blob: 4c38222b4748ea45e6dcc145578587eae2988b21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.internal.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.ContainerManagedEntity;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.J2EEVersionConstants;
public class CMPHelper {
public static final String GET = "get"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String SET = "set"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected static Comparator methodComparator = new Comparator() {
* @see Comparator#compare(Object, Object)
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Method m1 = (Method) o1;
Method m2 = (Method) o2;
String s1 = m1.getName();
String s2 = m2.getName();
if (s1 == null)
return "".compareTo(s2); //$NON-NLS-1$
return s1.compareTo(s2);
public interface CMPFieldExistTester {
boolean isExisting(Field aField);
boolean isExisting(Method aMethod);
protected CMPHelper() {
* For CMP 2.0 beans, the bean class is abstract and
* contains abstract get/set methods for the fields
* This infers the those fields based on the get/set methods
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMP20FieldDescriptors(JavaClass beanClass) {
return getAvailableCMP20FieldDescriptors(beanClass, null);
* For CMP 2.0 beans, the bean class is abstract and
* contains abstract get/set methods for the fields
* This infers the those fields based on the get/set methods
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMP20FieldDescriptors(JavaClass beanClass, CMPHelper.CMPFieldExistTester fieldTester) {
if (beanClass == null)
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
List result = new ArrayList();
Map getters = new HashMap();
List methods = beanClass.getPublicMethodsExtended();
Collections.sort(methods, methodComparator);
for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) {
Method aMethod = (Method) methods.get(i);
if (isGetter(aMethod) && aMethod.isAbstract() && !aMethod.isStatic() &&
(fieldTester == null || fieldTester.isExisting(aMethod)))
getters.put(getFieldName(aMethod), aMethod);
else if (isSetter(aMethod) && aMethod.isAbstract() && !aMethod.isStatic()) {
String fieldName = getFieldName(aMethod);
Method getter = (Method) getters.get(fieldName);
if (typesAgree(getter, aMethod)) {
String typeName = getReturnTypeName(getter);
if (typeName != null && (fieldTester == null || fieldTester.isExisting(getter)))
result.add(createFieldDescriptor(fieldName, typeName));
return result;
* For CMP 1.1 beans, the list is simply the fields, extended,
* on the bean class
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMP11FieldDescriptors(JavaClass beanClass) {
return getAvailableCMP11FieldDescriptors(beanClass, null);
* For CMP 1.1 beans, the list is simply the fields, extended,
* on the bean class
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMP11FieldDescriptors(JavaClass beanClass, CMPHelper.CMPFieldExistTester fieldTester) {
if (beanClass == null)
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
List fields = beanClass.getFieldsExtended();
List result = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
Field aField = (Field) fields.get(i);
if (!isPublic(aField) || aField.isStatic() || aField.isTransient() ||
(fieldTester != null && !fieldTester.isExisting(aField)))
String name = aField.getName();
String typeName = getTypeName(aField);
if (typeName != null && name != null)
result.add(createFieldDescriptor(name, typeName));
return result;
* Get a list of available cmp fields for the CMP bean; if the bean
* is v1.1, this is the fields on the bean class; if it is 2.0, this
* is defined by the abstract get/set methods on the bean class
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMPFieldDescriptors(ContainerManagedEntity cmpBean) {
return getAvailableCMPFieldDescriptors(cmpBean, null);
* Get a list of available cmp fields for the CMP bean; if the bean
* is v1.1, this is the fields on the bean class; if it is 2.0, this
* is defined by the abstract get/set methods on the bean class
* @return java.util.List of {@link CMPFieldDescriptor}
public static List getAvailableCMPFieldDescriptors(ContainerManagedEntity cmpBean, CMPHelper.CMPFieldExistTester fieldTester) {
JavaClass beanClass = cmpBean.getEjbClass();
if (beanClass == null)
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
switch(cmpBean.getVersionID()) {
case J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_1_0_ID:
case J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_1_1_ID:
return getAvailableCMP11FieldDescriptors(beanClass, fieldTester);
case J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_2_0_ID:
case J2EEVersionConstants.EJB_2_1_ID: default:
return getAvailableCMP20FieldDescriptors(beanClass, fieldTester);
* Does the method name start with "get", and is the method a zero arg
* method, that does not return void?
protected static boolean isGetter(Method aMethod) {
String name = aMethod.getName();
return name != null &&
name.startsWith(GET) &&
name.length() > 3 &&
aMethod.listParametersWithoutReturn().length==0 &&
* Does the method name start with "get", and is the method a one arg
* method, that is void
protected static boolean isSetter(Method aMethod) {
String name = aMethod.getName();
return name != null &&
name.startsWith(SET) &&
name.length() > 3 &&
aMethod.listParametersWithoutReturn().length == 1 &&
protected static String getFieldName(Method aMethod) {
if (aMethod == null)
return null;
return getFieldName(aMethod.getName());
public static String getFieldName(String methodName) {
if (methodName == null)
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(methodName);
sb.delete(0, 3);
char lower = Character.toLowerCase(sb.charAt(0));
sb.setCharAt(0, lower);
return sb.toString();
protected static String getReturnTypeName(Method getter) {
if (getter == null)
return null;
JavaHelpers retType = getter.getReturnType();
return getTypeName(retType);
protected static String getTypeName(Field aField) {
if (aField == null)
return null;
JavaHelpers type = (JavaHelpers)aField.getEType();
return getTypeName(type);
protected static String getTypeName(JavaHelpers helpers) {
if (helpers == null)
return null;
return helpers.getQualifiedName();
* Precondition: setter must take one parameter, and getter must return
* a type, not void
protected static boolean typesAgree(Method getter, Method setter) {
if (getter == null || getter.isVoid() || setter == null)
return false;
JavaParameter[] parameters = setter.listParametersWithoutReturn();
if (parameters.length != 1)
return false;
JavaParameter param = parameters[0];
return param.getEType() != null &&
param.getEType() == getter.getReturnType();
protected static CMPFieldDescriptor createFieldDescriptor(String name, String typeName) {
CMPFieldDescriptor desc = new CMPFieldDescriptor();
return desc;
protected static boolean isPublic(Field field) {
if (field == null)
return false;
return (JavaVisibilityKind.PUBLIC_LITERAL.getValue() == field.getJavaVisibility().getValue());