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package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.model.internal.validation;
* Licensed Material - Property of IBM
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 - All Rights Reserved.
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
* restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EnterpriseBean;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.Entity;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.core.IMessage;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.core.ValidationException;
* This class checks entity bean classes for errors or potential errors.
* If any problems are found, an error, warning, or info marker is added to the task list.
* The following paragraph is taken from
* Enterprise JavaBeans Specification ("Specification")
* Version: 1.1
* Status: Final Release
* Release: 12/17/99
* Copyright 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, U.S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* All 9.2.X sections describe BMP requirements.
* If a CMP requirement is different than these, then the differences are
* documented in 9.4.X sections.
* 9.2.2 Enterprise bean class
* - The following are the requirements for an entity bean class:
* - The class must implement, directly or indirectly, the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.
* - The class must be defined as public and must not be abstract.
* - The class must not be defined as final.
* - The class must define a public constructor that takes no arguments.
* - The class must not define the finalize() method.
* - The class may, but is not required to, implement the entity bean's remote interface [9].
* If the class implements the entity bean's remote interface, the class must provide no-op
* implementations of the methods defined in the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface. The container
* will never invoke these methods on the bean instances at runtime.
* - A no-op implementation of these methods is required to avoid
* defining the entity bean class as abstract.
* - The entity bean class must implement the business methods, and the
* ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, and ejbFind<METHOD> methods as described
* later in this section.
* - The entity bean class may have superclasses and/or superinterfaces.
* If the entity bean has superclasses, the business methods, the
* ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods, the finder methods, and the
* methods of the EntityBean interface may be implemented in the
* enterprise bean class or in any of its superclasses.
* - The entity bean class is allowed to implement other methods (for
* example helper methods invoked internally by the business methods)
* in addition to the methods required by the EJB specification.
* 9.2.3 ejbCreate methods
* - The entity bean class may define zero or more ejbCreate(...) methods whose signatures
* must follow these rules:
* - The method name must be ejbCreate.
* - The method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The return type must be the entity bean's primary key type.
* - The method argument and return value types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions,
* including the javax.ejb.CreateException.
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the ejbCreate method to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception. This
* practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
* - The entity object created by the ejbCreate method must have a unique primary key.
* This means that the primary key must be different from the primary keys of all
* the existing entity objects within the same home. The ejbCreate method should
* throw the DuplicateKeyException on an attempt to create an entity object with
* a duplicate primary key. However, it is legal to reuse the primary key of a
* previously removed entity object.
* 9.2.4 ejbPostCreate methods
* - For each ejbCreate(...) method, the entity bean class must define a matching
* ejbPostCreate(...) method, using the following rules:
* - The method name must be ejbPostCreate.
* - The method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The return type must be void.
* - The method arguments must be the same as the arguments of the matching ejbCreate(...) method.
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions, including the javax.ejb.CreateException.
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the ejbPostCreate method to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteExceptionto indicate a non-application exception. This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1
* compliant enterprise bean should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
* 9.2.5 ejbFind methods
* - The entity bean class may also define additional ejbFind<METHOD>(...) finder methods.
* - The signatures of the finder methods must follow the following rules:
* - A finder method name must start with the prefix "ejbFind"
* (e.g. ejbFindByPrimaryKey, ejbFindLargeAccounts, ejbFindLateShipments).
* - A finder method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The method argument types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The return type of a finder method must be the entity bean's primary key type,
* or a collection of primary keys (see Section Subsection 9.1.8).
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions, including
* the javax.ejb.FinderException.
* - Every entity bean must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. The result type for
* this method must be the primary key type (i.e. the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method must
* be a single-object finder).
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the finder methods to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception.
* This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
* 9.2.6 Business methods
* - The entity bean class may define zero or more business methods whose signatures
* must follow these rules:
* - The method names can be arbitrary, but they must not start with ejb to
* avoid conflicts with the callback methods used by the EJB architecture.
* - The business method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The method argument and return value types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions.
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the business methods to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception. This
* practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
* 9.2.9 Entity bean's primary key class
* - The primary key type must be a legal Value Type in RMI-IIOP.
* 18.1.2 Programming restrictions
* This section describes the programming restrictions that a Bean Provider must follow to ensure that the
* enterprise bean is portable and can be deployed in any compliant EJB Container. The restrictions apply
* to the implementation of the business methods. Section 18.2, which describes the Container's view of
* these restrictions, defines the programming environment that all EJB Containers must provide.
* - An enterprise Bean must not use read/write static fields. Using read-only static fields is
* allowed. Therefore, it is recommended that all static fields in the enterprise bean class be
* declared as final.
* - An enterprise Bean must not use thread synchronization primitives to synchronize execution of
* multiple instances.
* - An enterprise Bean must not use the AWT functionality to attempt to output information to a
* display, or to input information from a keyboard.
