blob: 6c61c1bfcd44665185b5f3ab3be4f76d1b8e0647 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - initial implementation
// force bigModel == false
@GenModel(copyrightText="Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Based on ideas from Xtext, Xtend, Xcore
Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LPackage
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.action.ActionToolbar
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartDefinition
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.oxtype.resource.EcoreUtil3
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtype.XImportSection
class ReportModel {
contains XImportSection importSection
contains ReportPackage[] pckg
type InternalEObject wraps InternalEObject
class ReportLazyResolver {
op EObject eResolveProxy(InternalEObject proxy) {
return EcoreUtil3.resolve(proxy, this.eResource().resourceSet);
class ReportBase extends ReportLazyResolver {
String name
class ReportPackage extends LPackage {
String externalCssURI
String externalCssURIBundle
contains PageTemplates pagetemplates
contains SomeFormats formatters
contains Colors colors
contains Fonts fonts
contains Medias medias
contains Styles styles
contains Report[] reports
class PageTemplates extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains PageTemplate[] pagetemplates
class SomeFormats extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains SomeFormat[] formatters
class Colors extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains Color[] colors
class Fonts extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains Font[] fonts
class Medias extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains Media[] medias
class Styles extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains Style[] styles
class PageTemplate extends ReportBase {
PageSizeEnum size
OrientationEnum orientation
double topMarginValue
double leftMarginValue
double bottomMarginValue
double rightMarginValue
contains PageHeader header
contains PageFooter footer
enum UnitEnum{
// NULL as ''
MM as 'mm'
CM as 'cm'
PT as 'pt'
IN as 'inch'
PC as 'pc'
EM as 'em'
EX as 'ex'
PX as 'px'
enum PageSizeEnum{
A4 as 'a4'
A3 as 'a3'
A5 as 'a5'
US_LETTER as 'us-letter'
US_LEGAL as 'us-legal'
US_LEDGER as 'us-ledger'
US_SUPER_B as 'us-super-b'
enum OrientationEnum{
PORTRAIT as 'portrait'
LANDSCAPE as 'landscape'
class Color extends ReportBase {
String color
refers Color basecolor
Integer darkensby
Integer lightensby
Integer transformsby
refers Color targetcolor
class Font extends ReportBase {
refers Font ^extends
contains FontFamily family
FontStyleEnum style
boolean bold
double sizevalue
UnitEnum sizeunit
enum FontStyleEnum {
NORMAL as 'normal'
ITALIC as 'italic'
OBLIQUE as 'oblique'
interface FontFamily extends ReportLazyResolver{}
class BuildInFontFamily extends FontFamily {
BuildInFontFamilyEnum custom
enum BuildInFontFamilyEnum {
MONOSPACE as 'monospace'
SANS_SERIF as 'sans-serif'
SERIF as 'serif'
class CustomFontFamily extends FontFamily {
String custom
class Media extends ReportBase {
class BorderStyle extends ReportLazyResolver {
BorderTypeEnum ^type
double widthValue
refers Color color
enum BorderTypeEnum {
NONE as 'none'
SOLID as 'solid'
DOTTED as 'dotted'
DASHED as 'dashed'
DOUBLE as 'double'
GROOVE as 'groove'
RIDGE as 'ridge'
INSET as 'inset'
OUTSET as 'outset'
class BaseStyle extends ReportLazyResolver {
refers SomeFormat format
refers Font font
refers Color backgroundcolor
refers Color backgroundcolor_alternate
refers Color textcolor
TextAlignEnum textalign
VerticalTextAlignEnum verticalalign
contains BorderStyle borderTop
contains BorderStyle borderBottom
contains BorderStyle borderLeft
contains BorderStyle borderRight
double paddingTopValue
double paddingBottomValue
double paddingLeftValue
double paddingRightValue
double marginTopValue
double marginLeftValue
double marginBottomValue
double marginRightValue
class MediaStyle extends BaseStyle {
refers Media media
class Style extends ReportBase, BaseStyle {
refers Style ^extends
contains MediaStyle[] mediastyles
enum TextAlignEnum {
