blob: 60c151a3ceb39ac5c13d1a2bdaddde8299c3e57f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Papyrus Shared Components Descriptor</name>
<description>This pom is the main parent pom for all Papyrus Components. It gather all shared configuration and properties, ensuring all components benefit from any evolution.</description>
<!-- It is important to ensure your ID s are as the Hudson
instance is configured to use these IDs. -->
Repository - Releases
Repository - Snapshots
<name>Eclipse foundation</name>
<name>Eclipse Public License - v 1.0</name>
<comments>Copyright (c) 2015 CEA LIST and others. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distributione</comments>
<name>Benoit MAGGI</name>
<organization>CEA Tech LIST</organization>
<name>Francois LE FEVRE</name>
<organization>CEA Tech LIST</organization>
<!-- plugins versions -->
<!-- use 'mvn versions:display-plugin-updates' to check for the latest -->
<!-- Sonar properties -->
<!-- Eclipse properties -->
<!-- default environment overridden by profile, tycho preempts profile -->
<!-- Platform properties -->
<env.ui.test>-Xms512m -Xmx2048m</env.ui.test>
<!-- Properties to be overridden by component -->
<name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>
<name>RCPTT Maven repository</name>
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
<plugin><!-- enable source bundle generation -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Manage the memory used by Runner -->
<!--<vmArg>-javaagent:${user.home}/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/${jacoco-version}/org.jacoco.agent-${jacoco-version}-runtime.jar=destfile=${sonar.jacoco.reportPath}</vmArg> -->
<!-- reuseExistingWorkspace>false</reuseExistingWorkspace -->
<!-- Timeout for all tests, in seconds -->
<!-- Timeout for a single test case, in seconds -->
<!-- When true, include output of 'take-screenshot' and 'trace' ECL
commands into a report <passedTestDetails>true</passedTestDetails> -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<ignore />
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
<plugin><!-- enable source bundle generation -->
<plugin id="${}" />
<!--<showEclipseLog>true</showEclipseLog> -->
<!--<testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> -->
<!-- license -->
<!-- use this profile if you need to launch sonar or other quality-related
plugins on the built artifacts. -->
<!-- Where to put jacoco coverage report for multi modules project -->
<!-- Profile for MDE publication -->
<!-- Have to be activated with profile documentation -->
<!-- Failed on hudson see -->
<!-- Profiles for Eclipse Server - start -->
<!-- Stable release profile. Eclipse servers only -->
<!-- Profiles for Eclipse Server - end -->
<!-- Profiles to manage the target eclipse platform environment -->
<!-- Profiles to manage the target eclipse platform environment end -->
<!-- Profiles to manage the OS environment -->
<ui.test.vmargs>-XstartOnFirstThread ${env.ui.test}</ui.test.vmargs>
<!-- Profiles to manage the OS environment end -->
<!-- Profile for web publication -->
<!-- Generate locally your web site: mvn clean install site site:stage-deploy
-Pdocumentation,documentation-pdf,web.local -->
<!-- Profile for MDE publication -->
<!-- This profile allows updating any target platform file with the latest
version of the feature usage at the root of the project or directly at the
target platform location prerequisite: you need to add a target.file at the
root of your maven plugin mvn validate -DtargetUpdate=true -Declipse.targetrelease=neon-papyrusnightly
-Declipse.release=neon-papyrusnightly -f targetplatform/pom.xml -Declipse.targetrelease=neon-papyrusnightly
-Declipse.release=neon-papyrusnightly: to specify which target to update
-DtargetUpdate=true: to force the update it is linked to the validate phase -->