* - An enterprise bean must not use the package to attempt to access files and directo-ries
* in the file system.
* - An enterprise bean must not attempt to listen on a socket, accept connections on a socket, or
* use a socket for multicast.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to query a class to obtain information about the declared
* members that are not otherwise accessible to the enterprise bean because of the security rules
* of the Java language. The enterprise bean must not attempt to use the Reflection API to access
* information that the security rules of the Java programming language make unavailable.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to create a class loader; obtain the current class loader;
* set the context class loader; set security manager; create a new security manager; stop the
* JVM; or change the input, output, and error streams.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to set the socket factory used by ServerSocket, Socket, or
* the stream handler factory used by URL.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to manage threads. The enterprise bean must not attempt
* to start, stop, suspend, or resume a thread; or to change a thread's priority or name. The enter-prise
* bean must not attempt to manage thread groups.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to directly read or write a file descriptor.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to obtain the security policy information for a particular
* code source.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to load a native library.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to gain access to packages and classes that the usual rules
* of the Java programming language make unavailable to the enterprise bean.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to define a class in a package.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to access or modify the security configuration objects
* (Policy, Security, Provider, Signer, and Identity).
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to use the subclass and object substitution features of the
* Java Serialization Protocol.
* - The enterprise bean must not attempt to pass this as an argument or method result. The
* enterprise bean must pass the result of SessionContext.getEJBObject() or EntityContext.
* getEJBObject() instead.
public class ValidateBMPBean extends AValidateEntityBean implements IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants {
private static final String MSSGID = ".eb"; // In messages, to identify which message version belongs to the BMP bean class, this id is used. //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String EXT = MSSGID + SPEC; // Extension to be used on non-method, non-field messages
private static final String BEXT = MSSGID + ON_BASE + SPEC; // Extension to be used on a method/field message when the method/field is inherited from a base type
private static final String MEXT = MSSGID + ON_THIS + SPEC; // Extension to be used on a method/field message when the method/field is implemented on the current type
private static final Object ID = IValidationRuleList.EJB11_BMP_BEANCLASS;
private static final Object[] DEPENDS_ON = new Object[]{IValidationRuleList.EJB11_BMP_HOME, IValidationRuleList.EJB11_BMP_REMOTE, IValidationRuleList.EJB11_BMP_KEYCLASS};
private static final Map MESSAGE_IDS;
boolean hasPKMethod = false;
static {
MESSAGE_IDS = new HashMap();
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2002, new String[]{CHKJ2002+BEXT, CHKJ2002+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2006, new String[]{CHKJ2006+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2007, new String[]{CHKJ2007+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2009, new String[]{CHKJ2009+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2013, new String[]{CHKJ2013+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2014, new String[]{CHKJ2014+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2015, new String[]{CHKJ2015+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2022, new String[]{CHKJ2022+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2028, new String[]{CHKJ2028+BEXT, CHKJ2028+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2029, new String[]{CHKJ2029+BEXT, CHKJ2029+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2033, new String[]{CHKJ2033+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2034, new String[]{CHKJ2034+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2035, new String[]{CHKJ2035+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2036, new String[]{CHKJ2036+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2037, new String[]{CHKJ2037+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2038, new String[]{CHKJ2038+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2039, new String[]{CHKJ2039+EXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2103, new String[]{CHKJ2103 + SPEC});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2200, new String[]{CHKJ2200+ON_BASE+SPEC, CHKJ2200+ON_THIS+SPEC}); // CHKJ2200 is a special case. It's shared by all bean types.
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2400_bus, new String[]{CHKJ2400_bus+BEXT, CHKJ2400_bus+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2400_ejbCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2400_ejbCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2400_ejbCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2400_ejbFind, new String[]{CHKJ2400_ejbFind+BEXT, CHKJ2400_ejbFind+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2400_ejbPostCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2400_ejbPostCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2400_ejbPostCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2406, new String[]{CHKJ2406+BEXT, CHKJ2406+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2407, new String[]{CHKJ2407+BEXT, CHKJ2407+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2408_bus, new String[]{CHKJ2408_bus+BEXT, CHKJ2408_bus+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2408_ejbCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2408_ejbCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2408_ejbCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2408_ejbFind, new String[]{CHKJ2408_ejbFind+BEXT, CHKJ2408_ejbFind+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2408_ejbPostCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2408_ejbPostCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2408_ejbPostCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2409_bus, new String[]{CHKJ2409_bus+BEXT, CHKJ2409_bus+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2409_ejbCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2409_ejbCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2409_ejbCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2409_ejbFind, new String[]{CHKJ2409_ejbFind+BEXT, CHKJ2409_ejbFind+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2409_ejbPostCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2409_ejbPostCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2409_ejbPostCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2410_bus, new String[]{CHKJ2410_bus+BEXT, CHKJ2410_bus+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2410_ejbCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2410_ejbCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2410_ejbCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2410_ejbFind, new String[]{CHKJ2410_ejbFind+BEXT, CHKJ2410_ejbFind+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2410_ejbPostCreate, new String[]{CHKJ2410_ejbPostCreate+BEXT, CHKJ2410_ejbPostCreate+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2411, new String[]{CHKJ2411+BEXT, CHKJ2411+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2412, new String[]{CHKJ2412+BEXT, CHKJ2412+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2413, new String[]{CHKJ2413+BEXT, CHKJ2413+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2414, new String[]{CHKJ2414+BEXT, CHKJ2414+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2418, new String[]{CHKJ2418+BEXT, CHKJ2418+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2420, new String[]{CHKJ2420+BEXT, CHKJ2420+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2432, new String[]{CHKJ2432+BEXT, CHKJ2432+MEXT});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2041, new String[]{CHKJ2041}); // special case. Shared by all types.