NULL as ''
LEFT as 'left'
CENTER as 'center'
RIGHT as 'right'
enum VerticalTextAlignEnum {
NULL as ''
BOTTOM as 'bottom'
MIDDLE as 'middle'
TOP as 'top'
class SomeFormat extends ReportBase {
String ui_pattern
String report_pattern
TextAlignEnum textalign
class UomoFormat extends SomeFormat {
class NumberFormat extends SomeFormat {
NumberFormatCategoryEnum report_category
enum NumberFormatCategoryEnum {
UNFORMATTED as 'unformatted'
GENERAL_NUMBER as 'general-number'
FIXED as 'fixed'
PERCENT as 'percent'
SCIENTIFIC as 'scientific'
CUSTOM as 'custom'
class CurrencyFormat extends SomeFormat {
CurrencyFormatCategoryEnum report_category
enum CurrencyFormatCategoryEnum {
UNFORMATTED as 'unformatted'
CURRENCY as 'currency'
CUSTOM as 'custom'
class DateFormat extends SomeFormat {
DateFormatCategoryEnum report_category
enum DateFormatCategoryEnum {
CUSTOM as 'custom'
class DateTimeFormat extends SomeFormat {
DateTimeFormatCategoryEnum report_category
enum DateTimeFormatCategoryEnum {
CUSTOM as 'custom'
class TimeFormat extends SomeFormat {
TimeFormatCategoryEnum report_category
enum TimeFormatCategoryEnum {
CUSTOM as 'custom'
class DatamartContainer {
refers DatamartDefinition datamartRef
class Report extends ReportBase, DatamartContainer {
boolean selectById
boolean description
String descriptionValue
RenderingEnum rendering
String externalCssURI
String externalCssURIBundle
UnitEnum defaultUnit
refers PageTemplate pageTemplate
refers Media media
refers ActionToolbar toolbar
contains ReportDesign design
interface ReportDesign extends ReportLazyResolver {}
class ReportDesignFile extends ReportDesign {
String name
class ReportDesignTemplate extends ReportDesign {
String description
contains PageHeader header
contains PageDetail detail
contains PageFooter footer
class Container extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains Element[] elements
class PageHeader extends Container {
boolean showOnFirst
double heightValue
class PageDetail extends Container {}
class PageFooter extends Container {
boolean showOnLast
double heightValue
interface Element extends ReportLazyResolver {}
class WithStyle extends ReportLazyResolver {
refers Style style
class TextElement extends Element, WithStyle {
String text
class Title extends TextElement {}
class SubTitle extends TextElement {}
class SubSubTitle extends TextElement {}
class Label extends TextElement {}
class Text extends TextElement {
TextContentTypeEnum textContentType
class AutoText extends Element, WithStyle {
AutoTextEnum ^type
enum AutoTextEnum {
PAGE_NUMBER as "page-number"
TOTAL_PAGE as "total-page"
PAGE_NUMBER_UNFILTERED as "page-number-unfiltered"
TOTAL_PAGE_UNFILTERED as "total-page-unfiltered"
PAGE_VARIABLE as "page-variable"
ACTUAL_DATE as "actual-date"
ACTUAL_TIME as "actual-time"
REPORT_NAME as "report-name"
class Image extends Element, WithStyle {
ImageSizeEnum size
double scale
double heightValue
double widthValue
UnitEnum heightUnit
UnitEnum widthUnit
ImageSourceEnum sourceType
String filename
enum ImageSizeEnum {
SIZE_TO_IMAGE as 'size-to-image'
SCALE_TO_ITEM as 'scale-to-item'
CLIP as 'clip'
enum ImageSourceEnum {
// FILE as 'file'
URL as 'url'
EMBED as 'embed'
enum TextContentTypeEnum {
AUTO as 'auto'
PLAIN as 'plain'
HTML as 'html'
class WithHeaderFooter extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains DatamartTableHeader header
contains DatamartTableFooter footer
contains Visibility visibilityItem
contains PageBreak pageBreak
// boolean detailheader
// refers Style headerstyle
// boolean detailfooter
// refers Style footerstyle
class DatamartTable extends ReportBase, Element, WithStyle, WithHeaderFooter, DatamartContainer {
contains DatamartTableGroup[] groups
contains DatamartTableDetail detail
class DatamartTableGroup extends ReportBase, WithHeaderFooter {
refers DatamartAttribute groupingRef
class SomeGrid extends ReportLazyResolver {
contains GridRow[] rows
class DatamartTableHeader extends Element, SomeGrid, WithStyle {
contains PageBreak pageBreak
class DatamartTableFooter extends Element, SomeGrid, WithStyle {
contains PageBreak pageBreak
