| /** |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany) |
| * |
| * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| * |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - initial implementation |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| grammar org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.reportdsl.ReportDSL with org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.oxtype.OXtype |
| |
| import "http://osbp.eclipse.org/xtext/reportdsl/ReportDSL" |
| |
| import "http://www.eclipse.org/xtext/xbase/Xbase" as xbase |
| import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore |
| import "http://osbp.eclipse.org/dsl/common/types/v1"as types |
| import "http://osbp.eclipse.org/dsl/entity/v1" as entity |
| import "http://osbp.eclipse.org/xtext/datamartdsl/DatamartDSL" as datamart |
| import "http://osbp.eclipse.org/xtext/action/ActionDSL" as action |
| |
| ReportModel: |
| importSection=XImportSection? |
| pckg+=ReportPackage*; |
| |
| ReportPackage: |
| {ReportPackage} 'package' name=QualifiedName '{' |
| ('layout-data' '{' |
| ('externalCssURI' externalCssURI=STRING ('fromBundle' externalCssURIBundle=STRING)?)? |
| formatters=SomeFormats |
| colors=Colors |
| fonts=Fonts |
| medias=Medias |
| styles=Styles |
| pagetemplates=PageTemplates |
| '}')? |
| (reports+=Report)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| PageTemplates: |
| {PageTemplates} (pagetemplates+=PageTemplate)*; |
| |
| SomeFormats: |
| {SomeFormats} 'formatters' '{' |
| (formatters+=SomeFormat)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| Colors: |
| {Colors} 'colors' '{' |
| (colors+=Color)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| Fonts: |
| {Fonts} 'fonts' '{' |
| (fonts+=Font)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| Medias: |
| {Medias} 'medias' '{' |
| (medias+=Media)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| Media: |
| 'media' name=ID; |
| |
| Styles: |
| {Styles} 'styles' '{' |
| (styles+=Style)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| PageTemplate: |
| 'pagetemplate' name=ID '{' |
| 'type' size=PageSizeEnum |
| 'orientation' orientation=OrientationEnum |
| 'topmargin' topMarginValue=UnsignedNumber |
| 'leftmargin' leftMarginValue=UnsignedNumber |
| 'bottommargin' bottomMarginValue=UnsignedNumber |
| 'rightmargin' rightMarginValue=UnsignedNumber |
| (header=PageHeader)? |
| (footer=PageFooter)? |
| '}'; |
| |
| UnsignedNumber returns ecore::EDouble: |
| Number; |
| |
| enum UnitEnum: |
| MM='mm' | CM='cm' | PT='pt' | IN='inch' | PC='pc' | EM='em' | EX='ex' | PX='px' | PERCENTAGE='%'; |
| |
| enum PageSizeEnum: |
| A4='a4' | A3='a3' | A5='a5' | US_LETTER = "us-letter" | US_LEGAL = "us-legal" | US_LEDGER = "us-ledger" | US_SUPER_B = "us-super-b"; |
| |
| enum OrientationEnum: |
| PORTRAIT='portrait' | LANDSCAPE='landscape'; |
| |
| Color: |
| 'color' name=ID (color=STRING | 'darkens' basecolor=[Color] 'by-percent' darkensby=INT | 'lightens' basecolor=[Color] 'by-percent' lightensby=INT | 'transforms' basecolor=[Color] 'by-percent' transformsby=INT 'towards' targetcolor=[Color]); |
| |
| Font: |
| 'font' name=ID ('extends' extends=[Font])? '{' (('family' family=FontFamily)? & (style=FontStyleEnum)? & (bold?='bold')? & ('size' sizevalue=UnsignedNumber sizeunit=UnitEnum)?) '}'; |
| |
| enum FontStyleEnum: |
| NORMAL='normal' | ITALIC='italic' | OBLIQUE='oblique'; |
| |
| FontFamily: |
