blob: bfe1b7694ee02de214c84f0f31da1df288761916 [file] [log] [blame]
(object Petal
version 50
_written "Rose 8.3.0407.2800"
charSet 0)
(object Class_Category "wscommon"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "basePackage"
value (value Text "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservice"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "prefix"
value (value Text "Wscommon"))
(object Attribute
tool "Ecore"
name "nsURI"
value (value Text "wscommon.xmi")))
quid "3E15B4C0016F"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "InitParam"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Java"
name "cg_style"
value "Default_EJB"))
quid "3E10AC6E0280"
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "paramName"
quid "3E526C580355"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "paramValue"
quid "3E526C5D0013"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")
(object ClassAttribute "description"
quid "3E526C63017A"
type "String"
exportControl "Public"))
language "Java")
(object Class "SOAPHeader"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Java"
name "cg_style"
value "Default_EJB"))
quid "3E10AC99022F"
|Defines the QName of a SOAP header that will be processed by the handler.
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3F4671870049"
supplier "Logical View::common::QName"
quidu "3F3BEF5D02C0"))
language "Java")
(object Class "SOAPRole"
attributes (list Attribute_Set
(object Attribute
tool "Java"
name "cg_style"
value "Default_EJB"))
quid "3E10ACBC0164"
|The soap-role element contains a SOAP actor definition that the Handler will play as a role.
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "soapRole"
quid "3E11E9AD02D7"
type "String"
exportControl "Public"))
language "Java")
(object Class "PortName"
quid "3E15BBC90209"
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "portName"
quid "3E15E4F70076"
type "String"
exportControl "Public"))
language "Java")
(object Class "DescriptionType"
quid "3F5CBC6D0353"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3F5DDB7E00C1"
supplier "Logical View::common::Description"
quidu "3E4A98D602E0")))
(object Class "DisplayNameType"
quid "3F5CBC780236"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3F5DDB82033D"
supplier "Logical View::common::DisplayName"
quidu "3E4A9922000E"))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))