class DatamartTableDetail extends WithStyle {
contains DatamartTableAttribute[] columnFormatters
/* !!! copy from tabledsl ... */
class DatamartTableAttribute extends Element, WithStyle {
contains TableValueElement column
double widthValue
contains TableInterval[] intervals
boolean hideLabelInterval
contains TableLookup[] lookups
boolean hideLabelLookup
boolean hasImage
contains TableImage image
enum PureAggregationTypeEnum {
COUNT as 'count'
RUNNINGCOUNT as 'running-count'
enum UnaryAggregationTypeEnum {
SUM as 'sum'
AVE as 'average'
MIN as 'minimum'
MAX as 'maximum'
RUNNINGSUM as 'running-sum'
enum BinaryAggregationTypeEnum {
DIV as 'divide'
enum MultipleAggregationTypeEnum {
CONCATENATE as 'concat'
class TableFormatter{
String format
class TableImage extends ReportLazyResolver{
String imagePathPattern
boolean hideImageLabel
boolean hasParameter
boolean resize
String resizeString
contains TableValueElement imagePathParameter
interface TableValueElement extends ReportLazyResolver{}
class TableAttribute extends TableValueElement, StringBinderValue{
refers DatamartAttribute valueRef
class TableAggregation extends TableValueElement {
String text
contains TableBaseAggregation aggregation
refers DatamartTableGroup onGroup
class TableBaseAggregation extends ReportLazyResolver {
refers DatamartAttribute[] valueRefs
class TablePureAggregation extends TableBaseAggregation {
PureAggregationTypeEnum aggregation
class TableUnaryAggregation extends TableBaseAggregation {
UnaryAggregationTypeEnum aggregation
class TableMultipleAggregation extends TableBaseAggregation {
MultipleAggregationTypeEnum aggregation
class TableBinaryAggregation extends TableBaseAggregation {
BinaryAggregationTypeEnum aggregation
interface TableInterval extends ReportLazyResolver{}
class TableNumberInterval extends TableInterval{
double numberIntervalValue
contains TableRangeElement numberRange
class TableDateDayInterval extends TableInterval{
double dateIntervalValue
contains TableRangeElement dateRange
interface TableLookup extends ReportLazyResolver{}
class TableNumberLookup extends TableLookup{
double lookupValue
contains TableRangeElement discrete
class TableStringLookup extends TableLookup{
String lookupValue
contains TableRangeElement discrete
class TableDateDayLookup extends TableLookup{
double lookupValue
contains TableRangeElement discrete
interface TableRangeElement extends ReportLazyResolver{}
class TableTextColor extends TableRangeElement{
refers Color color
class TableCellColor extends TableRangeElement{
refers Color color
class TableIcon extends TableRangeElement{
String icon
class TableTrend extends TableRangeElement{
TrendIconEnum icon
class TableTooltip extends TableRangeElement{
String tooltip
interface StringBinderElement extends ReportLazyResolver{}
interface StringBinderValue extends ReportLazyResolver{
String value
class TranslatableText extends StringBinderValue {
class NonTranslatableText extends StringBinderValue, Element {
class StringBinder extends Element, WithStyle {
contains StringBinderValue[] elements
class Visibility {
boolean visibility
refers DatamartAttribute visibilityAttribute
class PageBreak {
BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum beforePageBreak
BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum afterPageBreak
InsidePageBreakEnum insidePageBreak
enum BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum {
AUTO as 'auto'
ALWAYS as 'always'
AVOID as 'avoid'
enum InsidePageBreakEnum {
AUTO as 'auto'
AVOID as 'avoid'
enum TrendIconEnum{
RISING as 'rising'
BADRISING as 'bad-rising'
SLOPING as 'sloping'
GOODSLOPING as 'good-sloping'
STAGNATING as 'stagnating'
/* ... copy from tabledsl !!! */
class Grid extends ReportBase, Element, SomeGrid, WithStyle {
double widthValue
contains Visibility visibilityItem
class GridRow extends ReportBase, WithStyle {
double heightValue
contains GridCell[] cells
contains Visibility visibilityItem
class GridCell extends ReportBase, Container, WithStyle {
int columnspan
double widthValue
contains Visibility visibilityItem
enum RenderingEnum{
HTML as 'html'
PDF as 'pdf'