blob: d5a1e673563c43d3e9cc9bb9d5b2c04e32a9ab14 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jem.internal.beaninfo.adapters;
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2004/03/06 11:28:26 $
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core.ProxyPlugin;
* The plugin class for the org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.core plugin.
public class BeaninfoPlugin extends Plugin {
public static final String PI_BEANINFO = "org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo"; // Plugin ID, used for QualifiedName. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_BEANINFO_REGISTRATIONS = "registrations"; // ID of the registrations extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_BEANINFO_OVERRIDES = "overrides"; // ID of the overrides extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_VARIABLE = "variable"; // <variable> in extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_CONTAINER = "container"; // <container> in extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_PATH = "path"; // <path="..."> in extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_CONTRIBUTOR = "contributor"; // <contributor ...> or contributor="..." in extension point //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String PI_PACKAGE = "package"; // <package="..." in extension point. //$NON-NLS-1$
private static BeaninfoPlugin BEANINFO_PLUGIN = null;
public BeaninfoPlugin(IPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor) {
* Accessor method to get the singleton plugin.
public static BeaninfoPlugin getPlugin() {
// Map of registered beaninfos, mapped key is path, value is BeaninfoRegistration[].
// It is allowed to have more than one. They will be concatenated together when used.
private Map beaninfos = null;
private Map getBeaninfoRegistrations() {
if (beaninfos == null) {
beaninfos = new HashMap(30);
return beaninfos;
// Corresponding arrays, that map one to the other.
// Fragments is the array of package fragments, as paths (per plugin), that are registered.
// Paths are the corresponding array of file paths array (as strings). They are retrieved
// by the same index as the matching fragment index and plugin index.
private IPath[][] fragments;
private String[][][] paths;
public class OverridePathSearch {
protected IPath packagePath;
protected int nextPlugin = 0;
protected int nextIndex = 0;
protected int matchIndex = -1;
protected OverridePathSearch(IPath packagePath) {
this.packagePath = packagePath;
if (fragments == null)
* Get the next array of paths that match.
* Returns null if there are no more.
public String[] getNextPath() {
while (nextPlugin < fragments.length) {
while (nextIndex < fragments[nextPlugin].length) {
matchIndex = nextIndex++;
if (fragments[nextPlugin][matchIndex].isPrefixOf(packagePath))
return paths[nextPlugin][matchIndex];
nextPlugin++; // Step up to next plugin
nextIndex = 0;
matchIndex = -1; // Not found
return null;
* Return the unmatched portion of the package name
* for the current entry. For example, if the
* package was "java.awt" and the current match
* path was "java", then the unmatched portion
* would be returned as "awt". If it matched exactly,
* it would return "". And if this is being called
* when it shouldn't it will return null. It will
* return it in directory form. (i.e. "xyz/qxr").
public String getUnmatchedPath() {
if (matchIndex != -1) {
IPath match = fragments[nextPlugin][matchIndex];
return packagePath.removeFirstSegments(match.segmentCount()).toString();
return null;
* Return the searcher for the given package name.
public OverridePathSearch getOverrideSearch(String packageName) {
return new OverridePathSearch(new Path(packageName.replace('.', '/')));
private Logger logger;
public Logger getLogger() {
if (logger == null)
logger = EclipseLogger.getEclipseLogger(this);
return logger;
* Register one registration for the path.
* The path must be a classpath variable for the first segment. It won't be looked for otherwise.
* If it is only one segment long, then it is for the variable itself, and it will be used
* for all paths that start with that variable. This allows several different jars within
* the variable's path to share the same beaninfo registration information.
public void registerBeaninfoRegistration(IPath path, BeaninfoRegistration registration) {
BeaninfoRegistration[] registered = (BeaninfoRegistration[]) getBeaninfoRegistrations().get(path);
if (registered == null)
registered = new BeaninfoRegistration[] {registration};
else {
BeaninfoRegistration[] old = registered;
registered = new BeaninfoRegistration[old.length+1];
System.arraycopy(old, 0, registered, 0, old.length);
registered[old.length] = registration;
getBeaninfoRegistrations().put(path, registered);
* Register multiple registrations for the path.
* The path must be a classpath variable for the first segment. It won't be looked for otherwise.
* If it is only one segment long, then it is for the variable itself, and it will be used
* for all paths that start with that variable. This allows several different jars within
* the variable's path to share the same beaninfo registration information.
public void registerBeaninfoRegistration(IPath path, BeaninfoRegistration[] registrations) {
BeaninfoRegistration[] registered = (BeaninfoRegistration[]) getBeaninfoRegistrations().get(path);
if (registered == null) {
registered = new BeaninfoRegistration[registrations.length];
System.arraycopy(registrations, 0, registered, 0, registrations.length);
} else {
BeaninfoRegistration[] old = registered;
registered = new BeaninfoRegistration[old.length+registrations.length];
System.arraycopy(old, 0, registered, 0, old.length);
System.arraycopy(registrations, 0, registered, old.length, registrations.length);
getBeaninfoRegistrations().put(path, registered);
* Return the registrations for a specified path. Return null if not registered.
public BeaninfoRegistration[] getRegistrations(IPath path) {
return (BeaninfoRegistration[]) getBeaninfoRegistrations().get(path);
protected void processRegistrationExtensionPoint() {
// Read in the registration information from the extensions.
// We'll first gather together in Lists, and then send as arrays at one time to register them.
