blob: b7472a5df627d3aa9ca5302570780d483892efdc [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.adapters;
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2004/03/22 23:49:10 $
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ESuperAdapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMIResource;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.*;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core.*;
* Beaninfo adapter for doing introspection on a Java Model class.
public class BeaninfoClassAdapter extends AdapterImpl implements IIntrospectionAdapter {
* Clear out the introspection because introspection is being closed or removed from the project.
* Don't want anything hanging around that we had done.
public void clearIntrospection() {
if (beaninfo != null) {
beaninfo = null;
if (hasIntrospected) {
// Clear out the beandecorator if implicitly created.
Iterator beanItr = getJavaClass().getEAnnotations().iterator();
while (beanItr.hasNext()) {
EAnnotation dec = (EAnnotation);
if (dec instanceof BeanDecorator) {
BeanDecorator decor = (BeanDecorator) dec;
if (decor.isImplicitlyCreated() == BeanDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR) {
((InternalEObject) decor).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
if (hasIntrospectedProperties) {
// Clear out the features that we implicitly created.
Iterator propItr = getJavaClass().getEStructuralFeaturesGen().iterator();
while (propItr.hasNext()) {
EStructuralFeature prop = (EStructuralFeature);
Iterator pdItr = prop.getEAnnotations().iterator();
while (pdItr.hasNext()) {
EAnnotation dec = (EAnnotation);
if (dec instanceof PropertyDecorator) {
PropertyDecorator pd = (PropertyDecorator) dec;
if (pd.isImplicitlyCreated() != PropertyDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
pdItr.remove(); // Remove it from the property.
((InternalEObject) pd).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
if (pd.isImplicitlyCreated() == PropertyDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
propItr.remove(); // Remove the feature itself
((InternalEObject) prop).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
hasIntrospectedProperties = false;
if (hasIntrospectedOperations) {
// Clear out the operations that we implicitly created.
Iterator operItr = getJavaClass().getEOperationsGen().iterator();
while (operItr.hasNext()) {
EOperation oper = (EOperation);
Iterator mdItr = oper.getEAnnotations().iterator();
while (mdItr.hasNext()) {
EAnnotation dec = (EAnnotation);
if (dec instanceof MethodDecorator) {
MethodDecorator md = (MethodDecorator) dec;
if (md.isImplicitlyCreated() != MethodDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
mdItr.remove(); // Remove it from the operation.
((InternalEObject) md).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
if (md.isImplicitlyCreated() == MethodDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
operItr.remove(); // Remove the oepration itself
((InternalEObject) oper).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
hasIntrospectedOperations = false;
if (hasIntrospectedEvents) {
// Clear out the eventsthat we implicitly created.
Iterator evtItr = getJavaClass().getEventsGen().iterator();
while (evtItr.hasNext()) {
JavaEvent evt = (JavaEvent);
Iterator edItr = evt.getEAnnotations().iterator();
while (edItr.hasNext()) {
EAnnotation dec = (EAnnotation);
if (dec instanceof EventSetDecorator) {
EventSetDecorator ed = (EventSetDecorator) dec;
if (ed.isImplicitlyCreated() != EventSetDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
edItr.remove(); // Remove it from the event.
((InternalEObject) ed).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
if (ed.isImplicitlyCreated() == EventSetDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
evtItr.remove(); // Remove the event itself
((InternalEObject) evt).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI); // Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
hasIntrospectedEvents = false;
private void clearAll() {
if (beaninfo != null) {
beaninfo = null;
// Clear out the annotations.
// Clear out the attributes.
// Clear out the operations.
// Clear out the events.
* @version 1.0
* @author
protected static final URI BAD_URI = URI.createURI("baduri"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// A URI that will never resolve. Used to mark an object as no longer valid.
protected boolean hasIntrospected;
protected boolean isIntrospecting;
protected boolean hasIntrospectedProperties;
protected boolean isIntrospectingProperties;
protected boolean isDoingAllProperties;
protected boolean hasIntrospectedOperations;
protected boolean isIntrospectingOperations;
protected boolean isDoingAllOperations;
protected boolean hasIntrospectedEvents;
protected boolean isIntrospectingEvents;
protected boolean isDoingAllEvents;
protected final static int
protected int retrievedExtensionDocument = NEVER_RETRIEVED_EXTENSION_DOCUMENT;
protected IBeanProxy beaninfo;
protected BeaninfoAdapterFactory adapterFactory;
private WeakReference staleFactory; // When reference not null, then this factory is a stale factory and
// a new one is needed when the factory returned == this one.
// It is a WeakRef so that if the factory goes away on its own
// that we don't hold onto it.
// A temporary hashset of the local properties. Used when creating a new
// property to use the old one. It is cleared out at the end of attribute introspection.
// It is only built once during attribute introspection so that we have the snapshot
// of before the introspection (i.e. the ones that were specifically added by users
// and not through introspection). The ones that we are adding do not need to be checked
// against each other because there will not be conflicts.
// Also at the end, we will go through the properties and see if it exists in the fPropertiesMap and
// it is not the value Boolean.FALSE in the map, and the entry is implicitly created. This means this
// was an implicit entry from the previous introspection and was not re-created in this introspection.
private HashMap propertiesMap;
private List featuresRealList; // Temp pointer to the real list we are building. It is the true list in java class.
// A temporary hashmap of the local operations. Used when creating a new
// operation to reuse the old one. It is cleared out at the end of operation introspection.
// It is only built once during operation introspection so that we have the snapshot
// of before the introspection.
private HashMap operationsMap;
private EList operationsRealList; // Temp pointer to the real list we are building. It is the true list in java class.
// A set of operations as we create them so that we which ones we added/kept and which are no longer in use and can be removed.
// If they aren't in this set at the end, then we know it should be removed if it is one we had created in the past.
private HashSet newoperations;
// A temporary hashset of the local events. Used when creating a new
// event to use the old one. It is cleared out at the end of event introspection.
// It is only built once during event introspection so that we have the snapshot
// of before the introspection (i.e. the ones that were specifically added by users
// and not through introspection). The ones that we are adding do not need to be checked
// against each other because there will not be conflicts.
// Also at the end, we will go through the events and see if it exists in the fEventsMap and
// it is not the value Boolean.FALSE in the map, and the entry is implicitly created. This means this
// was an implicit entry from the previous introspection and was not re-created in this introspection.
private HashMap eventsMap;
private EList eventsRealList; // Temp pointer to the real list we are building. It is the true list in java class.
private Boolean defaultBound;
// Whether this class is default bound or not (i.e. does this class implement add/remove property change listener. If null, then not yet queried.
public BeaninfoClassAdapter(BeaninfoAdapterFactory factory) {
adapterFactory = factory;
* Answer whether this java class is still connected to a live resource. It happens during unloading
* that we are no longer connected to a resource (because the javapackage has already been processed and
* unloaded) or the resource is in the process of being unloaded, but the unloading process will still
* call accessors on this java class, which will come over here. In those cases we should treat as
* introspection completed without doing anything.
protected boolean isResourceConnected() {
Resource res = getJavaClass().eResource();
return res != null && res.isLoaded();
protected final ProxyFactoryRegistry getRegistry() {
ProxyFactoryRegistry factory = adapterFactory.getRegistry();
if (staleFactory != null && factory == staleFactory.get()) {
// We need to recycle the factory. The returned factory is the same factory when it went stale.
factory = adapterFactory.recycleRegistry();
staleFactory = null; // Whether we recycled or not, it is no longer stale.
return factory;
* Return whether this adapter has been marked as stale. Needed
* by the users so that they can recycle if necessary.
public boolean isStale() {
return staleFactory != null;
protected BeaninfoAdapterFactory getAdapterFactory() {
return adapterFactory;
public boolean isAdapterForType(Object key) {
return IIntrospectionAdapter.ADAPTER_KEY.equals(key);
* This map is keyed by name. It is a snapshot of the properties at the
* time the introspection/reflection of properties was started. It is used
* for quick lookup.
