| /* |
| * generated by Xtext 2.11.0 |
| */ |
| grammar InternalReportDSL; |
| |
| options { |
| superClass=AbstractInternalContentAssistParser; |
| backtrack=true; |
| } |
| |
| @lexer::header { |
| package org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.ide.contentassist.antlr.internal; |
| |
| // Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import. |
| // Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer. |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.Lexer; |
| } |
| |
| @parser::header { |
| package org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.ide.contentassist.antlr.internal; |
| |
| import java.io.InputStream; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.*; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*; |
| import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; |
| import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.AbstractInternalContentAssistParser; |
| import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.DFA; |
| import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.services.ReportDSLGrammarAccess; |
| |
| } |
| @parser::members { |
| private ReportDSLGrammarAccess grammarAccess; |
| |
| public void setGrammarAccess(ReportDSLGrammarAccess grammarAccess) { |
| this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| protected Grammar getGrammar() { |
| return grammarAccess.getGrammar(); |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| protected String getValueForTokenName(String tokenName) { |
| return tokenName; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReportModel |
| entryRuleReportModel |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportModelRule()); } |
| ruleReportModel |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportModelRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule ReportModel |
| ruleReportModel |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportModelAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__ReportModel__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportModelAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReportPackage |
| entryRuleReportPackage |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportPackageRule()); } |
| ruleReportPackage |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportPackageRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule ReportPackage |
| ruleReportPackage |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportPackageAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__ReportPackage__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportPackageAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageTemplates |
| entryRulePageTemplates |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageTemplatesRule()); } |
| rulePageTemplates |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageTemplatesRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageTemplates |
| rulePageTemplates |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageTemplatesAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageTemplates__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageTemplatesAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleSomeFormats |
| entryRuleSomeFormats |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatsRule()); } |
| ruleSomeFormats |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatsRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule SomeFormats |
| ruleSomeFormats |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__SomeFormats__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleColors |
| entryRuleColors |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getColorsRule()); } |
| ruleColors |
| { after(grammarAccess.getColorsRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Colors |
| ruleColors |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getColorsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Colors__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getColorsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleFonts |
| entryRuleFonts |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontsRule()); } |
| ruleFonts |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontsRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Fonts |
| ruleFonts |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Fonts__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontsAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleMedias |
| entryRuleMedias |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediasRule()); } |
| ruleMedias |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediasRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Medias |
| ruleMedias |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediasAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Medias__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediasAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleMedia |
| entryRuleMedia |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediaRule()); } |
| ruleMedia |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediaRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Media |
| ruleMedia |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediaAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Media__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediaAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleStyles |
| entryRuleStyles |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStylesRule()); } |
| ruleStyles |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStylesRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Styles |
| ruleStyles |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStylesAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Styles__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStylesAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageTemplate |
| entryRulePageTemplate |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageTemplateRule()); } |
| rulePageTemplate |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageTemplateRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageTemplate |
| rulePageTemplate |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageTemplateAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageTemplate__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageTemplateAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleUnsignedNumber |
| entryRuleUnsignedNumber |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getUnsignedNumberRule()); } |
| ruleUnsignedNumber |
| { after(grammarAccess.getUnsignedNumberRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule UnsignedNumber |
| ruleUnsignedNumber |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getUnsignedNumberAccess().getNumberParserRuleCall()); } |
| ruleNumber |
| { after(grammarAccess.getUnsignedNumberAccess().getNumberParserRuleCall()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleColor |
| entryRuleColor |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getColorRule()); } |
| ruleColor |
| { after(grammarAccess.getColorRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Color |
| ruleColor |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Color__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleFont |
| entryRuleFont |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontRule()); } |
| ruleFont |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Font |
| ruleFont |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Font__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleFontFamily |
| entryRuleFontFamily |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontFamilyRule()); } |
| ruleFontFamily |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontFamilyRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule FontFamily |
| ruleFontFamily |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFontFamilyAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__FontFamily__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFontFamilyAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleBuildInFontFamily |
| entryRuleBuildInFontFamily |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getBuildInFontFamilyRule()); } |
| ruleBuildInFontFamily |
| { after(grammarAccess.getBuildInFontFamilyRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule BuildInFontFamily |
| ruleBuildInFontFamily |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getBuildInFontFamilyAccess().getCustomAssignment()); } |
| (rule__BuildInFontFamily__CustomAssignment) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getBuildInFontFamilyAccess().getCustomAssignment()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleCustomFontFamily |
| entryRuleCustomFontFamily |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getCustomFontFamilyRule()); } |
| ruleCustomFontFamily |
| { after(grammarAccess.getCustomFontFamilyRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule CustomFontFamily |
| ruleCustomFontFamily |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getCustomFontFamilyAccess().getCustomAssignment()); } |
| (rule__CustomFontFamily__CustomAssignment) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getCustomFontFamilyAccess().getCustomAssignment()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleBorderStyle |
