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<title>Source Folders</title>
<h1>Javascript Development Toolkit (JSDT)</h1>
<h3 class="NavListTitle">Source Folders</h3>
<td><!-- Start of sub section --> In order to limit the source files in a JavaScript project's Global Scope the JSDT supports specifying project source folders. <br>
JavaScript source files (and sub folders) within a source folder is added to a projects Global Scope. By default the root folder of a JavaScript project is a source folder. So for most instances no source folder configuration is necisary.<br><br>
For HTML projects there are no source folder by default. HTML files have their own Global Scope that's a combination of libraries from the project and any source files included through HTML using <b>&lt;script src='...'&gt;</b> tag <sup>1</sup>.
Source folders are modified in the <b>JavaScript Libraries</b> properties page on the Source Folder tab. (see <b><small><a href="#figure1">Figure 1</a></small></b>).<br><br>
<center><img src="./img/s1.jpg"><br><small><b><a name="figure1">Figure 1.</a> JavaScript Source Configuration</b></small></center>
<small><a name="note1">1.</a> You may still manually specify a source folder in the <b>JavaScript Include Path</b> properties page to exist in each HTML file's Global Scope.</small>
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