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This document describes the services defined in the MDM5 API.

1. Introduction

The MDM5 API consists of the following projects:

  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.base
    Defines the core services and entities. Entities contained in this project must be supported by all implementations.

  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.default
    Extends the core API with catalog and template entities to organize the storage of context data.

  • org.eclipse.mdm.api.odsadapter
    Implements both org.eclipse.mdm.api.base and org.eclipse.mdm.default using the query based ASAM ODS OO API.

2. EntityManager

Once a connection to a persistence (e.g. ODS server) is established, the entity manager allows to load entities of any kind and provides access to available services.

Returned entities are always complete. This means they are loaded with all of their properties and related entities (as exposed by their API). Therefore it does not matter how entities are retrieved (e.g. entity manager or search service). The entity manager provides various methods to load instances by their id, load parent or child entities for a given entity or filter loaded entities with a given naming pattern. Context data may be loaded for TestStep or Measurement entities.

Mass data may be loaded by defining a corresponding request. Such a request consists of a ChannelGroup and a subset of related Channels. Finally, a range is defined to loaded stored values iteratively or all at once. This allows a fine grained access to stored mass data.

2.1. SearchService

The search service allows to search for entities like Test, TestStep, Measurement and Channel across hierarchies. So one can, for example, search for Tests and apply filter criteria for context data of related TestSteps and Measurements without defining any joins. This is done by the internally used search queries. Each search query defines a set of supported entity types and hence all of its attributes may be used for selections or filter criteria. The search service allows to query possible filter values for each supported attribute.

In addition to that a query string may be used to search for entities. This query string is evaluatated and processed by a full text search which returns a result consisting of Test, TestStep or Measurement entities.

2.2. Notification


2.3. FileService

The file service may be used to download externally linked files, query their size or open a consumable download stream for a given externally linked file. Sequential or parallel download of multiple files is possible as well. A download request with multiple files may have multiple links to the same file. In such a case this file is downloaded only once and all links will point to the same local copy of the downloaded file. Since downloading large files may take its time to complete, one can pass a listener to track the overall progress.


2.4. EntityFactory

The entity factory is the only way to create new entities. Each entity returned by this service is considered to be virtual, since it does not have an id until it is written. Entities with informational relations like Quantity (references a Unit) or Unit (references a PhysicalDimension) may only reference already persisted entities. This means that a new Quantity may only be created with an already persisted Unit and a new Unit may only be created with an already persisted PhysicalDimension.

On the other hand, it is possible to create parent / child trees consisting of virtual or persisted entities (parent and child entities are internally linked together). Within a transaction such trees are recursively processed, therefore it is not required to explicitly create, update or delete child entities, instead it is sufficient and highly recommended to write only the root entity of the tree(s). The transaction service recursively resolves such trees and executes batch insert-, update- or delete-statements for the children.

2.5. Transaction

The transaction service effectively modifies the stored contents. Entities are grouped by their type before they are processed. Each group is processed at once with a batch statement. Each written entity is scanned for externally linked files. New ones are automatically uploaded, while removed ones are deleted. In case of errors any changes made to the persistence are cancelled and hence any successfully uploaded file has to be deleted. Unfortunately, the removal of uploaded files cannot be guaranteed (e.g. a broken connection), instead a delete request for the uploaded files is send on a best effort basis.


Besides the modification of entities, it is possible to write mass data by defining write requests. A write request describes in detail how the mass data of a Channel is organized (e.g. values are explicit or generated, stored in externally linked files etc.).

3. Connect to an ODS Server

The ODS entity manager factory is used to connect to an ODS server. It takes parameters, shown in the example below, to establish a connection. On success an entity manager is returned.

Map<String, String> connectionParameters = new HashMap<>();
connectionParameters.put(ODSEntityManagerFactory.PARAM_NAMESERVICE, "corbaloc::1.2@<SERVER>:<PORT>/NameService");
connectionParameters.put(ODSEntityManagerFactory.PARAM_SERVICENAME, "<SERVICE>.ASAM-ODS");
connectionParameters.put(ODSEntityManagerFactory.PARAM_USER, "sa");
connectionParameters.put(ODSEntityManagerFactory.PARAM_PASSWORD, "sa");
EntityManager entityManager = new ODSEntityManagerFactory().connect(connectionParameters);
// do something useful

Last updated 2016-09-14 07:35:33 MS