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2433, new String[]{CHKJ2433});
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2456, new String[]{CHKJ2456+ON_BASE, CHKJ2456+ON_THIS}); // special case (shared by all types)
MESSAGE_IDS.put(CHKJ2907, new String[]{CHKJ2907});
public final Map getMessageIds() {
public final Object[] getDependsOn() {
return DEPENDS_ON;
public final Object getId() {
return ID;
protected void incrementFindByPrimaryKeyCount(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) {
if (method == null) {
hasPKMethod = true;
* Checks to see if @ejbMethod is one of the required methods.
protected void primValidateExistence(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method ejbMethod) throws InvalidInputException {
super.primValidateExistence(vc, bean, clazz, ejbMethod);
// BMPs must implement ejbFindByPrimaryKey. If it isn't implemented, validateMethodExists() will
// output an error. (hasPKMethod = true implies implemented, otherwise not implemented)
if (!hasPKMethod && IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_EJBFINDBYPRIMARYKEY.equals(ejbMethod.getName())) {
incrementFindByPrimaryKeyCount(vc, bean, clazz, ejbMethod);
* 9.2.6 Business methods
* - The entity bean class may define zero or more business methods whose signatures
* must follow these rules:
* - The method names can be arbitrary, but they must not start with 'ejb' to
* avoid conflicts with the callback methods used by the EJB architecture.
* - The business method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The method argument and return value types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions.
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the business methods to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception. This
* practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
public void validateBusinessMethod(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
// Perform common BMP/CMP business method checks
super.validateBusinessMethod(vc, bean, clazz, method);
// No specific BMP business method checks.
// All of the points in 9.2.6 are common to both BMPs & CMPs.
* 9.2.2 Enterprise bean class
* - The following are the requirements for an entity bean class:
* - The class must implement, directly or indirectly, the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.
* - The class must be defined as public and must not be abstract.
* - The class must not be defined as final.
* - The class must define a public constructor that takes no arguments.
* - The class must not define the finalize() method.
* - The class may, but is not required to, implement the entity bean's remote interface [9].
* If the class implements the entity bean's remote interface, the class must provide no-op
* implementations of the methods defined in the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface. The container
* will never invoke these methods on the bean instances at runtime.
* - A no-op implementation of these methods is required to avoid
* defining the entity bean class as abstract.
* - The entity bean class must implement the business methods, and the
* ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate, and ejbFind<METHOD> methods as described
* later in this section.
* - The entity bean class may have superclasses and/or superinterfaces.
* If the entity bean has superclasses, the business methods, the
* ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods, the finder methods, and the
* methods of the EntityBean interface may be implemented in the
* enterprise bean class or in any of its superclasses.
* - The entity bean class is allowed to implement other methods (for
* example helper methods invoked internally by the business methods)
* in addition to the methods required by the EJB specification.
public void validateClass(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz) throws InvalidInputException {
// All of the above checks are performed by the parent.
super.validateClass(vc, bean, clazz);
* 9.2.5 ejbFind methods
* - The entity bean class may also define additional ejbFind<METHOD>(...) finder methods.
* - The signatures of the finder methods must follow the following rules:
* - A finder method name must start with the prefix "ejbFind"
* (e.g. ejbFindByPrimaryKey, ejbFindLargeAccounts, ejbFindLateShipments).
* - A finder method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The method argument types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The return type of a finder method must be the entity bean's primary key type,
* or a collection of primary keys (see Section Subsection 9.1.8).
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions, including
* the javax.ejb.FinderException.
* - Every entity bean must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. The result type for
* this method must be the primary key type (i.e. the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method must
* be a single-object finder).
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the finder methods to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception.
* This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
public void validateEjbFindMethod(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
// A finder method name must start with the prefix "ejbFind"
// (e.g. ejbFindByPrimaryKey, ejbFindLargeAccounts, ejbFindLateShipments).