* Once a property is used, the entry is replaced with a Boolean.FALSE. This
* is so we know which have already been used and at the end, which need
* to be deleted since they weren't used (i.e. the ones that aren't FALSE).
protected HashMap getPropertiesMap() {
if (propertiesMap == null) {
List localFeatures = (List) getJavaClass().getEStructuralFeaturesGen();
propertiesMap = new HashMap(localFeatures.size());
Iterator itr = localFeatures.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature);
propertiesMap.put(feature.getName(), feature);
return propertiesMap;
* Get it once so that we don't need to keep getting it over and over.
protected List getFeaturesList() {
if (featuresRealList == null)
featuresRealList = (List) getJavaClass().getEStructuralFeaturesGen();
return featuresRealList;
* The map is keyed by longName. If a Method is passed in, then the
* id of the method is used (this is in reflection), if an IBeanProxy
* is passed in, then an id is created and looked up (this is in introspection).
* The map is used for a quick lookup of behaviors at the time introspection
* of behaviors started.
protected HashMap getOperationsMap() {
if (operationsMap == null) {
List locals = (List) getJavaClass().getEOperationsGen();
int l = locals.size();
operationsMap = new HashMap(l);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
EOperation op = (EOperation) locals.get(i);
operationsMap.put(formLongName(op), op);
return operationsMap;
* Get it once so that we don't need to keep getting it over and over.
protected EList getOperationsList() {
if (operationsRealList == null)
operationsRealList = getJavaClass().getEOperationsGen();
return operationsRealList;
* The map is keyed by name.
* The map is used for a quick lookup of events at the time introspection
* of events started.
* Once an event is used, the entry is replaced with a Boolean.FALSE. This
* is so we know which have already been used and at the end, which need
* to be deleted since they weren't used (i.e. the ones that aren't FALSE).
protected HashMap getEventsMap() {
if (eventsMap == null) {
List locals = (List) getJavaClass().getEventsGen();
eventsMap = new HashMap(locals.size());
Iterator itr = locals.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
JavaEvent event = (JavaEvent);
eventsMap.put(event.getName(), event);
return eventsMap;
* Get it once so that we don't need to keep getting it over and over.
protected EList getEventsList() {
if (eventsRealList == null)
eventsRealList = getJavaClass().getEventsGen();
return eventsRealList;
public void introspectIfNecessary() {
if (!hasIntrospected && !isIntrospecting) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
hasIntrospected = false;
new Status(
new Object[] { getJavaClass().getJavaName(), ""}),
public void introspect() {
isIntrospecting = true;
try {
if (isResourceConnected()) {
// See if are valid kind of class.
if (getJavaClass().getKind() == TypeKind.UNDEFINED_LITERAL) {
// Not valid, don't let any further introspection occur.
if (retrievedExtensionDocument == RETRIEVED_FULL_DOCUMENT) {
// We've been defined at one point. Need to clear everything and step back
// to never retrieved so that we now get the root added in. If we had been
// previously defined, then we didn't have root. We will have to lose
// all other updates too. But they can come back when we're defined.
if (retrievedExtensionDocument == NEVER_RETRIEVED_EXTENSION_DOCUMENT)
applyExtensionDocument(true); // Add in Root stuff so that it will work correctly even though undefined.
hasIntrospected = hasIntrospectedOperations = hasIntrospectedProperties = hasIntrospectedEvents = true;
} else {
if (retrievedExtensionDocument == RETRIEVED_ROOT_ONLY) {
// We need to clear out EVERYTHING because we are coming from an undefined to a defined.
// Nothing previous is now valid. (Particually the root stuff).
if (retrievedExtensionDocument != RETRIEVED_FULL_DOCUMENT)
applyExtensionDocument(false); // Apply the extension doc before we do anything.
BeanDecorator decor = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (decor == null || decor.isDoBeaninfo()) {
IBeanTypeProxy targetType = null;
ProxyFactoryRegistry registry = getRegistry();
if (registry != null && registry.isValid())
targetType =
if (targetType != null) {
if (targetType.getInitializationError() == null) {
// If an exception is thrown, treat this as no proxy, however log it because we
// shouldn't have exceptions during introspection, but if we do it should be logged
// so it can be corrected.
try {
beaninfo =
new IBeanProxy[] { targetType, getRegistry().getBeanProxyFactory().createBeanProxyWith(false)});
} catch (ThrowableProxy e) {
new Status(
new Object[] { getJavaClass().getJavaName(), ""}),
} else {
// The class itself couldn't be initialized. Just log it, but treat as no proxy.
new Status(
new Object[] { getJavaClass().getJavaName(), targetType.getInitializationError()}),
} else {
// The class itself could not be found. Just log it, but treat as no proxy.
new Status(
new Object[] { getJavaClass().getJavaName(), "Class not found"}),
hasIntrospected = true;
getAdapterFactory().registerIntrospection(getJavaClass().getQualifiedNameForReflection(), this);
} finally {
isIntrospecting = false;
private static final String OVERRIDE_EXTENSION = ".override"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ROOT = "..ROOT.."; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ROOT_OVERRIDE = "..ROOT.."+OVERRIDE_EXTENSION; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected void applyExtensionDocument(boolean rootOnly) {
boolean alreadyRetrievedRoot = retrievedExtensionDocument == RETRIEVED_ROOT_ONLY;
retrievedExtensionDocument = rootOnly ? RETRIEVED_ROOT_ONLY : RETRIEVED_FULL_DOCUMENT;
JavaClass jc = getJavaClass();
Resource mergeIntoResource = jc.eResource();
ResourceSet rset = mergeIntoResource.getResourceSet();
String className = getJavaClass().getName();
if (!alreadyRetrievedRoot && (rootOnly || jc.getSupertype() == null)) {
// It is a root class. Need to merge in root stuff.
applyExtensionDocTo(rset, jc, ROOT_OVERRIDE, ROOT, ROOT);
if (rootOnly)
String baseOverridefile = className + OVERRIDE_EXTENSION; // getName() returns inner classes with "$" notation, which is good. //$NON-NLS-1$
applyExtensionDocTo(rset, jc, baseOverridefile, getJavaClass().getJavaPackage().getPackageName(), className);
protected void applyExtensionDocTo(final ResourceSet rset, final EObject mergeIntoEObject, final String overrideFile, String packageName, String className) {
BeaninfoPlugin.getPlugin().applyOverrides(getAdapterFactory().getProject(), packageName, className, rset,
new BeaninfoPlugin.IOverrideRunnable() {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.core.BeaninfoPlugin.IOverrideRunnable#run(java.lang.String)
public void run(String overridePath) {
Resource overrideRes = null;
URI uri = URI.createURI(overridePath+overrideFile);
try {
overrideRes = rset.getResource(uri, true);
} catch (WrappedException e) {
// FileNotFoundException is ok
if (!(e.exception() instanceof FileNotFoundException)) {
if (e.exception() instanceof IOException && e.getMessage() == null)
; // TODO remove this when bugzilla fixed so that throws FileNotFound again.
else if (e.exception() instanceof CoreException
&& ((CoreException) e.exception()).getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) {
// This is ok. Means uri_mapping not set so couldn't find in Workspace, also ok.
