blob: 0562337af1049a3907fa9582aee01b4e9b52fb86 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.ide;
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/20 00:44:05 $
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
public class IDEBeanTypeProxy extends IDEBeanProxy implements IBeanTypeProxy {
protected IDEProxyFactoryRegistry fProxyFactoryRegistry;
Class fClass;
protected IDEBeanTypeProxy(IDEProxyFactoryRegistry aRegistry,Class aClass){
fProxyFactoryRegistry = aRegistry;
fClass = aClass;
* Get Type Proxy. The type proxy of a BeanType is Class.
public IBeanTypeProxy getTypeProxy() {
return ((IDEStandardBeanTypeProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getBeanTypeProxyFactory()).classClass;
public Class getTypeClass() {
return fClass;
public String toBeanString(){
return fClass.toString();
public ProxyFactoryRegistry getProxyFactoryRegistry(){
return fProxyFactoryRegistry;
public String getTypeName(){
return fClass.getName();
public boolean isKindOf(IBeanTypeProxy aBeanTypeProxy){
return ((IDEBeanTypeProxy)aBeanTypeProxy).fClass.isAssignableFrom(fClass);
public boolean isInterface(){
return fClass.isInterface();
public boolean isPrimitive(){
return fClass.isPrimitive();
public boolean isArray(){
return fClass.isArray();
We can use reflection on our class to find the java.reflect.Method instance and create the
IDEMethodProxy directly
public IMethodProxy getMethodProxy(String methodName) {
try {
Method aMethod = fClass.getMethod( methodName , new Class[0] );
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getMethodProxy(aMethod);
} catch ( Exception exc ) {
ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), 0, "", exc));
return null;
public IMethodProxy getMethodProxy(String methodName, String[] argumentClassNames){
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory) fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getMethodProxy(this, methodName, argumentClassNames);
public IMethodProxy getMethodProxy(String methodName, String firstArgClass){
return getMethodProxy(methodName, new String[] { firstArgClass });
public IMethodProxy getMethodProxy(String methodName, IBeanTypeProxy[] args){
Class[] argClasses = new Class[args.length];
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
argClasses[i] = ((IDEBeanTypeProxy)args[i]).fClass;
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory) fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getMethodProxy(fClass,methodName,argClasses);
public IConstructorProxy getConstructorProxy(String[] argTypeNames){
Class[] argClasses = new Class[argTypeNames.length];
try {
for(int i=0;i<argTypeNames.length;i++){
argClasses[i] = Class.forName(argTypeNames[i]);
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException exc ) {
ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), 0, "Constructor not found - " + fClass.getName() + " args=" + argTypeNames, exc));
return null;
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getConstructorProxy(fClass,argClasses);
public IConstructorProxy getConstructorProxy(IBeanTypeProxy[] args){
Class[] argClasses = new Class[args.length];
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
argClasses[i] = ((IDEBeanTypeProxy)args[i]).fClass;
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getConstructorProxy(fClass,argClasses);
* Return the supertype for us
* Use the factory to get it rather than create it directly so that the factory has the
* chance to cache classes if required
* This is required as part of the interface
public IBeanTypeProxy getSuperBeanTypeProxy(){
if ( fClass.isInterface() )
return null;
return fProxyFactoryRegistry.getBeanTypeProxyFactory().getBeanTypeProxy(fClass.getSuperclass().getName());
public IFieldProxy getFieldProxy(String fieldName){
try {
Field field = fClass.getField(fieldName);
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory) fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getFieldProxy(field);
} catch ( NoSuchFieldException exc ) {
ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), 0, "Field not found " + fClass.getName() + " - " + fieldName, exc));
return null;
* Return a proxy to the constructor for the target VM being the same as the IDE
* We can use the package protected contstructor on IDEConstructorProxy
IConstructorProxy getConstructorProxy(Class[] parameterTypes) {
Constructor aConstructor = null;
// Use reflection to try and find a constructor. The argumentClassNames must be converted to classes
try {
aConstructor = fClass.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), 0, "", e));
// If we have a constructor return it
if ( aConstructor != null ){
return getNewConstructorProxy(aConstructor);
} else {
return null;
* Factored into its own method so subclass can override
protected IConstructorProxy getNewConstructorProxy(Constructor aConstructor){
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getConstructorProxy(aConstructor);
* Return a proxy to the null constructor for the target VM being the same as the IDE
* We can use the package protected contstructor on IDEConstructorProxy
public IConstructorProxy getNullConstructorProxy() {
Constructor aConstructor = null;
// Use reflection to try and find a constructor. The argumentClassNames must be converted to classes
try {
aConstructor = fClass.getConstructor(null);
return ((IDEMethodProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getMethodProxyFactory()).getConstructorProxy(aConstructor);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getLogger().log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ProxyPlugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), 0, "", e));
return null;
public IBeanProxy newInstance(String initializationString) {
return ((IDEStandardBeanProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getBeanProxyFactory()).createBeanProxy(this, initializationString);
public IBeanProxy newInstance() {
return ((IDEStandardBeanProxyFactory)fProxyFactoryRegistry.getBeanProxyFactory()).createBeanProxy(this);
* Create a new bean proxy with the specified object
* Use the constructor that allows the type proxy to be set as well as the bean
* because we are the type and by setting it now we might avoid it being lookup for in the
* factory the first time it is asked for
* NOTE: All subclasses need to override this to return the appropriate IDEBeanProxy.
protected IIDEBeanProxy newBeanProxy(Object anObject){
return new IDEObjectBeanProxy(fProxyFactoryRegistry, anObject, this);
* Create a subclass beantype proxy.
public IDEBeanTypeProxy newBeanTypeForClass(Class type) {
// Default is just another instance of this same class.
return new IDEBeanTypeProxy(fProxyFactoryRegistry, type);
* @see IBeanTypeProxy#getFormalTypeName()
public String getFormalTypeName() {
return getTypeName();
* @see org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core.IBeanTypeProxy#getInitializationError()
public String getInitializationError() {
return null; // By default none have an initialization error. There is a special instance for init errors.