| entryRuleBorderStyle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getBorderStyleRule()); } |
| ruleBorderStyle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getBorderStyleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule BorderStyle |
| ruleBorderStyle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getBorderStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__BorderStyle__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getBorderStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleStyle |
| entryRuleStyle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStyleRule()); } |
| ruleStyle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStyleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Style |
| ruleStyle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Style__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleMediaStyle |
| entryRuleMediaStyle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediaStyleRule()); } |
| ruleMediaStyle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediaStyleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule MediaStyle |
| ruleMediaStyle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getMediaStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__MediaStyle__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getMediaStyleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleSomeFormat |
| entryRuleSomeFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatRule()); } |
| ruleSomeFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule SomeFormat |
| ruleSomeFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__SomeFormat__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSomeFormatAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleUomoFormat |
| entryRuleUomoFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getUomoFormatRule()); } |
| ruleUomoFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getUomoFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule UomoFormat |
| ruleUomoFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getUomoFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__UomoFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getUomoFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleNumberFormat |
| entryRuleNumberFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getNumberFormatRule()); } |
| ruleNumberFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getNumberFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule NumberFormat |
| ruleNumberFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getNumberFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__NumberFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getNumberFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleCurrencyFormat |
| entryRuleCurrencyFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getCurrencyFormatRule()); } |
| ruleCurrencyFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getCurrencyFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule CurrencyFormat |
| ruleCurrencyFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getCurrencyFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__CurrencyFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getCurrencyFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDateFormat |
| entryRuleDateFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDateFormatRule()); } |
| ruleDateFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDateFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DateFormat |
| ruleDateFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDateFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DateFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDateFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDateTimeFormat |
| entryRuleDateTimeFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDateTimeFormatRule()); } |
| ruleDateTimeFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDateTimeFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DateTimeFormat |
| ruleDateTimeFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDateTimeFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DateTimeFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDateTimeFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTimeFormat |
| entryRuleTimeFormat |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTimeFormatRule()); } |
| ruleTimeFormat |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTimeFormatRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TimeFormat |
| ruleTimeFormat |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTimeFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TimeFormat__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTimeFormatAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReport |
| entryRuleReport |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportRule()); } |
| ruleReport |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Report |
| ruleReport |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Report__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReportDesign |
| entryRuleReportDesign |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignRule()); } |
| ruleReportDesign |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule ReportDesign |
| ruleReportDesign |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__ReportDesign__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReportDesignFile |
| entryRuleReportDesignFile |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignFileRule()); } |
| ruleReportDesignFile |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignFileRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule ReportDesignFile |
| ruleReportDesignFile |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignFileAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__ReportDesignFile__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignFileAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleReportDesignTemplate |
| entryRuleReportDesignTemplate |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignTemplateRule()); } |
| ruleReportDesignTemplate |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignTemplateRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule ReportDesignTemplate |
| ruleReportDesignTemplate |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getReportDesignTemplateAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__ReportDesignTemplate__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getReportDesignTemplateAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageHeader |
| entryRulePageHeader |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageHeaderRule()); } |
| rulePageHeader |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageHeaderRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageHeader |
| rulePageHeader |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageHeaderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageHeader__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageHeaderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageDetail |
| entryRulePageDetail |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageDetailRule()); } |
| rulePageDetail |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageDetailRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageDetail |
| rulePageDetail |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageDetailAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageDetail__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageDetailAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageFooter |
| entryRulePageFooter |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageFooterRule()); } |
| rulePageFooter |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageFooterRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageFooter |
| rulePageFooter |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageFooterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageFooter__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageFooterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleElement |
| entryRuleElement |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getElementRule()); } |
| ruleElement |
| { after(grammarAccess.getElementRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Element |
| ruleElement |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__Element__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleGrid |
| entryRuleGrid |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridRule()); } |
| ruleGrid |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Grid |
| ruleGrid |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Grid__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleGridRow |
| entryRuleGridRow |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridRowRule()); } |
| ruleGridRow |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridRowRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule GridRow |
| ruleGridRow |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridRowAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__GridRow__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridRowAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleGridCell |
| entryRuleGridCell |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridCellRule()); } |