HashMap registrations = new HashMap();
IExtension[] extensions = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(PI_BEANINFO_REGISTRATIONS).getExtensions();
// Need to be in plugin order so that first ones processed have no dependencies on others.
HashMap pluginDescriptorsToExtensions = new HashMap(extensions.length);
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
IPluginDescriptor desc = extensions[i].getDeclaringPluginDescriptor();
IExtension[] ext = (IExtension[]) pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.get(desc);
if (ext == null)
pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.put(desc, new IExtension[] {extensions[i]});
else {
// More than one extension defined in this plugin.
IExtension[] newExt = new IExtension[ext.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(ext, 0, newExt, 0, ext.length);
newExt[newExt.length-1] = extensions[i];
pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.put(desc, newExt);
IPluginDescriptor[] ordered = ProxyPlugin.orderPlugins(pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.keySet());
for (int i = 0; i < ordered.length; i++) {
IExtension[] exts = (IExtension[]) pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.get(ordered[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < exts.length; j++) {
IConfigurationElement[] configs = exts[j].getConfigurationElements();
for (int k = 0; k < configs.length; k++) {
IConfigurationElement iConfigurationElement = configs[k];
if (PI_VARIABLE.equals(iConfigurationElement.getName()) || PI_CONTAINER.equals(iConfigurationElement.getName())) {
boolean hasContributor = iConfigurationElement.getAttributeAsIs(PI_CONTRIBUTOR) != null || iConfigurationElement.getChildren(PI_CONTRIBUTOR).length > 0;
String varpathstr = iConfigurationElement.getAttributeAsIs(PI_PATH);
if (varpathstr == null)
continue; // Not proper format.
IPath varpath = new Path(varpathstr);
List varentry = (List) registrations.get(varpath);
if (varentry == null) {
varentry = new ArrayList(1);
registrations.put(varpath, varentry);
IConfigurationElement[] beaninfos = iConfigurationElement.getChildren(BeaninfoNature.sBeaninfos);
for (int l = 0; l < beaninfos.length; l++) {
IConfigurationElement root = beaninfos[l];
BeaninfoRegistration reg = new BeaninfoRegistration(BeaninfosDoc.readEntry(new ConfigurationElementReader(), root, null));
if (hasContributor) {
hasContributor = false; // Only the first one for this variable needs it. The others would only be dups.
// Now we've processed all of the extensions.
Iterator regItr = registrations.entrySet().iterator();
while (regItr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
List registrationsList = (List) entry.getValue();
registerBeaninfoRegistration((IPath) entry.getKey(), (BeaninfoRegistration[]) registrationsList.toArray(new BeaninfoRegistration[registrationsList.size()]));
protected void processOverridesExtensionPoint() {
// We are processing this once because it is accessed often (once per introspected class per project).
// This can add up so we get it together once here.
// Read in the overrides information from the extensions.
// Read in the registration information from the extensions.
IExtension[] extensions = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(PI_BEANINFO_OVERRIDES).getExtensions();
// Need to be in plugin order so that first ones processed have no dependencies on others.
HashMap pluginDescriptorsToExtensions = new HashMap(extensions.length);
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
IPluginDescriptor desc = extensions[i].getDeclaringPluginDescriptor();
IExtension[] ext = (IExtension[]) pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.get(desc);
if (ext == null)
pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.put(desc, new IExtension[] {extensions[i]});
else {
// More than one extension defined in this plugin.
IExtension[] newExt = new IExtension[ext.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(ext, 0, newExt, 0, ext.length);
newExt[newExt.length-1] = extensions[i];
pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.put(desc, newExt);
// Now order them so we process in required order.
HashMap overrideMap = new HashMap(); // Working override map per plugin
IPluginDescriptor[] ordered = ProxyPlugin.orderPlugins(pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.keySet());
fragments = new IPath[ordered.length][];
paths = new String[ordered.length][][];
for (int i = 0; i < ordered.length; i++) {
IExtension[] exts = (IExtension[]) pluginDescriptorsToExtensions.get(ordered[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < exts.length; j++) {
IConfigurationElement[] configs = exts[j].getConfigurationElements();
for (int k = 0; k < configs.length; k++) {
IConfigurationElement iConfigurationElement = configs[k];
// Don't care about the element name, we show <overrides...> in the example, but really don't care. It just needs path and package.
String packageName = iConfigurationElement.getAttributeAsIs(PI_PACKAGE);
String path = iConfigurationElement.getAttributeAsIs(PI_PATH);
if (packageName != null && packageName.length() > 0 && path != null && path.length() > 0) {
IPath packPath = new Path(packageName.replace('.', '/'));
if (path.charAt(path.length()-1) != '/' && path.charAt(path.length()-1) != '\\')
path += '/';
String[] sofar = (String[]) overrideMap.get(packPath);
if (sofar == null)
sofar = new String[] {path};
else {
String[] old = sofar;
sofar = new String[old.length+1];
System.arraycopy(old, 0, sofar, 0, old.length);
sofar[old.length] = path;
overrideMap.put(packPath, sofar);
// Now construct the arrays for this plugin
int size = overrideMap.size();
fragments[i] = new IPath[size];
paths[i] = new String[size][];
Iterator itr = overrideMap.entrySet().iterator();
int ii=-1;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
fragments[i][++ii] = (IPath) entry.getKey();
paths[i][ii] = (String[]) entry.getValue();