| BuildInFontFamily | CustomFontFamily; |
| |
| BuildInFontFamily: |
| custom=BuildInFontFamilyEnum; |
| |
| enum BuildInFontFamilyEnum: |
| MONOSPACE='monospace' | SANS_SERIF='sans-serif' | SERIF='serif'; |
| |
| CustomFontFamily: |
| custom=STRING; |
| |
| BorderStyle: |
| type=BorderTypeEnum |
| widthValue=UnsignedNumber |
| (color=[Color])? |
| ; |
| |
| Style: |
| 'style' name=ID '{' |
| ('extends' extends=[Style])? |
| ( |
| ('formatter' format=[SomeFormat])? & |
| ('font' font=[Font])? & |
| ('backgroundcolor' backgroundcolor=[Color] ('alternate' backgroundcolor_alternate=[Color])?)? & |
| ('textcolor' textcolor=[Color])? & |
| ('textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum)? & |
| ('verticalalign' verticalalign=VerticalTextAlignEnum)? & |
| ('border-top' borderTop=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-bottom' borderBottom=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-left' borderLeft=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-right' borderRight=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('padding-top' paddingTopValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-bottom' paddingBottomValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-left' paddingLeftValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-right' paddingRightValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-top' marginTopValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-bottom' marginBottomValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-left' marginLeftValue=UnsignedNumber )? & |
| ('margin-right' marginRightValue=UnsignedNumber)? |
| ) |
| (mediastyles+=MediaStyle)* |
| '}'; |
| |
| MediaStyle: |
| 'media' media=[Media] '{' |
| ( |
| ('formatter' format=[SomeFormat])? & |
| ('font' font=[Font])? & |
| ('backgroundcolor' backgroundcolor=[Color] ('alternate' backgroundcolor_alternate=[Color])?)? & |
| ('textcolor' textcolor=[Color])? & |
| ('textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum)? & |
| ('verticalalign' verticalalign=VerticalTextAlignEnum)? & |
| ('border-top' borderTop=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-bottom' borderBottom=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-left' borderLeft=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('border-right' borderRight=BorderStyle)? & |
| ('padding-top' paddingTopValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-bottom' paddingBottomValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-left' paddingLeftValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('padding-right' paddingRightValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-top' marginTopValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-bottom' marginBottomValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-left' marginLeftValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('margin-right' marginRightValue=UnsignedNumber)? |
| ) |
| '}'; |
| |
| enum TextAlignEnum: |
| LEFT='left' | CENTER='center' | RIGHT='right'; |
| |
| enum VerticalTextAlignEnum: |
| BOTTOM='bottom' | MIDDLE='middle' | TOP='top'; |
| |
| SomeFormat: |
| UomoFormat | NumberFormat | CurrencyFormat | DateFormat | DateTimeFormat | TimeFormat; |
| |
| UomoFormat: |
| 'uomo' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| NumberFormat: |
| 'number' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_category=NumberFormatCategoryEnum report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| enum NumberFormatCategoryEnum: |
