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Parameters page
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Parameters page
<img src="../images/tasks-32.png" alt="Parameters Page for the Reordering method parameters Refactoring Command">
<p> Parameters Page for the Change Method Signature Refactoring Command </p>
<li>Use the Access Modifier drop-down to control the method's visibility</li>
<li>Change the method's return type or name by editing the provided text fields</li>
<li>Select one or more parameters and use the <strong>Up</strong> and <strong>Down</strong>
buttons to reorder the parameters (you can see a signature preview below the
parameter list) </li>
<li>Use the <b>Add</b> button to add a parameter; you can then edit its type,
name and default value in the table</li>
<li>Switch to the <b>Exceptions</b> tab to add or remove thrown exceptions</li>
<li> Press <strong>Preview</strong> to see the preview or <strong>OK</strong>
to perform the refactoring without seeing the preview </li>
<p> This refactoring changes the signature of the selected method and all methods
that override it.<br>
Also, all references will be updated to use the signature. </p>
Related Topics:
<a href="tasks-82.htm">See Refactoring without Preview</a>
<a href="tasks-83.htm">See Refactoring with Preview</a>