| ruleGridCell |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridCellRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule GridCell |
| ruleGridCell |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getGridCellAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__GridCell__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getGridCellAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTable |
| entryRuleDatamartTable |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTable |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTable |
| ruleDatamartTable |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTable__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTableGroup |
| entryRuleDatamartTableGroup |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableGroupRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTableGroup |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableGroupRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTableGroup |
| ruleDatamartTableGroup |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableGroupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTableGroup__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableGroupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTableHeader |
| entryRuleDatamartTableHeader |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableHeaderRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTableHeader |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableHeaderRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTableHeader |
| ruleDatamartTableHeader |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableHeaderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTableHeader__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableHeaderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTableFooter |
| entryRuleDatamartTableFooter |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableFooterRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTableFooter |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableFooterRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTableFooter |
| ruleDatamartTableFooter |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableFooterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTableFooter__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableFooterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTableDetail |
| entryRuleDatamartTableDetail |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableDetailRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTableDetail |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableDetailRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTableDetail |
| ruleDatamartTableDetail |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableDetailAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTableDetail__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableDetailAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleDatamartTableAttribute |
| entryRuleDatamartTableAttribute |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAttributeRule()); } |
| ruleDatamartTableAttribute |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAttributeRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule DatamartTableAttribute |
| ruleDatamartTableAttribute |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAttributeAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__DatamartTableAttribute__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getDatamartTableAttributeAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableValueElement |
| entryRuleTableValueElement |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableValueElementRule()); } |
| ruleTableValueElement |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableValueElementRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableValueElement |
| ruleTableValueElement |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableValueElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__TableValueElement__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableValueElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableAttribute |
| entryRuleTableAttribute |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableAttributeRule()); } |
| ruleTableAttribute |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableAttributeRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableAttribute |
| ruleTableAttribute |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableAttributeAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableAttribute__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableAttributeAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableAggregation |
| entryRuleTableAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTableAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableAggregation |
| ruleTableAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableAggregation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableBaseAggregation |
| entryRuleTableBaseAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableBaseAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTableBaseAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableBaseAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableBaseAggregation |
| ruleTableBaseAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableBaseAggregationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__TableBaseAggregation__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableBaseAggregationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTablePureAggregation |
| entryRuleTablePureAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTablePureAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTablePureAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTablePureAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TablePureAggregation |
| ruleTablePureAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTablePureAggregationAccess().getAggregationAssignment()); } |
| (rule__TablePureAggregation__AggregationAssignment) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTablePureAggregationAccess().getAggregationAssignment()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableUnaryAggregation |
| entryRuleTableUnaryAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableUnaryAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTableUnaryAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableUnaryAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableUnaryAggregation |
| ruleTableUnaryAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableUnaryAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableUnaryAggregation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableUnaryAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableMultipleAggregation |
| entryRuleTableMultipleAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableMultipleAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTableMultipleAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableMultipleAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableMultipleAggregation |
| ruleTableMultipleAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableMultipleAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableMultipleAggregation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableMultipleAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleStringBinderValue |
| entryRuleStringBinderValue |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStringBinderValueRule()); } |
| ruleStringBinderValue |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStringBinderValueRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule StringBinderValue |
| ruleStringBinderValue |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStringBinderValueAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__StringBinderValue__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStringBinderValueAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTranslatableText |
| entryRuleTranslatableText |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTranslatableTextRule()); } |
| ruleTranslatableText |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTranslatableTextRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TranslatableText |
| ruleTranslatableText |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTranslatableTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TranslatableText__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTranslatableTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleNonTranslatableText |
| entryRuleNonTranslatableText |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getNonTranslatableTextRule()); } |
| ruleNonTranslatableText |
| { after(grammarAccess.getNonTranslatableTextRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule NonTranslatableText |
| ruleNonTranslatableText |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getNonTranslatableTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__NonTranslatableText__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getNonTranslatableTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleStringBinder |
| entryRuleStringBinder |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStringBinderRule()); } |