} else {
BeaninfoPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, BeaninfoPlugin.PI_BEANINFO_PLUGINID, 0, "Error loading file\"" + overridePath + "\"", e.exception())); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// In case it happened after creating resource but during load. Need to get rid of it in the finally.
overrideRes = rset.getResource(uri, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Couldn't load it for some reason.
BeaninfoPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, BeaninfoPlugin.PI_BEANINFO_PLUGINID, 0, "Error loading file\"" + overridePath + "\"", e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
overrideRes = rset.getResource(uri, false); // In case it happened after creating resource but during load.
} finally {
if (overrideRes != null)
rset.getResources().remove(overrideRes); // We don't need it around once we do the merge.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.core.BeaninfoPlugin.IOverrideRunnable#run(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource)
public void run(Resource overrideRes) {
try {
EventUtil util = EventFactory.eINSTANCE.createEventUtil(mergeIntoEObject, rset);
} catch (WrappedException e) {
BeaninfoPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, BeaninfoPlugin.PI_BEANINFO_PLUGINID, 0, "Error processing file\"" + overrideRes.getURI() + "\"", e.exception())); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Return the target as a JavaClass
protected JavaClassImpl getJavaClass() {
return (JavaClassImpl) getTarget();
* Answer the beaninfo constants record
protected BeaninfoProxyConstants getProxyConstants() {
return BeaninfoProxyConstants.getConstants(getRegistry());
* @see
public EList getEStructuralFeatures() {
return getJavaClass().getEStructuralFeaturesGen();
* @see
public EList getAllProperties() {
return allProperties();
* @see
public EList getEOperations() {
return introspectOperations();
* @see
public BasicEList getEAllOperations() {
return allOperations();
* @see
public EList getEvents() {
return introspectEvents();
* @see
public EList getAllEvents() {
return allEvents();
* Fill in the BeanDescriptorDecorator.
protected void calculateBeanDescriptor(BeanDecorator decor) {
// If there already is one, then we
// will use it. This allows merging with beanfinfo.
// If this was an implicit one left over from a previous introspection before going stale,
// this is OK because we always want a bean decorator from introspection. We will reuse it.
if (decor == null) {
decor = BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createBeanDecorator();
if (beaninfo != null && decor.isMergeIntrospection()) {
((IBooleanBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getIsMergeInheritedPropertiesProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo))
((IBooleanBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getIsMergeInheritedMethodsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo))
((IBooleanBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getIsMergeInheritedEventsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo))
} else {
* introspect the Properties
protected void introspectProperties() {
if (!isIntrospecting && !isIntrospectingProperties && !hasIntrospectedProperties) {
isIntrospectingProperties = true;
try {
if (isResourceConnected()) {
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd == null || bd.isIntrospectProperties()) {
// bd wants properties to be introspected/reflected
if (beaninfo != null) {
IArrayBeanProxy props =
(IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getPropertyDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(
if (props != null) {
int propSize = props.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < propSize; i++)
} else
reflectProperties(); // No beaninfo, so use reflection to create properties
// Now go through the list and remove those that should be removed.
Map oldLocals = getPropertiesMap();
Iterator itr = getFeaturesList().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EStructuralFeature a = (EStructuralFeature);
PropertyDecorator p = Utilities.getPropertyDecorator(a);
Object aOld = oldLocals.get(a.getName());
if (aOld != null && aOld != Boolean.FALSE) {
// A candidate for removal. It was in the old list and it was not processed.
if (p != null) {
int implicit = p.isImplicitlyCreated();
if (implicit != PropertyDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
p.setEModelElement(null); // Remove from the feature;
((InternalEObject) p).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
// Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
p = null;
if (implicit == PropertyDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
itr.remove(); // Remove it, this was implicitly created and not processed this time.
((InternalEObject) a).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
// Mark it as bad proxy so we know it is no longer any use.
hasIntrospectedProperties = true;
} finally {
isIntrospectingProperties = false;
propertiesMap = null; // Get rid of accumulated map.
featuresRealList = null; // Release the real list.
* merge all the Properties (i.e. supertypes) (properties)
protected EList allProperties() {
EList jcAllProperties = getJavaClass().getAllPropertiesGen();
BeaninfoSuperAdapter superAdapter =
(BeaninfoSuperAdapter) EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(getJavaClass(), BeaninfoSuperAdapter.class);
if (jcAllProperties != null) {
// See if new one required.
if (superAdapter == null || !superAdapter.isAllPropertiesCollectionModified())
return jcAllProperties;
// Can't get superadapter, so must not be attached to a resource, so return current list. Or no change required.
UniqueEList allProperties = new UniqueEList() {
protected Object[] newData(int capacity) {
return new EStructuralFeature[capacity];
protected boolean useEquals() {
return false;
if (!isIntrospecting && !isDoingAllProperties && isResourceConnected()) {
isDoingAllProperties = true;
try {
EList localProperties = getJavaClass().getProperties();
JavaClass superType = getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
// Now we need to merge in the supers.
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
List supers = superType.getAllProperties();
// We will now merge as directed.
boolean mergeAll = bd == null || bd.isMergeSuperProperties();
if (!mergeAll) {
// we don't to want to merge super properties, but we still need super non-properties or explict ones.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EStructuralFeature p = (EStructuralFeature) supers.get(i);
PropertyDecorator pd = Utilities.getPropertyDecorator(p);
if ( pd == null || (pd.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !pd.isMergeIntrospection()))
} else {
// We want to merge all.
if (beaninfo != null) {
// BeanInfo has given us the merge list. If the list is empty, then we accept all.
IArrayBeanProxy superNames = (IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getInheritedPropertyDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo);
if (superNames != null) {
// We were given a list of names.
// Get the names into a set to create a quick lookup.
int l = superNames.getLength();
HashSet superSet = new HashSet(l);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
superSet.add(((IStringBeanProxy) superNames.getCatchThrowableException(i)).stringValue());
// Now walk and add in non-bean properties (and bean properties that were explicitly added and not mergeable (i.e. didn't come thru beaninfo))
// and those specifically called out by BeanInfo.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EStructuralFeature p = (EStructuralFeature) supers.get(i);
PropertyDecorator pd = Utilities.getPropertyDecorator(p);
if (pd == null || (pd.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !pd.isMergeIntrospection()) || superSet.contains(pd.getName()))
} else {
// BeanInfo called out that all super properties are good
} else {
// We don't have a BeanInfo telling us how to merge. This means we're reflecting and have prevented
// dups. So we accept all supers.
superAdapter.setAllPropertiesCollectionModified(false); // Now built, so reset to not changed.
