final class Utilities {
private static final java.lang.reflect.Method sSignatureToString;
static {
// If in the workbench, we want to use the Signature.toString(type) method
// to convert array arguments. However, we may not be in workbench, so we
// need to use reflection.
java.lang.reflect.Method ssig = null;
try {
Class signature = Class.forName("org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ssig = signature.getMethod("toString", new Class[] { String.class }); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
sSignatureToString = ssig;
private Utilities() {
* Utility to return the EClassifier from the given name. (EClassifier because
* it could return either a JavaDataType or a JavaClass).
public static JavaHelpers getJavaClass(String className, ResourceSet rset) {
return (JavaHelpers) rset.getEObject(URI.createURI((new JavaURL(className)).getFullString()), true);
* Utility to return the EClassifier from the given IBeanTypeProxy.
public static EClassifier getJavaClass(IBeanTypeProxy type, ResourceSet rset) {
if (type != null) {
String typeName = null;
if (!type.isArray())
typeName = type.getTypeName();
else {
typeName = ((IArrayBeanTypeProxy) type).getFinalComponentType().getTypeName();
int dim = ((IArrayBeanTypeProxy) type).getDimensions();
while (dim-- > 0)
typeName = typeName.concat("[]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return getJavaClass(typeName, rset);
} else
return null;
* Utility to return the Method from the given IMethodProxy.
public static Method getMethod(IMethodProxy method, ResourceSet rset) {
return method != null ? (Method) rset.getEObject(URI.createURI(getMethodURL(method)), true) : null;
* Answer the URL String for Method from the given IMethodProxy
public static String getMethodURL(IMethodProxy method) {
String className = method.getClassType().getTypeName();
int classStart = className.lastIndexOf('.');
StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(50);
url.append("java:/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (classStart > -1)
url.append(className.substring(0, classStart));
IBeanTypeProxy[] parms = method.getParameterTypes();
String[] parmTypes = new String[parms.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parmTypes.length; i++) {
IBeanTypeProxy ptype = parms[i];
if (!ptype.isArray() || sSignatureToString == null)
parmTypes[i] = parms[i].getTypeName();
else {
// It is an array and we are in the workbench. Need to converty [I to int[]
try {
parmTypes[i] = (String) sSignatureToString.invoke(null, new Object[] { ptype.getTypeName()});
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
url.append(computeMethodID(className.substring(classStart + 1), method.getName(), parmTypes));
return url.toString();
* Turn it into an URI.
public static URI getMethodURI(IMethodProxy method) {
return URI.createURI(getMethodURL(method));
* Utility to compute the Java Modeling METHODID from method declaring class name,
* method name, and parameter class names.
public static String computeMethodID(String className, String methodName, String[] parameterTypes) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(50);
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
if (i < parameterTypes.length - 1)
if (className.equals(methodName))
out.append(ReflectionAdaptor.S_CONSTRUCTOR_TOKEN); //It's a constructor
return out.toString();
* Utility to retrieve the BeanDecorator.
public static BeanDecorator getBeanDecorator(EModelElement model) {
return (BeanDecorator) getDecorator(model, BeanDecorator.class);
* Utility to retrieve a decorator of the specified class.
public static EAnnotation getDecorator(EModelElement model, Class decoratorClass) {
Iterator itr = model.getEAnnotations().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EAnnotation decr = (EAnnotation);
if (decoratorClass.isInstance(decr))
return decr;
return null;
* Utility to retrieve the EventSetDecorator.
public static EventSetDecorator getEventSetDecorator(EModelElement model) {
return (EventSetDecorator) getDecorator(model, EventSetDecorator.class);
* Utility to retrieve the MethodDecorator.
public static MethodDecorator getMethodDecorator(EModelElement model) {
return (MethodDecorator) getDecorator(model, MethodDecorator.class);
* Utility to retrieve the PropertyDecorator.