| ruleStringBinder |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStringBinderRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule StringBinder |
| ruleStringBinder |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getStringBinderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__StringBinder__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getStringBinderAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRulePageBreak |
| entryRulePageBreak |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageBreakRule()); } |
| rulePageBreak |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageBreakRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule PageBreak |
| rulePageBreak |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getPageBreakAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__PageBreak__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getPageBreakAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableBinaryAggregation |
| entryRuleTableBinaryAggregation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableBinaryAggregationRule()); } |
| ruleTableBinaryAggregation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableBinaryAggregationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableBinaryAggregation |
| ruleTableBinaryAggregation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableBinaryAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableBinaryAggregation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableBinaryAggregationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableInterval |
| entryRuleTableInterval |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableIntervalRule()); } |
| ruleTableInterval |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableIntervalRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableInterval |
| ruleTableInterval |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableIntervalAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__TableInterval__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableIntervalAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableNumberInterval |
| entryRuleTableNumberInterval |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableNumberIntervalRule()); } |
| ruleTableNumberInterval |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableNumberIntervalRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableNumberInterval |
| ruleTableNumberInterval |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableNumberIntervalAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableNumberInterval__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableNumberIntervalAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableDateDayInterval |
| entryRuleTableDateDayInterval |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayIntervalRule()); } |
| ruleTableDateDayInterval |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayIntervalRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableDateDayInterval |
| ruleTableDateDayInterval |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayIntervalAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableDateDayInterval__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayIntervalAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableLookup |
| entryRuleTableLookup |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableLookupRule()); } |
| ruleTableLookup |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableLookupRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableLookup |
| ruleTableLookup |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableLookupAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__TableLookup__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableLookupAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableNumberLookup |
| entryRuleTableNumberLookup |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableNumberLookupRule()); } |
| ruleTableNumberLookup |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableNumberLookupRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableNumberLookup |
| ruleTableNumberLookup |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableNumberLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableNumberLookup__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableNumberLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableStringLookup |
| entryRuleTableStringLookup |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableStringLookupRule()); } |
| ruleTableStringLookup |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableStringLookupRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableStringLookup |
| ruleTableStringLookup |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableStringLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableStringLookup__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableStringLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableDateDayLookup |
| entryRuleTableDateDayLookup |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayLookupRule()); } |
| ruleTableDateDayLookup |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayLookupRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableDateDayLookup |
| ruleTableDateDayLookup |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableDateDayLookup__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableDateDayLookupAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableRangeElement |
| entryRuleTableRangeElement |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableRangeElementRule()); } |
| ruleTableRangeElement |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableRangeElementRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableRangeElement |
| ruleTableRangeElement |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableRangeElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__TableRangeElement__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableRangeElementAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleVisibility |
| entryRuleVisibility |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRule()); } |
| ruleVisibility |
| { after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Visibility |
| ruleVisibility |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getVisibilityAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Visibility__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getVisibilityAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleSignedNumber |
| entryRuleSignedNumber |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSignedNumberRule()); } |
| ruleSignedNumber |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSignedNumberRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule SignedNumber |
| ruleSignedNumber |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSignedNumberAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__SignedNumber__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSignedNumberAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableTextColor |
| entryRuleTableTextColor |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableTextColorRule()); } |
| ruleTableTextColor |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableTextColorRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableTextColor |
| ruleTableTextColor |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableTextColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableTextColor__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableTextColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableCellColor |
| entryRuleTableCellColor |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableCellColorRule()); } |
| ruleTableCellColor |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableCellColorRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableCellColor |
| ruleTableCellColor |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableCellColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableCellColor__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableCellColorAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableIcon |
| entryRuleTableIcon |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableIconRule()); } |
| ruleTableIcon |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableIconRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableIcon |
| ruleTableIcon |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableIconAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableIcon__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableIconAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTableTrend |
| entryRuleTableTrend |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableTrendRule()); } |
| ruleTableTrend |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableTrendRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule TableTrend |
| ruleTableTrend |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTableTrendAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__TableTrend__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTableTrendAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTitle |
| entryRuleTitle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTitleRule()); } |
| ruleTitle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTitleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Title |