// The method which calls this method performs the above check.
// Every entity bean must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. The result type for
// this method must be the primary key type (i.e. the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method must
// be a single-object finder).
if (method == null) {
// A finder method must be declared as public.
if (!ValidationRuleUtility.isPublic(method)) {
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2408_ejbFind, IValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, method, this);
// The method must not be declared as final or static.
if (method.isStatic()) {
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2410_ejbFind, IValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, method, this);
if (method.isFinal()) {
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2409_ejbFind, IValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, method, this);
// The method argument types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
validateLegalRMIMethodArguments(vc, bean, clazz, method);
// The return type of a finder method must be the entity bean's primary key type,
// or a collection of primary keys (see Section Subsection 9.1.8).
validateEjbFindMethod_key(vc, bean, clazz, method);
// Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the finder methods to throw the
// java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception.
// This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
// should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
// to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
validateNoRemoteException(vc, bean, clazz, method, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2400_ejbFind);
validateEjbFindMethod_homeDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
* 9.2.5 ejbFind methods
* - The entity bean class may also define additional ejbFind<METHOD>(...) finder methods.
* - The signatures of the finder methods must follow the following rules:
* - A finder method name must start with the prefix "ejbFind"
* (e.g. ejbFindByPrimaryKey, ejbFindLargeAccounts, ejbFindLateShipments).
* - A finder method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The method argument types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.
* - The return type of a finder method must be the entity bean's primary key type,
* or a collection of primary keys (see Section Subsection 9.1.8).
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions, including
* the javax.ejb.FinderException.
* - Every entity bean must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. The result type for
* this method must be the primary key type (i.e. the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method must
* be a single-object finder).
* - Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the finder methods to throw the
* java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception.
* This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise bean
* should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another java.lang.RuntimeException
* to indicate non-application exceptions to the Container (see Section 12.2.2).
public void validateEjbFindMethod_key(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
if (method == null) {
// The return type of a finder method must be the entity bean's primary key type,
// or a collection of primary keys (see Section Subsection 9.1.8).
JavaHelpers returnType = method.getReturnType();
JavaClass primaryKey = ((Entity) bean).getPrimaryKey();
ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, primaryKey);
if( !(ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(returnType, primaryKey) ||
ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFromCollection(returnType, bean) ||
ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFromEnumeration(returnType, bean)
)) {
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2407, IValidationContext.WARNING, bean, clazz, method, new String[] { primaryKey.getQualifiedName()}, this);
* Checks that the ejbPostCreate method follows the EJB 1.1. specification.
* 9.2.4 ejbPostCreate methods
* - For each ejbCreate(...) method, the entity bean class must define a matching
* ejbPostCreate(...) method, using the following rules:
* - The method name must be ejbPostCreate.
* - The method must be declared as public.
* - The method must not be declared as final or static.
* - The return type must be void.
* - The method arguments must be the same as the arguments of the matching
* ejbCreate(...) method.
* - The throws clause may define arbitrary application specific exceptions,
* including the javax.ejb.CreateException.
* Compatibility Note: EJB 1.0 allowed the ejbPostCreate method to throw
* the java.rmi.RemoteException to indicate a non-application exception.
* This practice is deprecated in EJB 1.1 -- an EJB 1.1 compliant enterprise
* bean should throw the javax.ejb.EJBException or another
* java.lang.RuntimeException to indicate non-application exceptions to the
* Container (see Section 12.2.2).
public void validateEjbPostCreateMethod(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
// Perform common BMP/CMP ejbPostCreate method checks
super.validateEjbPostCreateMethod(vc, bean, clazz, method);
// No specific BMP ejbPostCreate method checks.
// All of the points in 9.2.4 are common to both BMPs & CMPs.
* 9.2.5 ejbFind methods
* - Every entity bean must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. The result type for
* this method must be the primary key type (i.e. the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method must
* be a single-object finder).
public void validateMethodExists(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz) throws InvalidInputException {
super.validateMethodExists(vc, bean, clazz);
if (!hasPKMethod) {
IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2009, IValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, new String[] { clazz.getQualifiedName()}, this);
public void verifyFieldExists(IValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz) throws InvalidInputException {
// Plus, check that at least one field exists on the bean.
List fields = getFields();
if((fields == null) || (fields.size() == 0)) {
addValidationMessage(IValidationContext.WARNING, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.EJB_BMP_NOFIELDS, new String[] {getModelObjectName()}, getModelObject());
* @see IValidationRule#preValidate(IValidationContext, Object, Object)
public void preValidate(IValidationContext vc, Object targetParent, Object target) throws ValidationCancelledException, ValidationException {
super.preValidate(vc, targetParent, target);
hasPKMethod = false;