} finally {
isDoingAllProperties = false;
return new EcoreEList.UnmodifiableEList(
* Fill in the property and its decorator using the propDesc.
protected void calculateProperty(IBeanProxy propDesc) {
// See if this is an indexed property. If it is, then a few fields will not be set in here, but
// will instead be set by the calculateIndexedProperty, which will be called.
boolean indexed = propDesc.getProxyFactoryRegistry().getBeanTypeProxyFactory().getBeanTypeProxy("java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor").equals(propDesc.getTypeProxy()); //$NON-NLS-1$
String name = ((IStringBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getNameProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(propDesc)).stringValue();
boolean changeable;
EClassifier type = null;
changeable = getProxyConstants().getWriteMethodProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(propDesc) != null;
IBeanTypeProxy typeProxy = (IBeanTypeProxy) getProxyConstants().getPropertyTypeProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(propDesc);
if (typeProxy != null)
type = Utilities.getJavaClass(typeProxy, getJavaClass().eResource().getResourceSet());
if (indexed) {
// If no array write method found, then see if there is an indexed write method. If there is, then it is changable.
if (!changeable)
changeable = getProxyConstants().getIndexedWriteMethodProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(propDesc) != null;
if (typeProxy == null) {
// If no array type proxy from above, create one from the indexed type proxy.
typeProxy = (IBeanTypeProxy) getProxyConstants().getIndexedPropertyTypeProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(propDesc);
if (typeProxy != null) {
typeProxy = typeProxy.getProxyFactoryRegistry().getBeanTypeProxyFactory().getBeanTypeProxy(typeProxy.getTypeName(), 1);
type = Utilities.getJavaClass(typeProxy, getJavaClass().eResource().getResourceSet());
if (type != null)
createProperty(name, indexed, changeable, type, propDesc); // A valid property descriptor.
* Fill in the property and its decorator using the passed in information.
public PropertyDecorator createProperty(String name, boolean indexed, boolean changeable, EClassifier type, IBeanProxy propDesc) {
// First find if there is already a property of this name, and if there is, is the PropertyDecorator
// marked to not allow merging in of introspection results.
HashMap existingLocals = getPropertiesMap();
EStructuralFeature prop = null;
PropertyDecorator pd = null;
Object p = existingLocals.get(name);
if (Boolean.FALSE == p)
return null; // We've already processed this name, can't process it again.
if (p != null) {
// We've found one of the same name. Whether we modify it or use it as is, we put in a
// special dummy in its place. That marks that we've already processed it and accepted it.
existingLocals.put(name, Boolean.FALSE);
// If the decorator for this entry says not to merge then return.
// If there is no PropertyDecorator, then we will merge. If they
// didn't want to merge then should of created of property decorator and said no merge.
pd = Utilities.getPropertyDecorator((EStructuralFeature) p);
if (pd != null && !pd.isMergeIntrospection())
return null;
prop = (EStructuralFeature) p;
// Need to test if this is an implicit decorator and it is not of the
// same type (i.e. is indexed now but wasn't or visa-versa, then we need
// to get rid of the decorator and recreate it. If it is not implicit, then
// we have to use it as is because the user specified, so it won't become
// an indexed if the user did not created it as an index, and visa-versa.
if (pd != null && pd.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
// We can't change the type for explicit.
indexed = pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDecorator;
} else if (
pd != null
&& pd.isImplicitlyCreated() != FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT
&& ((indexed && !(pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDecorator)) || (!indexed && pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDecorator))) {
pd = null;
int implicit = pd == null ? FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR : pd.isImplicitlyCreated();
if (prop == null) {
// We will create a new property.
// We can't have an implicit feature, but an explicit decorator.
getFeaturesList().add(prop = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference());
implicit = FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE;
// Now fill it in. Normal id for an attribute is "classname.attributename" but we can't use that
// for us because that format is used by Java Core for a field and there would be confusion.
// So we will use '/' instead.
((XMIResource) prop.eResource()).setID(prop, getJavaClass().getName() + BeaninfoJavaReflectionKeyExtension.FEATURE + name);
// Containment and Unsettable is tricky for EReferences. There is no way to know whether it has been explicitly set to false, or it defaulted to
// false because ECore has not made containment/unsettable an unsettable feature. So we need to instead use the algorithm of if we here
// created the feature, then we will by default set it to containment/unsettable. If it was created through diff merge, then
// we will leave it alone. It is the responsibility of the merge file writer to set containment/unsettable correctly.
if (implicit == FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
if (!indexed) {
} else {
// Now create/fill in the property descriptor for it.
// If there already is one then we
// will use it. This allows merging with beanfinfo.
if (pd == null) {
pd =
? BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertyDecorator()
: BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createIndexedPropertyDecorator();
return pd;
* Reflect the properties. This requires going through local methods and matching them up to
* see if they are properties.
protected void reflectProperties() {
// If we are set to mergeSuperTypeProperties, then we need to get the super properties.
// This is so that duplicate any from super that we find here. When reflecting we don't
// allow discovered duplicates unless they are different types.
HashMap supers = new HashMap(50);
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd.isMergeSuperProperties()) {
JavaClass superType = getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
Iterator superAllItr = superType.getAllProperties().iterator();
while (superAllItr.hasNext()) {
EStructuralFeature sf = (EStructuralFeature);
supers.put(sf.getName(), sf);
// Kludge: The above requests for super properties could of caused a recycle (in case the super
// was stale). Because of this we need to reintrospect to mark ourselves as not stale.
// If any of the classes in the hierarchy are bound, then all reflected properties are considered bound.
boolean isBound = isDefaultBound();
if (!isBound) {
List superTypes = getJavaClass().getEAllSuperTypes();
ListIterator sprs = superTypes.listIterator(superTypes.size());
// Start from end because that will be first class above the this one.
while (sprs.hasPrevious() && !isBound) {
JavaClass spr = (JavaClass) sprs.previous();
BeaninfoClassAdapter bi = (BeaninfoClassAdapter) EcoreUtil.getExistingAdapter(spr, IIntrospectionAdapter.ADAPTER_KEY);
isBound = bi.isDefaultBound();
HashMap props = new HashMap();
Iterator itr = getJavaClass().getPublicMethods().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Method mthd = (Method);
if (mthd.isStatic() || mthd.isConstructor())
continue; // Statics/constructors don't participate as properties
if (mthd.getName().startsWith("get")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String name = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(mthd.getName().substring(3));
PropertyInfo propInfo = (PropertyInfo) props.get(name);
if (propInfo == null) {
propInfo = new PropertyInfo();
if (propInfo.setGetter(mthd, false))
props.put(name, propInfo);
} else
propInfo.setGetter(mthd, false);
} else if (mthd.getName().startsWith("is")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String name = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(mthd.getName().substring(2));
PropertyInfo propInfo = (PropertyInfo) props.get(name);
if (propInfo == null) {
propInfo = new PropertyInfo();
if (propInfo.setGetter(mthd, true))
props.put(name, propInfo);
} else
propInfo.setGetter(mthd, true);
} else if (mthd.getName().startsWith("set")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String name = java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(mthd.getName().substring(3));
PropertyInfo propInfo = (PropertyInfo) props.get(name);
if (propInfo == null) {
propInfo = new PropertyInfo();
if (propInfo.setSetter(mthd))
props.put(name, propInfo);
} else
// Now go through the hash map and create the properties.
