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<title>Mylar Issue Tracker Requirements</title>
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<h1 class="firstHeading">Mylar Issue Tracker Requirements</h1>
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<li>2005-11-25: Initial draft (Brock Janiczak and Mik
Kersten) </li>
<p><b>General</b> </p>
<li>Associate a repository with a project, credentials
stored in keyring. UI is a project properties page specified
by provider.
<li>Possibly provide view showing all repositories, where
each provider can populate repository nodes with contets
(e.g. products, reports).
<li>Should be able to discover new repositories by checking
out a project.
<li>Mik: Brock, could you provide more detail on this
one? </li>
<li><font color="#6600cc">Consider the case of a user
that is new to a project.&nbsp; It would be really nice if
all they had to do was check out a project from CVS/SVN
and the tracker instance is created and associated with
the project automatically.&nbsp; I was expecting to store
this information as a project scoped preference (so it
can be checked in to version control).&nbsp; Another option
is to have a a file (like the team PSF file) that can be
imported to create the required tracker instances and
attempt to connect each project to its appropriate
instance.</font> </li>
<li><font color="#6600cc">Also, most issue trackers have
some way to partition bugs into groups (that can relate
to a project atrifact).&nbsp; It would be nice if this could
also be associated with the project so when an issue is
created in the context of a project the component (or
whatever your tracker calls it) can be defaulted.</font>
<li>No coupling to mylar core or UI. </li>
<p><b>Queries</b> </p>
<li>Provide a general notion of a query and parameters, hits
returned, and a persistance mechanism (a first cut at this
is already in mylar.tasklist).
<li>Provide incoming/outgoing status notification. </li>
<p><b>Editing Reports</b> </p>
<li>Basic mode of embedding browser when opening issue.
<li>Generic issue editor similar to Mylar's Bugzilla one,
based on attributes and comments. </li>
<p><b>Text</b> </p>
<li>Hyperlink issue number in text editors.
<li>Brock: Berhaps we could have Team support for this?
SVN could store the info in properties and CVS in a
<li>Mik: isn't it enough just to look up the repository
associated with the project? </li>
<li><font color="#6600cc">It is possible to open a
resource directly from the history view or the
repository view.&nbsp; In these cases there is no project.</font></li>
<p><b>Source Repositories</b> </p>
<li>Provide hyperlink support in the history view
<li>Mik: This may be better as a popup action, which
Mylar already has. But hyperlink could work as well.
<li><font color="#6600cc">A popup action is fine when
there is only one bug referenced in the commit comment,
but some people (like myself) sometimes check in a
change that relates to multiple issues.&nbsp; I probably
shouldn't, but i do :)</font></li>
<li>Populate commit comment with issue details.
<li>Brock: (Possible use the new template stuff? Ie a
dynamic template)
<li><font color="#6600cc">Just clarifying this as it
makes no sense at all...&nbsp; In 3.2 CVS supports static
templates.&nbsp; The user just creates a chunk of text and it
can be added into the commit dialog.&nbsp; I can't see why
this template support can't be updated to support
'active' templates.&nbsp; You select a 'bug' template and a
dialog pops up asking you to enter (or search for) a
bug.&nbsp; These values will then be inserted into the
template before it is added to the commit dialog.&nbsp; I
think this would be of more value than the current
static templates.&nbsp; I would be willing to look at
providing a patch to Team/CVS for this one.&nbsp; btw, I will
try and convince them to push it down to the Team level
so the same templates can be used for all team providers
(it seems to make sense).</font></li>
<li>Perform some sort of Issue workflow action on commit
(probably resolve)
<li>Brock: CVS has no support for any of this yet. They
would probably accept patches for most of this. If some
of this could be moved to Team, even better. All
repositories have a commit process and all have a
revision history.
<li><font color="#6600cc">again, what was I on?&nbsp; I
basically wanted a post commit hook so we could perform
an action against the issue tracker.&nbsp; The obvious thing
to do is comment/resolve an issue.&nbsp; Perhaps i was asking
for a team level commit dialog???</font></li>
<p><b>Mylar</b> </p>
<li>What are the requirements for Mylar?
<li>Brock: It really only needs to get a list of issue
from a query. The query implementation and UI need to be
provider specific unless the query is always &quot;my bugs&quot;.
I don't see a problem with adding a Mylar/Issue Tracker
bridge to do this.
<li>Mik: The main thing Mylar needs is for there to be a
single high quality Tasks view that makes it easy to
work with local tasks, reports, and queries, and for
that to be consisntent across providers. What it layers
on to that is the ability to activate contexts. It also
needs a mechanism for attaching context to issues, and
retrieving them from issues. From a source and feature
perspective the task functionality should be decoupled
from Mylar (and it is, i.e. you can use the Mylar Tasks
view and Bugzilla support without the Mylar UI). But
Mylar is all about a very task-centric view of the
world, and as such the UIs will be highly
interdependent. </li>
<li><font color="#6600cc">I am not sure how to support
local issues yet.&nbsp; It is almost as if we need another
view to show local issues (the platform task view would
be perfect)</font><br>
<li><font color="#6600cc">I have been thinking about the
best way to structure the UI.&nbsp; The issue tracker as it
currently stands is no good.&nbsp; I was considering having
two separate views; A &quot;Repository browser&quot; and an issue
list.&nbsp; The common navigator stuff that is coming for 3.2
would be perfect for the repository browser.&nbsp; We could
have a top level (project level) item for the issue
trackers as well as a node in each project that has an
attached provider.&nbsp; This seems to be a more logical
thing to do and puts the issue information right where
the user needs it.</font></li>
<p><b>Use Cases</b> </p>
<li>Work with bugs and queries within Eclipse.
<li>Work with Mylar's task contexts (layers on above). </li>
<li><font color="#6600cc">As a user, one thing i would
*love* is to have a list of active searches.&nbsp; These will
update every so often and let me know when there are new
matches (or changes).&nbsp; This way i don't have to be
distracted by emails.&nbsp; Being able to switch between a set of
issues without re-running the query would also be nice.</font></li>
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