blob: c5bd4a3a89b5911224b4a3e48fcb7d5465ab1529 [file] [log] [blame]
== Glossary
.Abbreviations and glossary terms
|AC|Architecture Committee|Architektur-Komittee|Gives Framework and Constraints according to architecture for oK projects.
|DAO|Data Access Objects||
|DTO|Data Transfer Object||
|EPL|Eclipse Public License||Underlying license model for Eclipse projects like elogbook@openK
|REST|Representational State Transfer||Representational State Transfer bezeichnet ein Programmierparadigma für verteilte Systeme, insbesondere für Webservices.
|oK|openKONSEQUENZ|openKONSEQUENZ|Name of the consortium of DSOs
|QC|Quality Committee|Qualitätskomitee|Gives framework and constraints according to quality for oK projects.