| UNFORMATTED='unformatted' | GENERAL_NUMBER='general-number' | FIXED='fixed' | PERCENT='percent' | SCIENTIFIC='scientific' | CUSTOM='custom'; |
| |
| CurrencyFormat: |
| 'currency' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_category=CurrencyFormatCategoryEnum report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| enum CurrencyFormatCategoryEnum: |
| UNFORMATTED='unformatted' | CURRENCY='currency' | CUSTOM='custom'; |
| |
| DateFormat: |
| 'date' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_category=DateFormatCategoryEnum report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| enum DateFormatCategoryEnum: |
| CUSTOM='custom'; |
| |
| DateTimeFormat: |
| 'date+time' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_category=DateTimeFormatCategoryEnum report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| enum DateTimeFormatCategoryEnum: |
| CUSTOM='custom'; |
| |
| TimeFormat: |
| 'time' name=ID '{' 'ui' ui_pattern=STRING 'report' report_category=TimeFormatCategoryEnum report_pattern=STRING 'textalign' textalign=TextAlignEnum '}'; |
| |
| enum TimeFormatCategoryEnum: |
| CUSTOM='custom'; |
| |
| Report: |
| 'report' name=ID |
| (description?='describedBy' descriptionValue=TRANSLATABLESTRING)? |
| ('toolbar' toolbar=[action::ActionToolbar])? |
| '{' |
| 'rendering' rendering=RenderingEnum |
| ('externalCssURI' externalCssURI=STRING ('fromBundle' externalCssURIBundle=STRING)?)? |
| (('datamart' datamartRef=[datamart::DatamartDefinition] |
| (selectById?='selectById')? |
| ('defaultUnit' defaultUnit=UnitEnum)? |
| 'pagetemplate' pageTemplate=[PageTemplate] |
| 'media' media=[Media] |
| design=ReportDesign) | (parametrized?='parametrized' persistenceUnit=PersistenceUnit)) |
| '}'; |
| |
| PersistenceUnit: |
| 'persistenceUnit' name=STRING; |
| |
| enum RenderingEnum: |
| HTML='html' | PDF='pdf'; |
| |
| ReportDesign: |
| ReportDesignFile | ReportDesignTemplate; |
| |
| ReportDesignFile: |
| 'file' name=STRING; |
| |
| ReportDesignTemplate: |
| 'template' '{' |
| ('describedBy' description=STRING)? |
| (header=PageHeader)? |
| detail=PageDetail |
| (footer=PageFooter)? |
| '}'; |
| |
| Container: |
| PageHeader | PageDetail | PageFooter | GridCell; |
| |
| PageHeader: |
| {PageHeader} 'header' '{' |
| (showOnFirst?='showOnFirst')? |
| 'height' heightValue=UnsignedNumber |
| elements+=Element |
| '}'; |
| |
| PageDetail: |
| {PageDetail} 'detail' '{' elements+=Element* '}'; |
| |
| PageFooter: |
| {PageFooter} 'footer' '{' |
| (showOnLast?='showOnLast')? |
| 'height' heightValue=UnsignedNumber |
| elements+=Element |
| '}'; |
| |
| Element: |
| Title | SubTitle | SubSubTitle | Label | Text | NonTranslatableText | AutoText | StringBinder | Image | DatamartTable | DatamartTableAttribute | Grid; |
| |
| Grid: |
| {Grid} 'grid' ('as' name=ID)? (('style' style=[Style])? & ('width' widthValue=UnsignedNumber)? & (visibilityItem=Visibility)?) '{' rows+=GridRow* '}'; |
| |
| GridRow: |
| {GridRow} 'row' ('as' name=ID)? (('style' style=[Style])? & ('height' heightValue=UnsignedNumber)? & (visibilityItem=Visibility)?) '{' cells+=GridCell* '}'; |
| |
| GridCell: |
| {GridCell} 'cell' ('as' name=ID)? (('style' style=[Style])? & ('width' widthValue=UnsignedNumber)? & ('columnspan' columnspan=INT)? & (visibilityItem=Visibility)?) '{' elements+=Element* '}'; |
| |
| DatamartTable: |