| ruleTitle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Title__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleSubTitle |
| entryRuleSubTitle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSubTitleRule()); } |
| ruleSubTitle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSubTitleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule SubTitle |
| ruleSubTitle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSubTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__SubTitle__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSubTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleSubSubTitle |
| entryRuleSubSubTitle |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSubSubTitleRule()); } |
| ruleSubSubTitle |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSubSubTitleRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule SubSubTitle |
| ruleSubSubTitle |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getSubSubTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__SubSubTitle__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getSubSubTitleAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleLabel |
| entryRuleLabel |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getLabelRule()); } |
| ruleLabel |
| { after(grammarAccess.getLabelRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Label |
| ruleLabel |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getLabelAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Label__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getLabelAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleText |
| entryRuleText |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTextRule()); } |
| ruleText |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTextRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Text |
| ruleText |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Text__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleAutoText |
| entryRuleAutoText |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getAutoTextRule()); } |
| ruleAutoText |
| { after(grammarAccess.getAutoTextRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule AutoText |
| ruleAutoText |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getAutoTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__AutoText__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getAutoTextAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleImage |
| entryRuleImage |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getImageRule()); } |
| ruleImage |
| { after(grammarAccess.getImageRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule Image |
| ruleImage |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getImageAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__Image__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getImageAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleTRANSLATABLESTRING |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTRANSLATABLESTRINGRule()); } |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTRANSLATABLESTRINGRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getTRANSLATABLESTRINGAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall()); } |
| { after(grammarAccess.getTRANSLATABLESTRINGAccess().getSTRINGTerminalRuleCall()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXImportDeclaration |
| entryRuleXImportDeclaration |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXImportDeclarationRule()); } |
| ruleXImportDeclaration |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXImportDeclarationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XImportDeclaration |
| ruleXImportDeclaration |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXImportDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XImportDeclaration__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXImportDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAnnotation |
| entryRuleXAnnotation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationRule()); } |
| ruleXAnnotation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAnnotation |
| ruleXAnnotation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XAnnotation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAnnotationElementValuePair |
| entryRuleXAnnotationElementValuePair |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValuePairRule()); } |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValuePair |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValuePairRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAnnotationElementValuePair |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValuePair |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValuePairAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XAnnotationElementValuePair__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValuePairAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList |
| entryRuleXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaListRule()); } |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaListRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaListAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XAnnotationElementValueOrCommaList__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueOrCommaListAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAnnotationElementValue |
| entryRuleXAnnotationElementValue |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueRule()); } |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValue |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAnnotationElementValue |
| ruleXAnnotationElementValue |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XAnnotationElementValue__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationElementValueAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAnnotationOrExpression |
| entryRuleXAnnotationOrExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationOrExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXAnnotationOrExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationOrExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAnnotationOrExpression |
| ruleXAnnotationOrExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationOrExpressionAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XAnnotationOrExpression__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAnnotationOrExpressionAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXExpression |
| entryRuleXExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XExpression |
| ruleXExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionAccess().getXAssignmentParserRuleCall()); } |
| ruleXAssignment |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionAccess().getXAssignmentParserRuleCall()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAssignment |
| entryRuleXAssignment |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAssignmentRule()); } |
| ruleXAssignment |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAssignmentRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAssignment |
| ruleXAssignment |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAssignmentAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XAssignment__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAssignmentAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpSingleAssign |
| entryRuleOpSingleAssign |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpSingleAssignRule()); } |
| ruleOpSingleAssign |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpSingleAssignRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpSingleAssign |
| ruleOpSingleAssign |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpSingleAssignAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword()); } |
| '=' |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpSingleAssignAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpMultiAssign |
| entryRuleOpMultiAssign |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAssignRule()); } |
| ruleOpMultiAssign |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAssignRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpMultiAssign |
| ruleOpMultiAssign |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAssignAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpMultiAssign__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAssignAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXOrExpression |
| entryRuleXOrExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXOrExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXOrExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXOrExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XOrExpression |
| ruleXOrExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXOrExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XOrExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXOrExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpOr |
| entryRuleOpOr |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpOrRule()); } |
| ruleOpOr |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpOrRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpOr |
| ruleOpOr |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpOrAccess().getVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword()); } |