public static PropertyDecorator getPropertyDecorator(EModelElement model) {
return (PropertyDecorator) getDecorator(model, PropertyDecorator.class);
* Utility to return an iterator on the list which will return the property decorators
* of only the properties in the EList passed in. If the property does not have a
* property decorator, then it is not a beaninfo property.
public static Iterator getPropertiesIterator(final EList properties) {
return new Iterator() {
private Iterator itr = properties.iterator();
private boolean hasNext = true;
private PropertyDecorator next;
public boolean hasNext() {
return hasNext;
public Object next() {
PropertyDecorator temp = next;
return temp;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private void findNext() {
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EModelElement nextOne = (EModelElement);
next = getPropertyDecorator(nextOne);
if (next != null) {
hasNext = false;
* Utility to return an iterator on the list which will return the EventSet decorators
* of only the BeanEvents in the EList passed in.
public static Iterator getEventSetsIterator(final EList events) {
return new Iterator() {
private Iterator itr = events.iterator();
private boolean hasNext = true;
private EventSetDecorator next;
public boolean hasNext() {
return hasNext;
public Object next() {
EventSetDecorator temp = next;
return temp;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private void findNext() {
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EModelElement nextOne = (EModelElement);
next = getEventSetDecorator(nextOne);
if (next != null) {
hasNext = false;
* Utility to return an iterator on the list which will return the Method decorators
* of only the Methods in the EList passed in.
public static Iterator getMethodsIterator(final EList methods) {
return new Iterator() {
private Iterator itr = methods.iterator();
private boolean hasNext = true;
private MethodDecorator next;
public boolean hasNext() {
return hasNext;
public Object next() {
MethodDecorator temp = next;
return temp;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private void findNext() {
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EModelElement nextOne = (EModelElement);
next = getMethodDecorator(nextOne);
if (next != null) {
hasNext = false;
* Get the search path from the remote vm.
* Note: This shouldn't be used when working with a BeaninfoNature. Use the
* accessors taking the nature instead. Otherwise there will be inconsistencies since the search path won't be
* saved across invocations of the workspace if it is not updated through the nature).
public static IArrayBeanProxy getBeanInfoSearchPath(ProxyFactoryRegistry registry) {
return (IArrayBeanProxy) BeaninfoProxyConstants
* Set the search path to the array of strings passed in on the remote vm.
* Note: This shouldn't be used when working with a BeaninfoNature. Use the
* accessors taking the nature instead. Otherwise there will be inconsistencies since the search path won't be
* saved across invocations of the workspace if it is not updated through the nature).
public static void setBeanInfoSearchPath(ProxyFactoryRegistry registry, String[] paths) {
try {
BeaninfoProxyConstants biConstants = BeaninfoProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants jConstants = JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
IStandardBeanProxyFactory proxyFactory = registry.getBeanProxyFactory();
IArrayBeanProxy newPath = proxyFactory.createBeanProxyWith(jConstants.getStringType(), paths != null ? paths.length : 0);
if (paths != null)
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++)
newPath.set(proxyFactory.createBeanProxyWith(paths[i]), i);
biConstants.getSetBeanInfoSearchPathProxy().invoke(null, newPath);
} catch (ThrowableProxy e) {
* From the Beaninfo Nature, insert a path to the beaninfo path at the given index, -1 means at the end.
* If index is larger than the current path, it will also add at the end.
public static void insertBeanInfoSearchPath(BeaninfoNature nature, IBeaninfosDocEntry path, int index) throws CoreException {
BeaninfosDoc infoPath = nature.getSearchPath();
IBeaninfosDocEntry[] oldPath = infoPath.getSearchpath();
IBeaninfosDocEntry[] newPath = new IBeaninfosDocEntry[oldPath.length + 1];
if (index == -1 || index >= oldPath.length) {
// At the end or past end
System.arraycopy(oldPath, 0, newPath, 0, oldPath.length);
newPath[oldPath.length] = path;
} else {
// In the middle
System.arraycopy(oldPath, 0, newPath, 0, index);
newPath[index] = path;
System.arraycopy(oldPath, index, newPath, index + 1, oldPath.length - index);
* Insert a path to the beaninfo path at the given index, -1 means at the end.
