The command ‘gradlew install’ at org.eclipse.mdm.realms creates the jar file for this login module.
The jar file will be generated at org.eclipse.mdm.realms/org.eclipse.mdm.realm.login.glassfish/build/libs/org.eclipse.mdm.realm.login.glassfish-1.0.0.jar
copy the jar file org.eclipse.mdm.realm.login.glassfish-1.0.0.jar to GLASSFISH4_ROOT/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib
open the Glassfish login configuration file at GLASSFISH4_ROOT/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/login.conf
add MDM realm module entry to this config file
>MDMLoginRealm { org.eclipse.mdm.realm.login.glassfish.LoginRealmModule required; };
start Glassfish and open administration website (e.g. localhost:4848)
open site: Configurations/server-config/Security/Realms
create new realm (“New” Button)
Name: MDMLoginRealm, Class Name: org.eclipse.mdm.realm.login.glassfish.LoginRealm (choose a specific class name (with radio button))
add Property: Name: jaas-context, Value: MDMLoginRealm
activate single sign on at Configurations/server-config/Virtual Servers/server (SSO = Enabled)
save and restart the Glassfish application server