| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><templates> |
| <template id="org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.ReportDSL.Report.1" autoinsert="true" context="org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.ReportDSL.Report" deleted="false" description="" enabled="true" name="reportTemplate1"> report Template1Report describedBy "" { |
| datamart ${source} /* define datamart */ rendering pdf pagetemplate A4_Landscape media big template { |
| header { |
| showOnFirst height 15 grid { |
| row height 15 { |
| cell style page_header_template { |
| label "Heading" |
| } |
| cell style rightAlignment { |
| /* attribute imageAttribute -- an defined image in the used datamart*/ |
| /* image height 11 mm width 35 mm embed "-localpath to image-.png" -- or an embed image from a local path */ |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| detail { |
| grid style param_grid { |
| row { |
| cell style param_grid_cell { |
| stringBinder( translatable "Text" /* define translatable text */ attribute ${source} /* define attribute */) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| table style table_style { |
| header /* define table header cells if needed*/ |
| group NewTableGroup1 by ${source} /* define the group attribute */ |
| pageBreak( before auto after auto inside auto ) { |
| header style table_group_header_cell { |
| row { |
| cell columnspan 2 { |
| /* define attribute */ |
| attribute ${source} |
| } |
| /* define other cells as required. As for example this |
| cell columnspan 7 { |
| stringBinder( attribute fullname nontranslatable " - " translatable "plz" attribute postal_code nontranslatable " - " translatable "city" attribute city nontranslatable " - " translatable "address" attribute address1 nontranslatable " - " translatable "country" attribute country ) |
| }*/ |
| } |
| } |
| /* define a footer as required. As for example this |
| footer { |
| row style table_group_footer_cell { |
| cell columnspan 7 { |
| } |
| cell { |
| label "saldo" |
| label "limit" |
| } |
| cell { |
| aggregate sum amount |
| attribute payamnt |
| } |
| } |
| }*/ |
| } |
| details all |
| /* If you need a more detailed table detail definition look at this |
| details style table_detail_cell_no_padding { |
| attribute sku style table_detail_cell_right width 30 |
| attribute serial style table_detail_cell_right width 25 |
| attribute product_name style table_detail_cell width 50 |
| attribute now style table_detail_cell_center |
| attribute price style table_detail_cell |
| attribute quantity style table_detail_cell |
| attribute amount style table_detail_cell |
| attribute payamnt style table_detail_cell |
| attribute total style table_detail_cell |
| }*/ |
| } |
| } |
| footer { |
| showOnLast height 15 grid style page_footer { |
| row { |
| cell width 17.78 /* = 0.7in */ { |
| label "printdate" |
| } |
| cell width 17.78 /* = 0.7in */ { |
| autotext actual-date |
| } |
| cell style centerMiddleAlignment { |
| autotext report-name |
| } |
| cell width 17.78 /* = 0.7in */ { |
| stringBinder( translatable "creator" nontranslatable "compex" ) |
| } |
| } |
| row { |
| cell width 17.78 /* = 0.7in */ { |
| label "time" |
| } |
| cell width 17.78 /* = 0.7in */ { |
| autotext actual-time |
| } |
| cell { |
| label "" |
| } |
| cell width 30 { |
| grid { |
| row { |
| cell { |
| label "page" |
| } |
| cell { |
| autotext page-number |
| } |
| cell { |
| nontranslatable "/" |
| } |
| cell { |
| autotext total-page |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| </template></templates> |