itr = props.entrySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
EStructuralFeature sf = (EStructuralFeature) supers.get(entry.getKey());
// Create it if the sf is not a super.
if (sf == null)
((PropertyInfo) entry.getValue()).createProperty((String) entry.getKey(), isBound);
private class PropertyInfo {
public EClassifier type, indexedType;
public boolean constrained;
public Method getter, setter, indexedGetter, indexedSetter;
public boolean setGetter(Method get, boolean mustBeBoolean) {
List parms = (List) get.getParameters();
if (parms.size() > 1)
return false; // Invalid - improper number of parms.
boolean indexed = parms.size() == 1;
if (indexed && !((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType().getName().equals("int")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false; // Invalid - a parm that is not an int is invalid for indexed.
EClassifier retType = get.getReturnType();
if (retType == null || retType.getName().equals("void")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false; // Invalid - must have a return type
if (mustBeBoolean && !retType.getName().equals("boolean")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false; // Invalid - it must be a boolean.
if (indexed) {
if (indexedType != null) {
if (indexedType != retType)
return false; // Invalid - type is different from previous info.
if (type != null && !(((JavaHelpers) type).isArray() && ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType() == retType))
return false; // Invalid - indexed type doesn't match component type of base type.
} else {
if (type != null) {
if (type != retType)
return false; // Invalid - type is different from previous info.
if (indexedType != null && !(((JavaHelpers) retType).isArray() && ((ArrayType) retType).getComponentType() == indexedType))
if (type == null) {
// We had a potential indexed and had not yet found the regular type. We've now found
// the regular type, and it is not indexed. So it takes priority and will wipe out
// the indexed type.
indexedGetter = null;
indexedSetter = null;
indexedType = null;
} else
return false; // Invalid - indexed type doesn't match component type of base type we already have
if (indexed) {
if (indexedGetter != null)
return false; // Already have an indexed getter.
indexedGetter = get;
indexedType = retType;
} else {
if (getter != null)
return false; // Already have a getter
getter = get;
type = retType;
return true;
public boolean setSetter(Method set) {
List parms = (List) set.getParameters();
if (parms.size() > 2 || parms.size() < 1)
return false; // Invalid - improper number of parms.
boolean indexed = parms.size() == 2;
if (indexed && !((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType().getName().equals("int")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false; // Invalid - a parm that is not an int is invalid for indexed.
EClassifier retType = set.getReturnType();
if (retType != null && !retType.getName().equals("void")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false; // Invalid - must not have a return type
EClassifier propType = null;
if (indexed) {
propType = ((JavaParameter) parms.get(1)).getEType();
if (indexedType != null) {
if (indexedType != propType)
return false; // Invalid - type is different from previous info.
if (type != null && !(((JavaHelpers) type).isArray() && ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType() == propType))
return false; // Invalid - indexed type doesn't match component type of base type, or base type not an array
} else {
propType = ((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType();
if (type != null) {
if (type != propType)
return false; // Invalid - type is different from previous info.
if (indexedType != null
&& !(((JavaHelpers) propType).isArray() && ((ArrayType) propType).getComponentType() == indexedType))
if (type == null) {
// We had a potential indexed and had not yet found the regular type. We've now found
// the regular type, and it is not indexed of the correct type. So it takes priority and will wipe out
// the indexed type.
indexedGetter = null;
indexedSetter = null;
indexedType = null;
} else
return false; // Invalid - indexed type doesn't match component type of base type from this setter.
if (indexed) {
if (indexedSetter != null)
return false; // Already have an indexed getter.
indexedSetter = set;
indexedType = propType;
} else {
if (setter != null)
return false; // Already have a getter
setter = set;
type = propType;
if (set.getJavaExceptions().contains(Utilities.getJavaClass("java.beans.PropertyVetoException", getJavaClass().eResource().getResourceSet()))) //$NON-NLS-1$
constrained = true;
return true;
public void createProperty(String name, boolean isBound) {
boolean indexed = indexedType != null;
if (indexed && type == null)
return; // A potential indexed, but never found the getter/setter of the regular type.
PropertyDecorator prop =
(!indexed) ? (setter != null) : (setter != null || indexedSetter != null),
if (prop == null)
return; // Reflection not wanted.
indexed = prop instanceof IndexedPropertyDecorator; // It could of been forced back to not indexed if explicitly set.
// Now fill in the property decorator info. If our decorator was not implicit, then we need
// to use a proxy so that the use can override specific settings while we supply the defaults.
// If our decorator was implicitly created, then we know that there are no user data and we
// can use our decorator directly.
if (prop.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
PropertyDecorator propProxy =
? BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createIndexedPropertyDecorator()
: BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertyDecorator();
// Create a proxy.
prop = propProxy;
if (getter != null)
if (setter != null)
if (indexed) {
IndexedPropertyDecorator iprop = (IndexedPropertyDecorator) prop;
if (indexedGetter != null)
if (indexedSetter != null)
* introspect the behaviors (methods)
protected EList introspectOperations() {
if (!isIntrospecting && !isIntrospectingOperations && !hasIntrospectedOperations) {
isIntrospectingOperations = true;
try {
if (isResourceConnected()) {
newoperations = new HashSet(50);
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd == null || bd.isIntrospectBehaviors()) {
// bd wants behaviors to be introspected/reflected
if (beaninfo != null) {
IArrayBeanProxy mthds =
(IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getMethodDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo);
if (mthds != null) {
int mthdSize = mthds.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < mthdSize; i++)
} else
reflectOperations(); // No beaninfo, so use reflection to create behaviors
// Now go through the list and remove those that should be removed.
Iterator itr = getOperationsList().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
EOperation a = (EOperation);
MethodDecorator m = Utilities.getMethodDecorator(a);
if (!newoperations.contains(a)) {
// A candidate for removal. It is in the list but we didn't add it. Check to see if it one we had created in the past.
// If no methoddecorator, then keep it, not one ours.
if (m != null) {
int implicit = m.isImplicitlyCreated();
if (implicit != MethodDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
m.setEModelElement(null); // Remove it because it was implicit.
((InternalEObject) m).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
m = null;
if (implicit == MethodDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
itr.remove(); // The feature was implicit too.
