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<title>Headless Building with APT in Eclipse</title>
<h1>Headless Building with APT in Eclipse</h1>
<h2>Instructions for building workspaces from the command-line directly or with ant</h2>
The APT plugin can be used in conjunction with Eclipse to build your preconfigured
workspace, either directly from the command-line or via ant with its built-in ant task.
<h3>Building from the command-line</h3>
Given an installation of Eclipse with the APT plugin installed, you can invoke the command-line builder
with the following command (with no line breaks):
java -cp %ECLIPSE_HOME%/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
-noupdate -application org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild -data %WORKSPACE%
This invokes Eclipse in headless mode and builds the workspace as provided on the command-line.
Any configuration for the provided workspace will be observed in the build.
<h3>Building with Ant</h3>
Again, you will need an installation of Eclipse with the APT plugin installed. Given this, the "apt"
task can be invoked with the following xml in your build.xml file:
&lt;project name="test_eclipse" default="build" basedir=".">
&lt;taskdef name="apt" classname=""/>
&lt;target name="build">
&lt;apt workspace="%WORKSPACE%" eclipseHome="%ECLIPSE_HOME%"/>
You will need to add the jar for APT to your ant installation's <b>lib</b> directory, or place it on
the classpath when invoking ant. The jar lives in