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<title>Extensions page</title>
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<h2>Extensions page</h2>
<p>Extensions are the
central mechanism for contributing behavior to the platform. Unless your plug-in is a
simple Java API library made available to other plug-ins, new behavior is contributed as an extension.</p>
<p>The Extensions page is where you can add, remove and modify the extensions
your plug-in contributes to the platform.</p>
<p align="center">
<img src="images/actionSet-1.png" alt="Extensions editor page" border="0" ></p>
<p>Each extension point comes with an xml schema specifying its grammar.&nbsp;
Your extension's syntax must therefore follow that grammar in order to be
processed correctly.&nbsp; When you create a new extension, PDE extracts the
grammar for the corresponding extension point and populates the context menu of
each element selected in the Extensions viewer with a list of valid child
elements that you can create.</p>
<p>Also, for each selected element in the body of an extension, PDE populates
the Extension Element Details section with all the valid attributes for that
element.&nbsp; Required attributes are denoted with an asterisk.&nbsp; </p>
<p>When you hover your mouse over an attribute name, a tooltip box appears
describing the purpose of that attribute.</p>
<p>When an attribute expects the name of a Java class as a value, e.g. the <i>
class</i> attribute above, clicking on the name of the attribute will open the
Java file specified if it exists.&nbsp; If the file does not exist, then
clicking on the <i>class</i> link will bring up the JDT New Class wizard to
create a new Java class on the fly.&nbsp; PDE will prime the wizard with the
correct superclass and/or interface when the schema for the extension point
specifies this information for the given attribute.</p>