((InternalEObject) a).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
a = null;
hasIntrospectedOperations = true;
} finally {
isIntrospectingOperations = false;
operationsMap = null; // Clear out the temp lists.
operationsRealList = null;
newoperations = null;
return getJavaClass().getEOperationsGen();
* Fill in the behavior and its decorator using the mthdDesc.
protected void calculateOperation(IBeanProxy operDesc) {
String name = ((IStringBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getNameProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(operDesc)).stringValue();
createOperation(name, formLongName(name, operDesc), null, operDesc);
* Fill in the behavior and its decorator using the passed in information.
public MethodDecorator createOperation(String name, String longName, Method method, IBeanProxy mthdDesc) {
// First find if there is already a behavior of this name and method signature , and if there is, is the MethodDecorator
// marked to not allow merging in of introspection results.
HashMap existingLocals = getOperationsMap();
EOperation oper = null;
MethodDecorator md = null;
Object b = null;
if (name != null)
b = existingLocals.get(longName);
b = existingLocals.get(longName);
if (b != null) {
// If the decorator for this entry says not to merge then return.
// If there is no decorator, then we will merge. If they didn't want to
// merge, then they should of created a decorator with no merge on it.
md = Utilities.getMethodDecorator((EOperation) b);
if (md != null && !md.isMergeIntrospection())
return null;
oper = (EOperation) b;
// Need to find the method and method id.
if (method == null) {
// No method sent, create a proxy to it.
method = JavaRefFactory.eINSTANCE.createMethod();
URI uri = Utilities.getMethodURI((IMethodProxy) getProxyConstants().getMethodProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(mthdDesc));
((InternalEObject) method).eSetProxyURI(uri);
int implicit = md == null ? FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR : FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT;
if (oper == null) {
// We will create a new MethodProxy.
oper = BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createMethodProxy();
implicit = FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE;
if (name == null)
name = method.getName();
// Now fill it in.
if (oper instanceof MethodProxy)
((MethodProxy) oper).setMethod(method);
((XMIResource) oper.eResource()).setID(oper, getJavaClass().getName() + BeaninfoJavaReflectionKeyExtension.BEHAVIOR + name);
// Now create/fill in the method decorator for it.
// If there already is one then we
// will use it. This allows merging with beaninfo.
if (md == null) {
md = BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createMethodDecorator();
return md;
* Reflect the behaviors. This requires going through local public methods and creating a
* method proxy for it.
protected void reflectOperations() {
// If we are set to mergeSuperTypeBehaviors, then we need to get the super behaviors.
// This is so that duplicate any from super that we find here. When reflecting we don't
// allow discovered duplicates unless they are different signatures. So all super operations
// will be allowed and we will not override them.
HashMap supers = new HashMap(50);
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd.isMergeSuperBehaviors()) {
EClass superType = getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
Iterator superAllItr = superType.getEAllOperations().iterator();
while (superAllItr.hasNext()) {
EOperation op = (EOperation);
supers.put(formLongName(op), op);
// Kludge: The above requests for super properties could of caused a recycle (in case the super
// was stale). Because of this we need to reintrospect to mark ourselves as not stale.
Iterator itr = getJavaClass().getPublicMethods().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Method mthd = (Method);
if (mthd.isStatic() || mthd.isConstructor())
continue; // Statics/constructors don't participate as behaviors
String longName = formLongName(mthd);
if (supers.get(longName) != null)
continue; // Already exists in supers, don't override.
createOperation(null, longName, mthd, null); // Don't pass a name, try to create it by name, only use ID if there is more than one of the same name.
* merge all the Behaviors(i.e. supertypes)
protected BasicEList allOperations() {
UniqueEList allOperations = new UniqueEList() {
protected Object[] newData(int capacity) {
return new EOperation[capacity];
protected boolean useEquals() {
return false;
if (!isIntrospecting && !isDoingAllOperations && isResourceConnected()) {
isDoingAllOperations = true;
try {
EList localOperations = getJavaClass().getEOperations();
JavaClass superType = getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
// Now we need to merge in the supers.
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
List supers = superType.getEAllOperations();
// We will now merge as directed.
boolean mergeAll = bd == null || bd.isMergeSuperBehaviors();
if (!mergeAll) {
// we don't to want to merge super properties, but we still need super non-properties.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EOperation o = (EOperation) supers.get(i);
MethodDecorator md = Utilities.getMethodDecorator(o);
if (md == null || (md.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !md.isMergeIntrospection()))
} else {
// We want to merge all.
if (beaninfo != null) {
// BeanInfo has given us the merge list. If the list is empty, then we accept all.
IArrayBeanProxy superNames = (IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getInheritedMethodDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo);
if (superNames != null) {
// We were given a list of names.
// Get the names into a set to create a quick lookup.
int l = superNames.getLength();
HashSet superSet = new HashSet(l);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
superSet.add(((IStringBeanProxy) superNames.getCatchThrowableException(i)).stringValue());
// Now walk and add in non-bean properties (and bean operations that were explicitly added and not mergeable (i.e. didn't come thru beaninfo))
// and those specifically called out by BeanInfo.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
EOperation o = (EOperation) supers.get(i);
MethodDecorator md = Utilities.getMethodDecorator(o);
if (md == null || (md.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !md.isMergeIntrospection()))
else {
String longName = formLongName(o);
if (longName == null || superSet.contains(longName))
} else {
// BeanInfo called out that all super properties
} else {
// We don't have a BeanInfo telling us how to merge, so we did reflection. But if that is the case, we already
// took the supers into account and did not override any thru the reflection, so all supers are good.
ESuperAdapter sa = getJavaClass().getESuperAdapter();
sa.setAllOperationsCollectionModified(false); // Now built, so reset to not changed.
} finally {
isDoingAllOperations = false;
return new EcoreEList.UnmodifiableEList(
* introspect the events
protected EList introspectEvents() {
if (!isIntrospecting && !isIntrospectingEvents && !hasIntrospectedEvents) {
isIntrospectingEvents = true;
try {
if (isResourceConnected()) {
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd == null || bd.isIntrospectEvents()) {
// bd wants events to be introspected/reflected
if (beaninfo != null) {
IArrayBeanProxy events =
(IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getEventSetDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(
if (events != null) {
int eventSize = events.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < eventSize; i++)
} else
reflectEvents(); // No beaninfo, so use reflection to create events
// Now go through the list and remove those that should be removed.
Map oldLocals = getEventsMap();
Iterator itr = getEventsList().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
JavaEvent a = (JavaEvent);
EventSetDecorator e = Utilities.getEventSetDecorator(a);
Object aOld = oldLocals.get(a.getName());
if (aOld != null && aOld != Boolean.FALSE) {
// A candidate for removal. It was in the old list and it was not processed.
if (e != null) {
int implicit = e.isImplicitlyCreated();
if (implicit != EventSetDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT) {
e.setEModelElement(null); // Remove it because it was implicit.
((InternalEObject) e).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
e = null;
if (implicit == EventSetDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE) {
itr.remove(); // The feature was implicit too.