* If index is larger than the current path, it will also add at the end.
* Note: This shouldn't be used when working with a BeaninfoNature. Use the
* accessors taking the nature instead. Otherwise there will be inconsistencies since the search path won't be
* saved across invocations of the workspace if it is not updated through the nature).
public static void insertBeanInfoSearchPath(ProxyFactoryRegistry registry, String path, int index) {
try {
BeaninfoProxyConstants biConstants = BeaninfoProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
IArrayBeanProxy infoPath = (IArrayBeanProxy) biConstants.getGetBeanInfoSearchPathProxy().invoke(null);
int pathLength = infoPath.getLength();
IStandardBeanProxyFactory proxyFactory = registry.getBeanProxyFactory();
IArrayBeanProxy newPath = proxyFactory.createBeanProxyWith(infoPath.getTypeProxy(), pathLength + 1);
IBeanProxy stringProxy = proxyFactory.createBeanProxyWith(path);
JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants constants = JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
if (index == -1 || index >= pathLength) {
// At the end or past end
constants.arraycopy(infoPath, 0, newPath, 0, infoPath.getLength());
newPath.set(stringProxy, pathLength);
} else {
// In the middle
constants.arraycopy(infoPath, 0, newPath, 0, index);
newPath.set(stringProxy, index);
constants.arraycopy(infoPath, index, newPath, index + 1, pathLength - index);
biConstants.getSetBeanInfoSearchPathProxy().invoke(null, newPath);
} catch (ThrowableProxy e) {
* From the Beaninfo Nature, remove the specified path from the beaninfo search path.
* Not an error if not found.
public static void removeBeanInfoPath(BeaninfoNature nature, IBeaninfosDocEntry path) throws CoreException {
BeaninfosDoc infoPath = nature.getSearchPath();
IBeaninfosDocEntry[] oldPath = infoPath.getSearchpath();
for (int i = 0; i < oldPath.length; i++) {
if (path.equals(oldPath[i])) {
// We found it, so remove it.
IBeaninfosDocEntry[] newPath = new IBeaninfosDocEntry[oldPath.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(oldPath, 0, newPath, 0, i);
if (i < oldPath.length - 1)
System.arraycopy(oldPath, i + 1, newPath, i, oldPath.length - i - 1);
* Remove the specified path from the beaninfo search path.
* Not an error if not found.
* Note: This shouldn't be used when working with a BeaninfoNature. Use the
* accessors taking the nature instead. Otherwise there will be inconsistencies since the search path won't be
* saved across invocations of the workspace if it is not updated through the nature).
public static void removeBeanInfoPath(ProxyFactoryRegistry registry, String path) {
try {
BeaninfoProxyConstants biConstants = BeaninfoProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
IArrayBeanProxy infoPath = (IArrayBeanProxy) biConstants.getGetBeanInfoSearchPathProxy().invoke(null);
int pathLength = infoPath.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
IStringBeanProxy aPath = (IStringBeanProxy) infoPath.get(i);
if (path.equals(aPath.stringValue())) {
// We found it, so remove it.
IArrayBeanProxy newPath = registry.getBeanProxyFactory().createBeanProxyWith(infoPath.getTypeProxy(), pathLength - 1);
JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants constants = JavaStandardBeanProxyConstants.getConstants(registry);
constants.arraycopy(infoPath, 0, newPath, 0, i);
if (i < pathLength - 1)
constants.arraycopy(infoPath, i + 1, newPath, i, pathLength - i - 1);
biConstants.getSetBeanInfoSearchPathProxy().invoke(null, newPath);
} catch (ThrowableProxy e) {