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<title>Feature-Based Product</title>
<h2>Feature-Based Product</h2>
<p>To be able to take advantage of the Update Manager functionality and be able
to publish upgrades and patches to your product, your product has to be feature-based.</p>
<p>Creating a feature-based product using the product editor is almost the same
as a plugin-based product, with the only difference being the settings on the
Configuration page.</p>
<p><img src="images/product-configuration-features.PNG" width="735" height="512"></p>
<p>Using the <strong>New Feature...</strong> button on the <strong>Configuration</strong>
page of the product editor, create a feature named <em>com.example.feature</em>
that contains plug-in <em>, </em>as described in the <a href="pde_feature_setup.htm">Feature
section</a> of the guide.</p>
<p>On the <a href="pde_feature_manifest.htm">Overview page of the feature editor</a>,
the feature must declare the <em></em> plug-in as its <strong>branding</strong>
<p>Add the <em>org.eclipse.rcp</em> feature to the list of features to be included
in your product.</p>
<p>That is it!</p>
<p>Proceed to the Exporting a Product section as you normally would with a plugin-based
configuration. </p>