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<title>Refactoring support</title>
<h1>Refactoring support</h1>
<p>The goal of Java program refactoring is to make system-wide code changes without affecting the behavior of the
program. The Java tools provide assistance in easily refactoring code.
<p>The refactoring tools support a number of transformations described in Martin Fowler's
book <span class="name">Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code</span>, Addison Wesley
1999, such as <span class="name">Extract Method</span>, <span class="name">Inline Local
Variable, etc.</span></p>
<p>When performing a refactoring operation, you can optionally preview all
of the changes resulting from a refactoring action before you choose to carry them out.
When previewing a refactoring operation, you will be notified of potential
problems and will be presented with a list of the changes the
refactoring action will perform. If you do not preview a refactoring
operation, the change will be made in its entirety and any resultant
problems will be shown. If a problem is detected that does not allow
the refactoring to continue, the operation will be halted and a list of
problems will be displayed.</p>
<p>Refactoring commands are available from the context menus of several Java views (e.g. Package Explorer, Outline) and editors.
Many &quot;apparently simple&quot; commands, such as <strong>Move</strong> and <strong>Rename</strong>, are
actually refactoring operations, since moving and renaming Java elements
often require changes in dependent files.
<p><img src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" border="0"></p>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-1.htm">Java development tools (JDT)</a></p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks"></p>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-80.htm">Refactoring</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-82.htm">Refactoring without preview</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-83.htm">Refactoring with preview</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-84.htm">Previewing refactoring changes</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-100.htm">Undoing a refactoring operation</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-101.htm">Redoing a refactoring operation</a><br>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference"></p>
<a href="../reference/ref-menu-refactor.htm">Refactoring actions</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-117.htm">Refactoring wizard</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-13.htm">Java preferences</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-154.htm">Extract Method Errors</a><br>