| 'table' ('datamart' datamartRef=[datamart::DatamartDefinition] ('as' name=ID)?)? (('style' style=[Style])? & (visibilityItem=Visibility)? & (pageBreak=PageBreak)?) '{' |
| (header=DatamartTableHeader)? |
| (groups+=DatamartTableGroup)* |
| detail=DatamartTableDetail |
| (footer=DatamartTableFooter)? |
| '}'; |
| |
| DatamartTableGroup: |
| 'group' name=ID 'by' groupingRef=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] ((visibilityItem=Visibility)? & (pageBreak=PageBreak)?) '{' |
| (header=DatamartTableHeader)? |
| (footer=DatamartTableFooter)? |
| '}'; |
| |
| DatamartTableHeader: |
| {DatamartTableHeader} 'header' (('style' style=[Style])? & (pageBreak=PageBreak)?) ('{' rows+=GridRow* '}')?; |
| |
| DatamartTableFooter: |
| {DatamartTableFooter} 'footer' (('style' style=[Style])? & (pageBreak=PageBreak)?) ('{' rows+=GridRow* '}')?; |
| |
| DatamartTableDetail: |
| {DatamartTableDetail} 'details' ('style' style=[Style])? ('all' | ('{' columnFormatters+=DatamartTableAttribute* '}')); |
| |
| DatamartTableAttribute: |
| column=TableValueElement |
| ( |
| ('width' widthValue=UnsignedNumber)? & |
| ('style' style=[Style])? & |
| // (hasImage?='image' image=TableImage)? & |
| ('intervals' (hideLabelInterval?='hidelabel')? '{' (intervals+=TableInterval)* '}')? & |
| ('lookups' (hideLabelLookup?='hidelabel')? '{' (lookups+=TableLookup)* '}')? |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| enum PureAggregationTypeEnum: |
| COUNT='count' | RUNNINGCOUNT='running-count'; |
| |
| enum UnaryAggregationTypeEnum: |
| SUM='sum' | AVE='average' | MIN='minimum' | MAX='maximum' | RUNNINGSUM='running-sum'; |
| |
| enum BinaryAggregationTypeEnum: |
| DIV='divide'; |
| |
| enum MultipleAggregationTypeEnum: |
| CONCATENATE='concat'; |
| |
| TableFormatter: |
| {TableFormatter} 'formatter' format=STRING; |
| |
| TableImage: |
| {TableImage} 'path' imagePathPattern=STRING ((hasParameter?='dynamic')? & (hideImageLabel?='hidelabel')? & (resize?='resize' resizeString=STRING)?); |
| |
| TableValueElement: |
| TableAttribute|TableAggregation; |
| /*|TableBinaryAggregation*/ |
| /*TableMeasure|TableDerived|TableHierarchy|TableOrdinal|TableColumn|TableTask*/ |
| |
| TableAttribute: |
| 'attribute' valueRef=[datamart::DatamartAttribute]; |
| |
| TableAggregation: |
| 'aggregate' aggregation=TableBaseAggregation (('on-group' onGroup=[DatamartTableGroup])? & ('title' text=TRANSLATABLESTRING)?); |
| |
| TableBaseAggregation: |
| TablePureAggregation|TableUnaryAggregation|TableMultipleAggregation|TableBinaryAggregation; |
| |
| TablePureAggregation: |
| aggregation=PureAggregationTypeEnum; |
| |
| TableUnaryAggregation: |
| aggregation=UnaryAggregationTypeEnum valueRefs+=[datamart::DatamartAttribute]; |
| |
| TableMultipleAggregation: |
| aggregation=MultipleAggregationTypeEnum '(' (valueRefs+=[datamart::DatamartAttribute])* ')'; |
| |
| StringBinderValue: |
| TableAttribute | TranslatableText | NonTranslatableText ; |
| |
| TranslatableText: |
| 'translatable' value = TRANSLATABLESTRING; |
| |
| NonTranslatableText: |
| 'nontranslatable' value = STRING; |
| |
| StringBinder: |
| {StringBinder} 'stringBinder' '(' (elements+=StringBinderValue)* ')' ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| PageBreak: |
| {PageBreak} 'pageBreak' '(' ('before' beforePageBreak=BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum)? ('after' afterPageBreak=BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum)? ('inside' insidePageBreak=InsidePageBreakEnum)? ')'; |
