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  1. 1612dd9 Bug 574533 - AssertionFailedException is thrown on handling TimeoutException by Victor Rubezhny · 3 years, 1 month ago master
  2. 0bf7556 Bug 574470 - Refactoring throws NPE on rename operation when response is empty by Victor Rubezhny · 3 years, 1 month ago
  3. e9c5b99 Update target-platform by Mickael Istria · 3 years, 1 month ago
  4. d10de20 Bug 574396 - LSP4E "Format" action is not enabled in "Source" menu for a text page of a MultiPageEditorPart by Victor Rubezhny · 3 years, 1 month ago
  5. 41b325d Only fail stage on dash license failure by Jonah Graham · 3 years, 2 months ago

Eclipse LSP4E

Eclipse LSP4E makes Eclipse IDE able to consume the Language Server protocol (LSP) and the Debug Adapter protocol (DAP).

Target audience are Eclipse plugin developers or Language developers willing to integrate a language which ships a Language Server or Debug Adapter into Eclipse IDE. End-users can also take advantage of this as LSP4E also defines a way to bind Eclipse IDE to existing language servers from UI.

Install it into Eclipse IDE, or add it to your target-platform using one of this p2 repository:


Language Server in Eclipse in the Eclipse IDE

Debug Adapter in action in the Eclipse IDE



LSP4E mostly ships extensions to the Generic Editor proposal for Eclipse Platform Text. But those classes can be reused in any editor or other extensions.

At the moment, it provides regular JFace/Platform Text classes for:

  • detection of language server for given file
  • synchronization of files with Language Server
  • diagnostics as problem markers
  • completion
  • hover
  • jump to declaration
  • formatting
  • rename refactoring
  • Find References
  • File symbols (as Outline or Quick Outline)
  • Workspace symbols
  • Language Server messages as notifications


Support for the Debug Adapter Protocol includes usual debug operations (breakpoints, step forward, step into, view variable value, evaluate expression, change variable value...) in the Platform Debug framework and its related UI components.


Examples of integration contain:

  • Eclipse Corrosion Rust support plugin for Eclipse IDE, edition is powered by LSP4E and RLS.
  • Eclipse aCute C# edition in Eclipse IDE using LSP4E and OmniSharp LSP implementation.
  • End-user using Language Server from Docker image, providing edition feature in the IDE without creating specific Eclipse IDE plugin:
  • Eclipse WildWebDeveloper HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular, JSON, YAML (+Kubernetes) and XMLL edition, using LSP4E and various language servers from SourceGraph and VSCode.
  • language-servers-for-eclipse Binds various language servers to the Eclipse IDE.
  • Solargraph Binds a Ruby language server to the Eclipse IDE.
  • Quarkus Tools Based on the Eclipse LSP4MP language server, extended for Quarkus specifics and binds to and Java files.

All those examples are good for usage as they provide advanced edition features, and great for showcase of the LSP4E project.


Contributions are highly welcome. See how

Changelog - New and Noteworthy

Please review the Changelog for changes and new and noteworthy items.

Related projects

The Language Server protocol specification is an open-source project.

As the Language Server Protocol doesn't include support for syntax highlighting, most adopters of LSP4E usually pair it with the Eclipse TM4E project to provide Syntax Highlighting according to TextMate grammars.

Possible integration with Docker images as language-server are made possible thanks to Eclipse Docker Tools, which are part of the Eclipse LinuxTools project.


This has been initiated during the EclipseCon France 2016 Unconference with the first official release in February 2017.