| '||' |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpOrAccess().getVerticalLineVerticalLineKeyword()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAndExpression |
| entryRuleXAndExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAndExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXAndExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAndExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAndExpression |
| ruleXAndExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAndExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XAndExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAndExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpAnd |
| entryRuleOpAnd |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpAndRule()); } |
| ruleOpAnd |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpAndRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpAnd |
| ruleOpAnd |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpAndAccess().getAmpersandAmpersandKeyword()); } |
| '&&' |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpAndAccess().getAmpersandAmpersandKeyword()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXEqualityExpression |
| entryRuleXEqualityExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXEqualityExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXEqualityExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXEqualityExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XEqualityExpression |
| ruleXEqualityExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXEqualityExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XEqualityExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXEqualityExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpEquality |
| entryRuleOpEquality |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpEqualityRule()); } |
| ruleOpEquality |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpEqualityRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpEquality |
| ruleOpEquality |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpEqualityAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpEquality__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpEqualityAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXRelationalExpression |
| entryRuleXRelationalExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXRelationalExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXRelationalExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXRelationalExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XRelationalExpression |
| ruleXRelationalExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXRelationalExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XRelationalExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXRelationalExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpCompare |
| entryRuleOpCompare |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpCompareRule()); } |
| ruleOpCompare |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpCompareRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpCompare |
| ruleOpCompare |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpCompareAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpCompare__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpCompareAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXOtherOperatorExpression |
| entryRuleXOtherOperatorExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXOtherOperatorExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXOtherOperatorExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXOtherOperatorExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XOtherOperatorExpression |
| ruleXOtherOperatorExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXOtherOperatorExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XOtherOperatorExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXOtherOperatorExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpOther |
| entryRuleOpOther |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpOtherRule()); } |
| ruleOpOther |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpOtherRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpOther |
| ruleOpOther |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpOtherAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpOther__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpOtherAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXAdditiveExpression |
| entryRuleXAdditiveExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAdditiveExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXAdditiveExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAdditiveExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XAdditiveExpression |
| ruleXAdditiveExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXAdditiveExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XAdditiveExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXAdditiveExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpAdd |
| entryRuleOpAdd |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpAddRule()); } |
| ruleOpAdd |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpAddRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpAdd |
| ruleOpAdd |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpAddAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpAdd__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpAddAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXMultiplicativeExpression |
| entryRuleXMultiplicativeExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXMultiplicativeExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXMultiplicativeExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXMultiplicativeExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XMultiplicativeExpression |
| ruleXMultiplicativeExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XMultiplicativeExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpMulti |
| entryRuleOpMulti |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpMultiRule()); } |
| ruleOpMulti |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpMultiRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpMulti |
| ruleOpMulti |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpMulti__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpMultiAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXUnaryOperation |
| entryRuleXUnaryOperation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXUnaryOperationRule()); } |
| ruleXUnaryOperation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXUnaryOperationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XUnaryOperation |
| ruleXUnaryOperation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXUnaryOperationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XUnaryOperation__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXUnaryOperationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpUnary |
| entryRuleOpUnary |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpUnaryRule()); } |
| ruleOpUnary |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpUnaryRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpUnary |
| ruleOpUnary |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpUnaryAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpUnary__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpUnaryAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXCastedExpression |
| entryRuleXCastedExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCastedExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXCastedExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCastedExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XCastedExpression |
| ruleXCastedExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCastedExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XCastedExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCastedExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXPostfixOperation |
| entryRuleXPostfixOperation |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXPostfixOperationRule()); } |
| ruleXPostfixOperation |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXPostfixOperationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XPostfixOperation |
| ruleXPostfixOperation |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXPostfixOperationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XPostfixOperation__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXPostfixOperationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleOpPostfix |
| entryRuleOpPostfix |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpPostfixRule()); } |
| ruleOpPostfix |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpPostfixRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule OpPostfix |
| ruleOpPostfix |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getOpPostfixAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__OpPostfix__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getOpPostfixAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXMemberFeatureCall |
| entryRuleXMemberFeatureCall |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXMemberFeatureCallRule()); } |
| ruleXMemberFeatureCall |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXMemberFeatureCallRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XMemberFeatureCall |
