tree: ec0cbccf07b47f8919f8406dec4bc0237f51ae4b [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. core/
  3. ui/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .project
  6. pom.xml
  8. ui-pom.xml


From the command line:

mvn clean verify


Firstly, follow the EDP

  1. Anything more than a service release requires a release review.
  2. Update the project metadata (PMI)

Mechanics of performing a release:

  1. Login to Nexus Repository Manager and ensure that any old staging repositories are closed out or removed. To find the staging repository follow the Maven Central instructions.
  2. Run the Mylyn Docs release build
  3. Kick off the WikiText release build
  4. Login to the Nexus Repository Manager and close the new staging repository.
  5. Verify the Maven artifacts in the staging repository if necessary
  6. From the Nexus Repository Manager release the Maven artifacts to Maven central
  7. Update the project metadata (PMI) to indicate that the release has been performed.
  8. Run ./ locally, commit and push the changes to Gerrit, +2/merge once successful
  9. Email to indicate that the release is complete
  10. Add target milestone to bugzilla for the next release

Build Notes

  • order of the steps matters - in particular the Mylyn Docs release build should occur before the WikiText release build, since otherwise the Mylyn Docs p2 artifacts end up with a 3-part version number instead of a 4-part version number. See bug 513511 for details.