Squash of Orange's commit.

This commit contains:

 - sonar: perform sonar checking during build phase
 - commons, all: modified custom attributes (added type & long name).
 - commons:  new FlexContainer classes for devices & modules, SDT V3.7.
 - ipe.sdt, sample.sdt: adapted SDT data model to SDT version 3.7
 - SDT: New modules & devices.
 - commons: fix issue regarding CustomAttribute
 - sdt.ipe: log out in case of unknown custom attributes
 - datamapping.jaxb: add some unitary tests.
 - app.home.monitoring: fix issue with camera url.
 - sdt.api: fix Array issue.
 - sdt.ipe: code cleanup
 - resourcebrowser.json: handle list of dacis
 - home.application.authentication.service: initial import.
 - home.monitoring.app: use external identity provider.
 - binding.http: handle Authorization header (basic & bearer)
 - core, commons: handle Tokens with DAS.
 - home.monitoring.app: retrieve end user info.
 - sdt.home.monitoring: add new features.
 - sdt.home.driver: update apache log4j logger
 - sdt.lifx: fix issue with set colors methods.
 - sdt.home.app.auth.service: update AuthenticationService api.
 - commons: add DasInfo & DynAuthTokenReqInfo class
 - datamapping.jaxb: add unitary test for DynAuthTokenReqInfo.
 - core: return a DynAuthTokenReqInfo if DynAuth failed
 - core: adapt result list with the caller access rights.
 - binding.http: introduce X-M2M-Token header.
 - sdt.homemonitoring.app: use servlet HttpSession to manage session.
 - all: deletion of .classpath and .project files from repository
 - sdt.homemonitoring.auth.service: add sessionId parameter
 - all: update .gitignore file
 - Manage several IdP services.
 - core: avoid duplicate key violation on FlexContainer-DAC association
 - sdt.home.application: use grey background color for non-granted
 - Code cleanup and simplification
 - Fixed Bug 539351 - Wrong short names for mgmtObj attributes
 - Bug fix: missing handling of objectIDs & objectPaths in MgmtObj,
listOfNeighbors in AreaNwkDeviceInfo and listOfDevices in AreaNwkInfo.
 - Bug fixes: mapping labels / Annc resources.
 - Allow adding new labels when updating flex containers.
 - Code cleanup.
 - More flexible user information.

Signed-off-by: BOLLE Sebastien <sebastien.bolle@orange.com>
691 files changed
tree: 79e5c94dd1454b6b3532468a35cd4991a52586e5
  1. com.orange.om2m.p2.repo/
  2. org.eclipse.om2m.adntest/
  3. org.eclipse.om2m.android.dashboard/
  4. org.eclipse.om2m.binding.coap/
  5. org.eclipse.om2m.binding.http/
  6. org.eclipse.om2m.binding.mqtt/
  7. org.eclipse.om2m.binding.service/
  8. org.eclipse.om2m.client.arduino/
  9. org.eclipse.om2m.client.java/
  10. org.eclipse.om2m.client.js/
  11. org.eclipse.om2m.commons/
  12. org.eclipse.om2m.commons.logging/
  13. org.eclipse.om2m.core/
  14. org.eclipse.om2m.core.service/
  15. org.eclipse.om2m.dal/
  16. org.eclipse.om2m.dal.driver.sample/
  17. org.eclipse.om2m.das.service/
  18. org.eclipse.om2m.das.testsuite/
  19. org.eclipse.om2m.datamapping.jaxb/
  20. org.eclipse.om2m.datamapping.service/
  21. org.eclipse.om2m.docker.builder/
  22. org.eclipse.om2m.flexcontainer.service/
  23. org.eclipse.om2m.interworking.service/
  24. org.eclipse.om2m.ipe.dal/
  25. org.eclipse.om2m.ipe.sample/
  26. org.eclipse.om2m.ipe.sample.sdt/
  27. org.eclipse.om2m.ipe.sdt/
  28. org.eclipse.om2m.ipe.sdt.testsuite/
  29. org.eclipse.om2m.persistence.eclipselink/
  30. org.eclipse.om2m.persistence.mongodb/
  31. org.eclipse.om2m.persistence.service/
  32. org.eclipse.om2m.sdt/
  33. org.eclipse.om2m.sdt.comparator.xml/
  34. org.eclipse.om2m.site.asn-cse/
  35. org.eclipse.om2m.site.in-cse/
  36. org.eclipse.om2m.site.mn-cse/
  37. org.eclipse.om2m.testsuite.flexcontainer/
  38. org.eclipse.om2m.webapp.resourcesbrowser.json/
  39. org.eclipse.om2m.webapp.resourcesbrowser.xml/
  40. protocols/
  41. .gitignore
  42. .gitlab-ci.yml
  44. epl-v10.html
  45. pom.xml
  46. README.md

About OM2M

OM2M is an open source OSGi-based implementation of the ETSI M2M standard .


  • JAVA 1.7 tu run OM2M.
  • Apaceh Maven 3 to build OM2M.

Building OM2M from sources using maven:

  • Go to the parent project directory “org.eclipse.om2m”
  • Build the OM2M project using the following command:

mvn clean install

  • The NSCL product is generated on the this directory: “om2m/org.eclipse.om2m/org.eclipse.om2m.site.nscl/target/products/nscl///”
  • The GSCL product is generated on the this directory: “om2m/org.eclipse.om2m/org.eclipse.om2m.site.gscl/target/products/gscl///”

Configure and Start the NSCL:

  • Go to the NSCL product directory.
  • You can edit the file “configuration/config.ini” to configure the NSCL
  • You can start the NSCL using the following command:

java -jar -ea -Declipse.ignoreApp=true -Dosgi.clean=true -Ddebug=true plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar -console -noExit

Configure and Start the GSCL:

  • Go to the NSCL product directory.
  • The GSCL can be configured and started with the same steps used for the NSCL.
  • Open your browser, then enter the address “” to access the GSCL web interface.

For more details, see http://wiki.eclipse.org/OM2M