| |
| enum BeforeAfterPageBreakEnum: |
| AUTO='auto' | ALWAYS='always' | AVOID = 'avoid'; |
| |
| enum InsidePageBreakEnum: |
| AUTO='auto' | AVOID = 'avoid'; |
| |
| TableBinaryAggregation: |
| aggregation=BinaryAggregationTypeEnum '(' valueRefs+=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] valueRefs+=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] ')'; |
| |
| TableInterval: |
| (TableNumberInterval|TableDateDayInterval); |
| |
| TableNumberInterval: |
| {TableNumberInterval} 'upTo' numberIntervalValue=SignedNumber numberRange=TableRangeElement; |
| |
| TableDateDayInterval: |
| {TableDateDayInterval} 'daysInPast' dateIntervalValue=SignedNumber dateRange=TableRangeElement; |
| |
| TableLookup: |
| (TableNumberLookup|TableStringLookup|TableDateDayLookup); |
| |
| TableNumberLookup: |
| {TableNumberLookup} 'number' lookupValue=SignedNumber discrete=TableRangeElement; |
| |
| TableStringLookup: |
| {TableStringLookup} 'string' lookupValue=STRING discrete=TableRangeElement; |
| |
| TableDateDayLookup: |
| {TableDateDayLookup} 'daysInPast' lookupValue=SignedNumber discrete=TableRangeElement; |
| |
| TableRangeElement: |
| TableTextColor | TableCellColor | TableIcon | TableTrend; |
| |
| Visibility: |
| visibility?='visibility' visibilityAttribute=[datamart::DatamartAttribute]; |
| |
| SignedNumber returns ecore::EDouble: |
| '-'? Number; |
| |
| TableTextColor: |
| 'textcolor' color=[Color]; |
| |
| TableCellColor: |
| 'cellcolor' color=[Color]; |
| |
| TableIcon: |
| 'icon' icon=STRING; |
| |
| TableTrend: |
| 'trend' icon=TrendIconEnum; |
| |
| enum TrendIconEnum: |
| RISING='rising' | BADRISING='bad-rising' | SLOPING='sloping' | GOODSLOPING='good-sloping'| STAGNATING='stagnating'; |
| |
| Title: |
| {Title} 'title' text=TRANSLATABLESTRING ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| SubTitle: |
| {SubTitle} 'subtitle' text=TRANSLATABLESTRING ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| SubSubTitle: |
| {SubSubTitle} 'subsubtitle' text=TRANSLATABLESTRING ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| Label: |
| {Label} 'label' text=TRANSLATABLESTRING ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| Text: |
| {Text} 'text' (textContentType=TextContentTypeEnum)? text=TRANSLATABLESTRING ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| AutoText: |
| 'autotext' type=AutoTextEnum ('style' style=[Style])?; |
| |
| enum BorderTypeEnum: |
| NONE='none' | SOLID='solid' | DOTTED='dotted' | DASHED='dashed' | DOUBLE='double' | GROOVE='groove' | RIDGE='ridge' | INSET='inset' | OUTSET='outset'; |
| |
| enum AutoTextEnum: |
| PAGE_NUMBER="page-number" | TOTAL_PAGE="total-page" | PAGE_NUMBER_UNFILTERED="page-number-unfiltered" | TOTAL_PAGE_UNFILTERED="total-page-unfiltered" | PAGE_VARIABLE="page-variable" | ACTUAL_DATE="actual-date" | ACTUAL_TIME="actual-time" | REPORT_NAME="report-name"; |
| |
| Image: |
| 'image' (size=ImageSizeEnum)? ('scale' scale=UnsignedNumber)? ('height' heightValue=UnsignedNumber heightUnit=UnitEnum)? ('width' widthValue=UnsignedNumber widthUnit=UnitEnum)? sourceType=ImageSourceEnum filename=STRING; |
| |
| enum ImageSizeEnum: |
| SIZE_TO_IMAGE='size-to-image' | SCALE_TO_ITEM='scale-to-item' | CLIP='clip'; |
| |
| enum ImageSourceEnum: |
| /*FILE='file' | */URL = 'url' | EMBED = 'embed'; |
| |
| enum TextContentTypeEnum: |
| AUTO='auto' | PLAIN='plain' | HTML='html'; |
| |