blob: daea42ae78a28345bdad45e899b5002f6d42b7f9 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</title>
<h1>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</h1>
<p>Bug <a href=''>276538</a>. Ant console output seems to imply that parameter can be set but really it should not be</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283312</a>. ANT Client gen- message missing server name subst. variable</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>283399</a>. Web Services > Server & Runtime preference undefined</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286859</a>. EJB Projects created by web Service Wizards does not add the ejbModule as a source folder</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>285933</a>. SOAPElementSaxHandler to create text nodes results in null return for char size 1</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291075</a>. remove auto build join calls</p>
<p>Bug <a href="">291143</a>. Mechanism to expose WEB-INF/lib classpath component dependencies</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291225</a>. Output folder support in JavaEE projects</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>292571</a>. JavaEE EMF content provider improperly synchronizing during notification</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>293497</a>. Utility jars removed from the properties</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299059</a>. Check for Main-Class in MANIFEST.MF should not always occur</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299432</a>. J2EE Deployment framework doesn't allow facet exclusions</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>299764</a>. Exception from JEE5ContentProvider</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>300098</a>. 'In Lib Dir' checkbox being ignored when a jar dependency is added to an EAR</p>