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<title>Exporting a plug-in</title>
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<h1>Exporting a plug-in</h1>
<p>During the design phase, plug-ins and fragments in your workspace are used
as-is so that you can quickly test and debug. Once you reach the stage where
you are satisfied with your code, you need to publish it in a form suitable
for deployment in an Eclipse product.</p>
<p>The easiest way to do so is through the <b>Export Plug-ins and Fragments</b>
Wizard.&nbsp; It shields you from ant scripts and does not pollute your workspace
with resources generated during the build operations:</p>
<p>Select <b>File &gt; Export... &gt; Deployable plug-ins and fragments</b></p>
<p>Select the plug-ins and fragments you want to export.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The export destination can be an archive or a directory.</p>
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="images/plugin-export.png" alt="Export plug-ins and fragments wizard" ></p>
<p align="left">The recommended format for a deployable plug-in in 3.1 to be packaged
as a JAR archive. Refer to the <a href="plugins_as_jars.htm">Exporting your
plug-in as a JAR</a> document for details if you have a pre-3.1 plug-in that
you need to JAR. </p>
<p>You also have the option to save the settings of this export operation.&nbsp;
This way you would be able to redo this export operation without having to go
through the wizard all over again.</p>
<p>Alternatively, plug-in JARs could be built manually.&nbsp; Refer to the
<a href="pde_feature_generating_ant.htm">Creating Ant Scripts from PDE</a>