blob: a9c5cac7af615d1efd1a8b1c0b98463db724b989 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
<concept id="cjview" xml:lang="en-us">
<title outputclass="id_title">Project Explorer view in the J2EE perspective</title>
<shortdesc outputclass="id_shortdesc">While developing J2EE applications in
the J2EE perspective, the Project Explorer view is your main view of your
J2EE projects and resources.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>views<indexterm>Project Explorer</indexterm></indexterm>
<conbody outputclass="id_conbody">
<p outputclass="anchor_topictop"></p>
<p>The Project Explorer view provides an integrated
view of all project resources, including models of J2EE deployment descriptors, <tm
tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm" trademark="Java">Java</tm> artifacts,
resources, Web services, databases, and dynamic Web project artifacts.</p>
<p>You should use this view to work with your J2EE deployment descriptors
and their content. You can view an enterprise application project and see
all of the modules associated with it. </p>
<p>You can also filter what you see in the Project Explorer view to hide projects,
folders, or files that you don't want to see. To enable or disable filters,
click the <uicontrol>Filters</uicontrol> button from the drop-down menu at
the top right corner of the view. For more information, see <xref href="cjviewfilters.dita">Filters
in the Project Explorer view</xref>.</p>
<p>Alternately, you can filter what you see by showing or hiding working sets,
groups of related resources or projects. See <xref format="html" href="../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/concepts/cworkset.htm"
scope="peer">Working Sets<desc></desc></xref>.</p>
<p>The following image shows the Project Explorer view with a few projects:<image
alt="Screen capture of the Project Explorer view" href="../images/ProjectExplorer.gif"
outputclass="id_projectexplorerimage" placement="break"></image></p>
<p outputclass="anchor_topicbottom"></p>