blob: cd237782ab2955933e1a7617a028e529ad7d9f5d [file] [log] [blame]
(object Petal
version 50
_written "Rose 8.3.0407.2800"
charSet 0)
(object Class_Category "client"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0000-005d9e6adec4:1"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "basePackage"
value (value Text "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "nsURI"
value (value Text "client.xmi"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "prefix"
value (value Text "Client")))
quid "38C0280700C0"
visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
(object Visibility_Relationship
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0001-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38FF3C180336"
supplier "Logical View::common"
quidu "38C08F0F038D"))
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "ApplicationClient"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0002-005d9e6adec4:1"))
(object Attribute
tool "Java"
name "cg_style"
value "Default_EJB"))
quid "38C028AB009E"
|The application-client element is the root element of an application client deployment descriptor. The application client deployment descriptor describes the EJB components and external resources referenced by the application client.
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4023AEFC0009"
supplier "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup"
quidu "4023ADF20197"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "version"
quid "3E559EEA0241"
|@version J2EE1.4
|The required value for the version is 1.4.
type "String"
exportControl "Public"))
language "Java")
(object Class "ResAuthApplicationType"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0007-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C0A0C201A5"
stereotype "enumeration"
language "Java")
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0009-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02A5B0211"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000a-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02A5D0002"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_aggregate TRUE)
(object Role "resourceRefs"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000b-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02A5D000C"
documentation "Contains declarations of the application clients's references to an external resources."
label "resourceRefs"
supplier "Logical View::common::ResourceRef"
quidu "371BC79303C6"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000c-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B4501D5"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000d-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B46021C"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_aggregate TRUE)
(object Role "environmentProps"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000e-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B460226"
documentation "The env-entry element contains the declaration of an application client's environment entries. Each declaration consists of an optional description, the name of the environment entry, and an optional value."
label "environmentProps"
supplier "Logical View::common::EnvEntry"
quidu "371BC77800E2"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$4"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-000f-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B4B0011"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0010-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B4C0044"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_aggregate TRUE)
(object Role "ejbReferences"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "IDL"
name "uuid"
value (value Text "DCE:d8e72790-8826-11e1-0011-005d9e6adec4:1")))
quid "38C02B4C0045"
|Contains a list of ejb-ref elements used for the declaration of a reference to an enterprise
|bean's home.
label "ejbReferences"
supplier "Logical View::common::EjbRef"
quidu "371BC78202B3"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
quid "39895E8E00FD"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "resourceEnvRefs"
quid "39895E8F033A"
|The resource-env-ref element contains a declaration of an application client's reference to an administered object associated with a resource in the application client's environment. It consists of an optional
|description, the resource environment reference name, and an indication of the resource environment reference type expected by the application client code.
|Used in: application-client
| <resource-env-ref-name>jms/StockQueue</resource-env-ref-name>
| <resource-env-ref-type>javax.jms.Queue</resource-env-ref-type>
label "resourceEnvRefs"
supplier "Logical View::common::ResourceEnvRef"
quidu "39BF207200D3"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
quid "39895E8F034E"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
quid "39895F3D029A"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "callbackHandler "
quid "39895F3E01F1"
documentation "A class provided by the application. The class must have a no args constructor and must implement the interface. The class will be instantiated by the application client container and used by the container to collect authentication information from the user."
label "callbackHandler "
supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
quidu "36549FCC00FA"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
Containment "By Reference"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
quid "39895F3E0223"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$10"
quid "3E53F4AC005F"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "serviceRefs"
quid "3E53F4AC02F4"
documentation "@version J2EE1.4"
label "serviceRefs"
supplier "Logical View::wsclient::ServiceRef"
quidu "3E4D2F560184"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
quid "3E53F4AC0308"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
quid "3E53F50701D2"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "messageDestinationRefs"
quid "3E53F50800B1"
|@version J2EE1.4
|The message-destination-ref-name element specifies the
| name of a message destination reference; its value is
| the message destination reference name used in the
| application client code. The name is a JNDI name
| relative to the java:comp/env context and must be unique
| within an application client.
label "messageDestinationRefs"
supplier "Logical View::common::MessageDestinationRef"
quidu "3E4C1F52028C"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
quid "3E53F50800BB"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
quid "3E53F5DB0372"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "messageDestinations"
quid "3E53F5DD003F"
documentation "@version J2EE1.4"
label "messageDestinations"
supplier "Logical View::common::MessageDestination"
quidu "3E4C211001CF"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
quid "3E53F5DD0053"
supplier "Logical View::client::ApplicationClient"
quidu "38C028AB009E"
is_aggregate TRUE))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Client Diagram"
quid "38C028C600ED"
title "Client Diagram"
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location (1456, 2064)
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