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Add Java Exception Breakpoint
Add Java Exception Breakpoint </h1>
Select this command to add a Java exception breakpoint. </p>
<p>In the resulting dialog: </p>
In the <strong>Choose an Exception</strong> field, type a string that is contained in the name of the exception you want to add. You can use wildcards as needed
(&quot;<em>*</em> &quot; for any string and &quot;<em>?</em> &quot; for any character). </li>
In the exceptions list, select the exception you want to add. </li>
Select <strong>Caught</strong> and <strong>Uncaught</strong> as needed to indicate on which exception type you want to suspend the program. </li>
<p>Figure 1 below shows the menu item for the command, and Figure 2 show the resulting dialog described above.</p>
<p>Figure 1.<br>
<img src="../../../images/debug_breakpoints_ref/ref-views_breakpoint_addexceptionbp_action.PNG" alt="Add exception breakpopoint" border="1"> </p>
<p>Figure 2.<br>
<img src="../../../images/debug_breakpoints_ref/ref-views_breakpoint_addexceptiondialog.PNG" alt="Add exception breakpoint dialog"></p>
<img border="0" src="../../../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" >
<a href="../../../concepts/cbrkpnts.htm">Breakpoints</a>
<img border="0" src="../../../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" >
<p><a href="../../../tasks/tasks-147.htm">Catching Java exceptions</a><br>
<a href="../../../tasks/tasks-144.htm">Adding breakpoints</a><br>
<a href="../../../tasks/tasks-144a.htm">Removing breakpoints</a><br>
<a href="../../../tasks/tasks-130.htm">Launching a Java program</a> <br>
<a href="../../../tasks/tasks-126.htm">Running and debugging</a> </p>