blob: 88164816e7bad182db45a240996a971ae4df3105 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import {fetchStatementDetailsAction, setStatementDetails} from "../actions";
import {statementEntitiesReducer} from "./statement-entities.reducer";
describe("statementEntitiesReducer", () => {
it("should not affect state on fetch action", () => {
const initialState = {};
const action = fetchStatementDetailsAction({statementId: 19});
const state = statementEntitiesReducer(initialState, action);
it("should create new entity of statement on set action", () => {
const initialState = {};
const entity = {info: {} as any};
const action = setStatementDetails({statementId: 19, details: entity});
const state = statementEntitiesReducer(initialState, action);
19: {
info: {} as any
it("should update entity of statement on set action", () => {
const initialState = {18: {} as any, 19: {workflow: {} as any}};
const entity = {info: {}} as any;
const action = setStatementDetails({statementId: 19, details: entity});
const state = statementEntitiesReducer(initialState, action);
18: {},
19: {
info: {} as any,
workflow: {} as any
it("should not change state without any id", () => {
const initialState = {18: {} as any, 19: {workflow: {} as any}};
const action = setStatementDetails({statementId: undefined, details: {}});
let state = statementEntitiesReducer(initialState, action);
state = statementEntitiesReducer(initialState, {type: "SpecAction"});