tree: 2e8c71d55b6a37d57bbc9ca9c9859f45754eba80 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. icons/
  3. META-INF/
  4. src/
  5. .classpath
  6. .project
  8. plugin.xml

Project Eclipse Paho MQTT Tester View

Version 1.0.2

Date 22-04-2013

Author Eurotech Inc.


The Eclipse Paho MQTT Tester View is an Eclipse plugin that provides a user interface for performing MQTT-based messaging tasks within Eclipse.


The plug-in can be installed using the included update site:


  1. Unzip the file onto your local machine.

  2. In Eclipse, browse to Help -> Install New Software.

  3. Add a new local repository by clicking on the “Add...” button and browsing to the directory that you unzipped above (should contain a site.xml file). Make sure to name the repository and then click “Ok”. You should now be able to select the repository in the “Work with:” drop down menu and the plug-in should appear in the list.

  4. Select the plug-in:

Paho Client Eclipse View Feature

  1. Click “Next” and follow the remaining instructions for installing the plug-in.


The view can be accessed by navigating to Window -> Show View -> Other..., then expand the “M2M” folder and select “MQTT Tester View”. This will open the interface for the MQTT view. The interface consists of three tabs: Connection, Publish, and Subscribe.

Connection Tab

This tab is used to connect the MQTT client to a broker. A connection must be established in order to publish and subscribe in the remaining tabs. Here is a brief description of the fields:

  • Broker Address: (Required) The IP address or URL of the broker
  • Broker Port: (Required) The port number of the broker
  • Client ID: (Required) A unique identifier to connect with.
  • Username: A username, if required by the broker.
  • Password: A password, if required by the broker.
  • Keep Alive: (Required) The number of seconds between keep alive pings sent to the broker.
  • Clean Start: Whether or not to maintain subscriptions across disconnects.
  • LWT Enable: Whether to enable Last Will and Testament (LWT).
  • LWT Topic: The topic that the broker will publish the LWT on.
  • LWT Message: The message that the broker will publish for the LWT.
  • LWT QoS: The quality of service that the LWT will be published on.
  • LWT Retain: Whether to retain the LWT message.

Publish Tab

Used to publish messages to the broker. A message may be a string or a File. Here is a brief description of the fields:

  • Topic: The topic to publish on.
  • QoS: The quality of service to publish on.
  • Payload: The payload to publish (if publishing a string).
  • File: The file to publish (if publishing a file).

Subscribe Tab

Used to subscribe and unsubscribe on topics. Once the client is subscribed to a topic, all messages received will be displayed to the log below. Here is a brief description of the fields:

  • Topic: The topic to subscribe on (can include wildcards + and #)
  • QoS: The quality of service to subscribe on.


The project requires the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) in order to build. Information about installing the PDE tools can be found at:

The source for the project itself can be found at:

Once the project is imported into Eclipse, it can be build by right clicking on the project and navigating to Export -> Plug-in Development -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments.


Copyright (c) 2012 Eurotech Inc. All rights reserved.


This project is released under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) version 1.0

Additional Resources