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Parameters page
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Parameters page
<img src="../images/tasks-170a.png" alt="Parameters Page for the Rename Field Refactoring Command">
Parameters Page for the Rename Field Refactoring Command
In the <strong>Enter new name</strong> text field, type a new name for the field that you're renaming.
If you do not want to update references to the renamed field, deselect the&nbsp;<strong>Update references to the renamed element</strong> checkbox.
If you want to update textual references in strings and comments which are referring to the renamed field, select the&nbsp;<strong>Update textual matches in comments and strings</strong> checkbox.
If the refactoring finds accessor (getter/setter) methods to the field you're renaming, it offers you to rename them as well (and update all references to them):
If you want to rename the getter, select the <strong>Rename Getter</strong> checkbox
If you want to rename the setter, select the <strong>Rename Setter</strong> checkbox
<li> Click <strong>OK</strong> to perform a quick refactoring, or click&nbsp;<strong>Preview</strong>
to perform a controlled refactoring. </li>
<strong>Note:</strong> The refactoring detects getters / setters using preferences
set on the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.jdt.ui.preferences.CodeStylePreferencePage)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/">
<strong>Java &gt; Code Style</strong></a> preference page.
<strong>Note:</strong> References in Javadoc comments, regular comments and string
literals are updated based on textual matching. It is recommended that you perform
a controlled refactoring and review the suggested changes if you select one of
these options.
Related Topics:
<a href="tasks-82.htm">See Refactoring without Preview</a>
<a href="tasks-83.htm">See Refactoring with Preview</a>