| ruleXMemberFeatureCall |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXMemberFeatureCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XMemberFeatureCall__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXMemberFeatureCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXPrimaryExpression |
| entryRuleXPrimaryExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXPrimaryExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXPrimaryExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXPrimaryExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XPrimaryExpression |
| ruleXPrimaryExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXPrimaryExpressionAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XPrimaryExpression__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXPrimaryExpressionAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXLiteral |
| entryRuleXLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XLiteral |
| ruleXLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XLiteral__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXCollectionLiteral |
| entryRuleXCollectionLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCollectionLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXCollectionLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCollectionLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XCollectionLiteral |
| ruleXCollectionLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCollectionLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XCollectionLiteral__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCollectionLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXSetLiteral |
| entryRuleXSetLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXSetLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXSetLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXSetLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XSetLiteral |
| ruleXSetLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXSetLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XSetLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXSetLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXListLiteral |
| entryRuleXListLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXListLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXListLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXListLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XListLiteral |
| ruleXListLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXListLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XListLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXListLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXClosure |
| entryRuleXClosure |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXClosureRule()); } |
| ruleXClosure |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXClosureRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XClosure |
| ruleXClosure |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XClosure__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXExpressionInClosure |
| entryRuleXExpressionInClosure |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionInClosureRule()); } |
| ruleXExpressionInClosure |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionInClosureRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XExpressionInClosure |
| ruleXExpressionInClosure |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionInClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XExpressionInClosure__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionInClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXShortClosure |
| entryRuleXShortClosure |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXShortClosureRule()); } |
| ruleXShortClosure |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXShortClosureRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XShortClosure |
| ruleXShortClosure |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXShortClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XShortClosure__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXShortClosureAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXParenthesizedExpression |
| entryRuleXParenthesizedExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXParenthesizedExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXParenthesizedExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXParenthesizedExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XParenthesizedExpression |
| ruleXParenthesizedExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXParenthesizedExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XParenthesizedExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXParenthesizedExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXIfExpression |
| entryRuleXIfExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXIfExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXIfExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXIfExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XIfExpression |
| ruleXIfExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXIfExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XIfExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXIfExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXSwitchExpression |
| entryRuleXSwitchExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXSwitchExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXSwitchExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXSwitchExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XSwitchExpression |
| ruleXSwitchExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXSwitchExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XSwitchExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXSwitchExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXCasePart |
| entryRuleXCasePart |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCasePartRule()); } |
| ruleXCasePart |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCasePartRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XCasePart |
| ruleXCasePart |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXCasePartAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XCasePart__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXCasePartAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXForLoopExpression |
| entryRuleXForLoopExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXForLoopExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXForLoopExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXForLoopExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XForLoopExpression |
| ruleXForLoopExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXForLoopExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XForLoopExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXForLoopExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXBasicForLoopExpression |
| entryRuleXBasicForLoopExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBasicForLoopExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXBasicForLoopExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBasicForLoopExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XBasicForLoopExpression |
| ruleXBasicForLoopExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBasicForLoopExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XBasicForLoopExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBasicForLoopExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXWhileExpression |
| entryRuleXWhileExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXWhileExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXWhileExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXWhileExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XWhileExpression |
| ruleXWhileExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXWhileExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XWhileExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXWhileExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXDoWhileExpression |
| entryRuleXDoWhileExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXDoWhileExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXDoWhileExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXDoWhileExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XDoWhileExpression |
| ruleXDoWhileExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXDoWhileExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XDoWhileExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXDoWhileExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXBlockExpression |
| entryRuleXBlockExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBlockExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXBlockExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBlockExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XBlockExpression |
| ruleXBlockExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBlockExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XBlockExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBlockExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXExpressionOrVarDeclaration |
| entryRuleXExpressionOrVarDeclaration |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionOrVarDeclarationRule()); } |
