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<title>Extension points page</title>
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<h2>Extension points page</h2>
<p>Extension points define new function points for the platform that other
plug-ins can plug into.</p>
<p>The Extension Points page is the place to add, remove and edit extension
point declared by your plug-in.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/plugin-expoint.png" alt="Extension Points page"></p>
<p>An extension point has three attributes:</p>
<li>id - a required attribute whose value is a simple name</li>
<li>name - a required attribute whose value is a translatable string</li>
<li>schema - an optional attribute whose value is a relative path to the
schema corresponding to this extension point.</li>
<p>Although schema is an optional attribute, you are strongly encouraged to
provide a schema, so that PDE could use it to make it easy for developers to use
your extension point.</p>
<p>PDE provides a <a href="pde_schema_editor.htm">schema editor</a> to help you
create a schema for your extension point.</p>