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<title>Mylar New & Noteworthy</title>
<h2>Java Program Navigation</h2><b>Show all filtered children</b><p>When you are using filtering in a Mylar view you have the option of
temporarily showing all children of a filtered node by &lt;alt&gt;clicking
a node that is not currently selected.&nbsp; For example, you can
&lt;alt&gt;click a source folder, keep the &lt;alt&gt; key down, and continue
drilling down until you find a method of interest.&nbsp;
<img src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/alt-click.gif" alt="Alt Click"
title="New Java Project Wizard"></p>
<p><b>Predicted interest of errors</b></p>
Only available in Phase 2 of
the user study.&nbsp; Java elements that have errors get a predicted
interest, which means that they show up in views such as a the
package explorer.&nbsp; Once the errors are fixed the predicted
interest goes away.<p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/interest-error.gif" width="233" height="189"><p><b>Filter declarations in Package Explorer </b>
If you don't like Mylar's constant showing of Java members in the
Package Explorer, select the drop-down menu, then &quot;Filters...&quot; and
enable the &quot;Mylar Java Declarations Filter&quot;.&nbsp; It will then
stick in the menu in case you want to toggle between modes.<p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/filtering-declarations.gif" width="441" height="211"></p>
<p><b>Automatic interest filter toggling</b></p>
By default the interest
filter will automatically be toggled on the Package Explorer when a
task with context is activated, and toggled off when the task is
deactivated.&nbsp; This preference is under Mylar -&gt; Java.<p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/filter-auto-toggle.gif" width="414" height="47"></p>
<b>Interest filtering for the Java Browsing
perspective</b></p>Interest filtering can be toggled for
the Packages, Types, and Members views simultaneously by clicking
the leftmost toolbar button visible below.<p>
<img border="0" src="../../org.eclipse.mylar.doc/doc/images/interest-java-browsing.gif" width="404" height="100"></p>