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<title>Invoking the action from HTML</title>
<h2>Invoking the action from HTML</h2>
To include active help links in your documentation, you must first declare the
use of the supporting JavaScript code. The live help JavaScript is located in the <b></b>
plug-in.&nbsp; You refer to it using the help system's <a href="ua_help_content_files.htm#help_plugin_files_xref">cross
plug-in referencing</a> technique. This script reference should be placed in the <b>HEAD</b> section of your HTML:
<pre >&lt;script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot; src=&quot;PLUGINS_ROOT/; &lt;/script&gt;</pre>
<P >
In the body of your documentation, you invoke the liveAction script.&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
<pre >&lt;a href='javascript:liveAction(
&quot;&quot;)'&gt;Click here for a Message.&lt;/a&gt;</pre>
<P >The parameters for <b>liveAction </b> are&nbsp; </P>
<li> the ID of the plug-in that
contains the action</li>
<li>the name of the class that implements the action</li>
<li>the String that will be passed to the live help action using <b>setInitializationString</b>.&nbsp;
We don't need to pass any information from the HTML page, so we just
pass an empty string.</li>