((InternalEObject) a).eSetProxyURI(BAD_URI);
a = null;
hasIntrospectedEvents = true;
} finally {
isIntrospectingEvents = false;
eventsMap = null; // Clear out the temp lists.
eventsRealList = null;
return getJavaClass().getEventsGen();
* Fill in the event and its decorator using the eventDesc.
protected void calculateEvent(IBeanProxy eventDesc) {
String name = ((IStringBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getNameProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(eventDesc)).stringValue();
createEvent(name, eventDesc);
* Fill in the event and its decorator using the passed in information.
public EventSetDecorator createEvent(String name, IBeanProxy eventDesc) {
// First find if there is already an event of this name, and if there is, is the EventSetDecorator
// marked to not allow merging in of introspection results.
HashMap existingLocals = getEventsMap();
JavaEvent event = null;
EventSetDecorator ed = null;
Object b = existingLocals.get(name);
if (Boolean.FALSE == b)
return null; // We've already processed this event, can't process it again.
if (b != null) {
// We've found one of the same event. Whether we modify it or use it as is, we put in a
// special dummy in its place. That marks that we've already processed it and accepted it.
existingLocals.put(name, Boolean.FALSE);
// If the decorator for this entry says not to merge then return.
// If there is no decorator, then we will merge. If they didn't want to
// merge, then they should of created a decorator with no merge on it.
ed = Utilities.getEventSetDecorator((JavaEvent) b);
if (ed != null && !ed.isMergeIntrospection())
return null;
event = (JavaEvent) b;
int implicit = ed == null ? FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR : FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT;
if (event == null) {
// We will create a new Event.
event = BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createBeanEvent();
implicit = FeatureDecorator.IMPLICIT_DECORATOR_AND_FEATURE; // Can't have an implicit feature but explicit decorator.
// Now fill it in.
((XMIResource) event.eResource()).setID(event, getJavaClass().getName() + BeaninfoJavaReflectionKeyExtension.EVENT + name);
// Now create/fill in the event decorator for it.
// If there already is one then we
// will use it. This allows merging with beaninfo.
if (ed == null) {
ed = BeaninfoFactory.eINSTANCE.createEventSetDecorator();
return ed;
* Reflect the events. This requires going through local public methods and creating an
* event for the discovered events.
protected void reflectEvents() {
// If we are set to mergeSuperTypeEvents, then we need to get the super events.
// This is so that duplicate any from super that we find here. When reflecting we don't
// allow discovered duplicates.
HashMap supers = new HashMap(50);
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
if (bd.isMergeSuperEvents()) {
JavaClass superType = (JavaClass) getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
Iterator superAllItr = superType.getAllEvents().iterator();
while (superAllItr.hasNext()) {
JavaEvent se = (JavaEvent);
supers.put(se.getName(), se);
// Kludge: The above requests for super events could of caused a recycle (in case the super
// was stale). Because of this we need to reintrospect to mark ourselves as not stale.
HashMap events = new HashMap();
eventListenerClass = (JavaClass) JavaRefFactory.eINSTANCE.reflectType("java.util.EventListener", getJavaClass()); // Initialize, needed for building eventinfos. //$NON-NLS-1$
tooManyExceptionClass = (JavaClass) JavaRefFactory.eINSTANCE.reflectType("java.util.TooManyListenersException", getJavaClass()); // Initialize, needed for building eventinfos. //$NON-NLS-1$
Iterator itr = getJavaClass().getPublicMethods().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Method mthd = (Method);
if (mthd.isStatic() || mthd.isConstructor())
continue; // Statics/constructors don't participate in events.
String key = validEventAdder(mthd);
if (key != null) {
EventInfo eventInfo = (EventInfo) events.get(key);
if (eventInfo == null) {
eventInfo = new EventInfo();
events.put(key, eventInfo);
} else
} else {
key = validEventRemove(mthd);
if (key != null) {
EventInfo eventInfo = (EventInfo) events.get(key);
if (eventInfo == null) {
eventInfo = new EventInfo();
events.put(key, eventInfo);
} else
eventListenerClass = null; // No longer need it.
// Now actually create the events.
HashSet eventNames = new HashSet(events.size()); // Set of found event names, to prevent duplicates
Iterator evtItr = events.entrySet().iterator();
while (evtItr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry eventMap = (Map.Entry);
EventInfo ei = (EventInfo) eventMap.getValue();
if (ei.isValidInfo()) {
String eventName = getEventName((String) eventMap.getKey());
if (eventNames.contains(eventName))
continue; // Aleady created it. (Note: Introspector actually takes last one over previous dups, but the order is totally undefined, so choosing first is just as good or bad.
JavaEvent superEvent = (JavaEvent) supers.get(eventName);
if (superEvent != null)
continue; // Don't override a super event.
if (ei.createEvent(eventName))
eventNames.add(eventName); // It was validly created.
tooManyExceptionClass = null; // No longer need it.
* merge all the Events (i.e. supertypes)
protected EList allEvents() {
EList jcAllEvents = getJavaClass().getAllEventsGen();
BeaninfoSuperAdapter superAdapter =
(BeaninfoSuperAdapter) EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(getJavaClass(), BeaninfoSuperAdapter.class);
if (jcAllEvents != null) {
// See if new one required.
if (superAdapter == null || !superAdapter.isAllEventsCollectionModified())
return jcAllEvents;
// Can't get superadapter, so must not be attached to a resource, so return current list. Or no change required.
UniqueEList allEvents = new UniqueEList() {
protected Object[] newData(int capacity) {
return new JavaEvent[capacity];
protected boolean useEquals() {
return false;
if (!isIntrospecting && !isDoingAllEvents && isResourceConnected()) {
isDoingAllEvents = true;
try {
EList localEvents = getJavaClass().getEvents();
JavaClass superType = getJavaClass().getSupertype();
if (superType != null) {
// Now we need to merge in the supers.
BeanDecorator bd = Utilities.getBeanDecorator(getJavaClass());
List supers = superType.getAllEvents();
// We will now merge as directed.
boolean mergeAll = bd == null || bd.isMergeSuperEvents();
if (!mergeAll) {
// we don't to want to merge super properties, but we still need super non-properties or explicit ones.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JavaEvent e = (JavaEvent) supers.get(i);
EventSetDecorator ed = Utilities.getEventSetDecorator(e);
if (ed == null || (ed.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !ed.isMergeIntrospection()))
} else {
// We want to merge all.
if (beaninfo != null) {
// BeanInfo has given us the merge list. If the list is empty, then we accept all.
IArrayBeanProxy superNames = (IArrayBeanProxy) getProxyConstants().getInheritedEventSetDescriptorsProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(beaninfo);
if (superNames != null) {
// We were given a list of names.
// Get the names into a set to create a quick lookup.
int l = superNames.getLength();
HashSet superSet = new HashSet(l);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
superSet.add(((IStringBeanProxy) superNames.getCatchThrowableException(i)).stringValue());
// Now walk and add in non-bean properties (and bean events that were explicitly added and not mergeable (i.e. didn't come thru beaninfo))
// and those specifically called out by BeanInfo.
int len = supers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
JavaEvent e = (JavaEvent) supers.get(i);
EventSetDecorator ed = Utilities.getEventSetDecorator(e);
if (ed == null || (ed.isImplicitlyCreated() == FeatureDecorator.NOT_IMPLICIT && !ed.isMergeIntrospection()) || superSet.contains(ed.getName()))
} else {
// BeanInfo called out that all super properties
} else {
// We don't have a BeanInfo telling us how to merge. This means we reflected and have already stripped
// out and prevented duplicates by name.
superAdapter.setAllEventsCollectionModified(false); // Now built, so reset to not changed.