| ruleXExpressionOrVarDeclaration |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionOrVarDeclarationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XExpressionOrVarDeclaration |
| ruleXExpressionOrVarDeclaration |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXExpressionOrVarDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__XExpressionOrVarDeclaration__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXExpressionOrVarDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXVariableDeclaration |
| entryRuleXVariableDeclaration |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXVariableDeclarationRule()); } |
| ruleXVariableDeclaration |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXVariableDeclarationRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XVariableDeclaration |
| ruleXVariableDeclaration |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XVariableDeclaration__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleJvmFormalParameter |
| entryRuleJvmFormalParameter |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getJvmFormalParameterRule()); } |
| ruleJvmFormalParameter |
| { after(grammarAccess.getJvmFormalParameterRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule JvmFormalParameter |
| ruleJvmFormalParameter |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getJvmFormalParameterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__JvmFormalParameter__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getJvmFormalParameterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleFullJvmFormalParameter |
| entryRuleFullJvmFormalParameter |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFullJvmFormalParameterRule()); } |
| ruleFullJvmFormalParameter |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFullJvmFormalParameterRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule FullJvmFormalParameter |
| ruleFullJvmFormalParameter |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFullJvmFormalParameterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__FullJvmFormalParameter__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFullJvmFormalParameterAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXFeatureCall |
| entryRuleXFeatureCall |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXFeatureCallRule()); } |
| ruleXFeatureCall |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXFeatureCallRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XFeatureCall |
| ruleXFeatureCall |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXFeatureCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XFeatureCall__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXFeatureCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleFeatureCallID |
| entryRuleFeatureCallID |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFeatureCallIDRule()); } |
| ruleFeatureCallID |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFeatureCallIDRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule FeatureCallID |
| ruleFeatureCallID |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getFeatureCallIDAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__FeatureCallID__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getFeatureCallIDAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleIdOrSuper |
| entryRuleIdOrSuper |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getIdOrSuperRule()); } |
| ruleIdOrSuper |
| { after(grammarAccess.getIdOrSuperRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule IdOrSuper |
| ruleIdOrSuper |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getIdOrSuperAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| (rule__IdOrSuper__Alternatives) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getIdOrSuperAccess().getAlternatives()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXConstructorCall |
| entryRuleXConstructorCall |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXConstructorCallRule()); } |
| ruleXConstructorCall |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXConstructorCallRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XConstructorCall |
| ruleXConstructorCall |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXConstructorCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XConstructorCall__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXConstructorCallAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXBooleanLiteral |
| entryRuleXBooleanLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBooleanLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXBooleanLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBooleanLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XBooleanLiteral |
| ruleXBooleanLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXBooleanLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XBooleanLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXBooleanLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXNullLiteral |
| entryRuleXNullLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXNullLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXNullLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXNullLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XNullLiteral |
| ruleXNullLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXNullLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XNullLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXNullLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXNumberLiteral |
| entryRuleXNumberLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXNumberLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXNumberLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXNumberLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XNumberLiteral |
| ruleXNumberLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXNumberLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XNumberLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXNumberLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXStringLiteral |
| entryRuleXStringLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXStringLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXStringLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXStringLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XStringLiteral |
| ruleXStringLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXStringLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XStringLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXStringLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXTypeLiteral |
| entryRuleXTypeLiteral |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXTypeLiteralRule()); } |
| ruleXTypeLiteral |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXTypeLiteralRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XTypeLiteral |
| ruleXTypeLiteral |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXTypeLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XTypeLiteral__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXTypeLiteralAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXThrowExpression |
| entryRuleXThrowExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXThrowExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXThrowExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXThrowExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XThrowExpression |
| ruleXThrowExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXThrowExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XThrowExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXThrowExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXReturnExpression |
| entryRuleXReturnExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXReturnExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXReturnExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXReturnExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XReturnExpression |
| ruleXReturnExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXReturnExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XReturnExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXReturnExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXTryCatchFinallyExpression |
| entryRuleXTryCatchFinallyExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXTryCatchFinallyExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXTryCatchFinallyExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXTryCatchFinallyExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XTryCatchFinallyExpression |
| ruleXTryCatchFinallyExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |
| } |
| : |
| ( |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXTryCatchFinallyExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| (rule__XTryCatchFinallyExpression__Group__0) |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXTryCatchFinallyExpressionAccess().getGroup()); } |
| ) |
| ; |
| finally { |
| restoreStackSize(stackSize); |
| } |
| |
| // Entry rule entryRuleXSynchronizedExpression |
| entryRuleXSynchronizedExpression |
| : |
| { before(grammarAccess.getXSynchronizedExpressionRule()); } |
| ruleXSynchronizedExpression |
| { after(grammarAccess.getXSynchronizedExpressionRule()); } |
| EOF |
| ; |
| |
| // Rule XSynchronizedExpression |
| ruleXSynchronizedExpression |
| @init { |
| int stackSize = keepStackSize(); |