| # Exception messages for the Oda Datamart Driver |
| |
| connection_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_MISSING=Connection properties are missing. |
| connection_CANNOT_OPEN_FLAT_FILE_DB_DIR=Cannot open CSV file database under directory: |
| |
| query_COMMAND_IS_EMPTY=Query command is empty. |
| query_DO_NOT_SUPPORT_CROSS_TABLE_QUERY=Cross-table query is not supported. |
| query_COMMAND_NOT_VALID=Query command is not valid. |
| query_ARGUMENT_ERROR=The argument should be either 'NAME' or 'TYPE'. |
| query_IO_EXCEPTION=An I/O Exception occurred when reading the file. |
| query_SOURCE_DATA_ERROR=Duplicate column names found in source data. |
| query_COLUMN_NAME_ERROR=Column name error |
| query_INVALID_FLAT_FILE=The flatfile data source in not valid. |
| resultSet_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND=Column not found: |
| resultSet_CURSOR_HAS_NOT_BEEN_INITIALIZED=Cursor has not been initialized yet. |
| |
| resultSetMetaData_INVALID_COLUMN_INDEX=Invalid column index: |
| |
| dataTypes_TYPE_NAME_INVALID=Invalid type name: |
| |
| dataSetMetaData_PRODUCT_NAME=DTP ODA Flat File Data Source Provider |
| |
| common_ARGUMENT_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Arguments cannot be null. |
| common_CONNECTION_HAS_NOT_OPENED=Connection is not open. |
| common_CANNOT_FIND_COLUMN=Cannot find any columns. |
| query_streamClosed=Stream closed |
| query_invalidTableName=Invalid table name: |