} finally {
isDoingAllEvents = false;
return new EcoreEList.UnmodifiableEList(
private JavaClass eventListenerClass, // Event Listener class. Needed for validation.
tooManyExceptionClass; // Too many listeners exception.
* Pass in the key, it will be used to form the name.
protected String getEventName(String key) {
return key.substring(0, key.indexOf(':'));
* Answers event key if valid, null if not valid.
protected String validEventAdder(Method method) {
String name = method.getName();
if (!name.startsWith("add") || !name.endsWith("Listener")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return null; // Not valid format for an add listener name.
List parms = (List) method.getParameters();
if (parms.size() != 1)
return null; // Invalid - improper number of parms.
EClassifier returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (returnType == null || !returnType.getName().equals("void")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return null; // Invalid - must be void return type.
EClassifier parmType = ((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType();
if (!BeaninfoClassAdapter.this.eventListenerClass.isAssignableFrom(parmType))
return null; // Parm must be inherit from EventListener
// This is a unique containing event name and listener type
// This is so we can have a unique key for two events with the same
// name but different listener type. (This matches Introspector so that we aren't
// coming up with different results.
return java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(3, name.length() - 8))
+ ':'
+ ((JavaHelpers) parmType).getQualifiedName();
* Answers event key if valid, null if not valid.
protected String validEventRemove(Method method) {
String name = method.getName();
if (!name.startsWith("remove") || !name.endsWith("Listener")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return null; // Not valid format for a remove listener name.
List parms = (List) method.getParameters();
if (parms.size() != 1)
return null; // Invalid - improper number of parms.
EClassifier returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (returnType == null || !returnType.getName().equals("void")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return null; // Invalid - must be void return type.
EClassifier parmType = ((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType();
if (!BeaninfoClassAdapter.this.eventListenerClass.isAssignableFrom(parmType))
return null; // Parm must be inherit from EventListener
// This is a unique containing event name and listener type
// This is so we can have a unique key for two events with the same
// name but different listener type. (This matches Introspector so that we aren't
// coming up with different results).
return java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(6, name.length() - 8))
+ ':'
+ ((JavaHelpers) parmType).getQualifiedName();
public boolean isDefaultBound() {
if (defaultBound == null) {
// Haven't yet decided on it.
Iterator methods = getJavaClass().getPublicMethods().iterator();
boolean foundAdd = false, foundRemove = false;
while (methods.hasNext() && (!foundAdd || !foundRemove)) {
Method method = (Method);
if ("addPropertyChangeListener".equals(method.getName())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
List parms = method.getParameters();
if (parms.size() == 1) {
JavaParameter parm = (JavaParameter) parms.get(0);
if ("java.beans.PropertyChangeListener".equals(((JavaHelpers) parm.getEType()).getQualifiedName())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
foundAdd = true;
} else if ("removePropertyChangeListener".equals(method.getName())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
List parms = method.getParameters();
if (parms.size() == 1) {
JavaParameter parm = (JavaParameter) parms.get(0);
if ("java.beans.PropertyChangeListener".equals(((JavaHelpers) parm.getEType()).getQualifiedName())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
foundRemove = true;
defaultBound = (foundAdd && foundRemove) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
return defaultBound.booleanValue();
private class EventInfo {
public Method addListenerMethod;
public Method removeListenerMethod;
public void setAdder(Method addMethod) {
addListenerMethod = addMethod;
public void setRemover(Method removeMethod) {
removeListenerMethod = removeMethod;
// Answer whether this is a valid event info.
public boolean isValidInfo() {
return (addListenerMethod != null && removeListenerMethod != null);
public boolean createEvent(String name) {
EventSetDecorator ed = BeaninfoClassAdapter.this.createEvent(name, null);
if (ed == null)
return false; // Reflection not wanted.
// See if unicast.
Iterator itr = addListenerMethod.getJavaExceptions().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
if ( == BeaninfoClassAdapter.this.tooManyExceptionClass) {
// Set the listener type.
List parms = addListenerMethod.getParameters();
ed.setListenerType((JavaClass) ((JavaParameter) parms.get(0)).getEType());
// We'll let listener methods get retrieved dynamically when needed.
return true;
* Mark this factory as the stale factory.
public void markStaleFactory(ProxyFactoryRegistry stale) {
if (staleFactory == null) {
// It's not stale so make it stale.
hasIntrospected = hasIntrospectedProperties = hasIntrospectedOperations = hasIntrospectedEvents = false;
// So that next access will re-introspect
defaultBound = null; // So query on next request.
staleFactory = new WeakReference(stale);
if (beaninfo != null) {
beaninfo.getProxyFactoryRegistry().releaseProxy(beaninfo); // Dispose of the beaninfo since we will need to recreate it
beaninfo = null;
// Need to mark the esuperadapter that things have changed so that any
// subtype will know to reuse the parent for anything that requires knowing parent info.
Adapter a = EcoreUtil.getExistingAdapter(getTarget(), ESuperAdapter.class);
// Simulate that this objects super has changed. This will make all subclasses
// think about the super has changed and next retrieving anything that involves the
// super will cause a rebuild to occur.
Notification note =
new ENotificationImpl((InternalEObject) getTarget(), Notification.SET, EcorePackage.ECLASS__ESUPER_TYPES, null, null);
if (a != null)
// Do the same with BeaninfoSuperAdapter so that events also will be rebuilt.
a = EcoreUtil.getExistingAdapter(getTarget(), BeaninfoSuperAdapter.ADAPTER_KEY);
if (a != null)
* Form a longname for the addkey function.
private String formLongName(EOperation feature) {
Method mthd = null;
if (feature instanceof Method)
mthd = (Method) feature;
else if (feature instanceof MethodProxy)
mthd = ((MethodProxy) feature).getMethod();
return null; // Don't know what it is.
StringBuffer longName = new StringBuffer(100);
longName.append(feature.getName()); // Feature Name
longName.append(mthd.getName()); // Method Name
List p = mthd.getParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
JavaParameter parm = (JavaParameter) p.get(i);
if (i>0)
return longName.toString();
private String formLongName(String name, IBeanProxy methDesc) {
StringBuffer longName = new StringBuffer(100);
longName.append(name); // Feature Name
IMethodProxy mthd = (IMethodProxy) getProxyConstants().getMethodProxy().invokeCatchThrowableExceptions(methDesc);
longName.append(mthd.getName()); // Method Name
IBeanTypeProxy[] p = mthd.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
IBeanTypeProxy parm = p[i];
if (i>0)
return longName.toString();
* @see org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter#notifyChanged(Notification)
public void notifyChanged(Notification msg) {
// In case of removing adapter, make sure we are first removed from the factory so it doesn't know about us anymore.
if (msg.getEventType() == Notification.REMOVING_ADAPTER)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + '(' + (getJavaClass() != null ? getJavaClass().getQualifiedName() : "?") + ')'; //$NON-NLS-1$