#plugin org.eclipse.papyrus.model2doc.emf.template2structure
- The developer must be able to register a generator to convert DocumentTemplate (from DocumentStructureTemplate metamodel) into Document (from DocumentStructure metamodel)
- use the extension point structuregenerator.exsd to register a generator
- define an id for it
- register a class implementing the interface ITemplate2StructureGenerator
- The developer must be able to define the mappers to use with a given generator
- the extension point structuregenerator.exsd to register a mapper
- define the generator for which the mapper is contributed using the generatorId field (must be an id defined for a generator in the previous step)
- register a class extending AbstractTemplateToStructureMapper
- The developer must be able to access to the command ensuring the creation of a Document from a DocumentTemplate * use the factory Template2StructureCommandFactory