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<title>Running a plug-in</title>
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<h1>Running a plug-in</h1>
<p>As you develop your plug-in in the workspace, the incremental Java compiler
will compile your Java source code and place the <b> *.class</b> files into
the <b>bin</b> directory of your PDE project. When you are ready to test your
plug-in, you can launch a separate Eclipse application instance to test your
new plug-in.</p>
<p>The easiest way to launch an Eclipse applicaiton is via the link in the Testing
section of the plug-in manifest editor's Overview page. <b> </b>This will immediately
create a second Eclipse instance that will appear within seconds.</p>
<p>To gain full control over the way the run-time workbench is launched, select <b>Run
&gt; Run...</b> from the main menu bar. This will bring up the Launch Configuration
<p align="center"> <img border="0" src="images/launch-dialog.png" alt="Eclipse Application - Main tab" ></p>
<p align="left"><b>Workspace data</b> field defines the workspace that will be
used by your application. The location of this runtime workspace must be different
from the workspace of your host instance.</p>
<p align="left">The default program to run is the<i> org.eclipse.sdk.ide </i>product.&nbsp;
Launching it will result in a second workbench instance coming up whose constituent
plug-ins are the workspace plug-ins and the plug-ins selected on the Target
Platform preference page.&nbsp; </p>
<p align="left">You can test your runtime workbench using the <b>JRE</b> of your
choice and does not have to be the same one against which your plug-ins compile
in the workspace.&nbsp; You can also specify any VM arguments that are appropriate
for your testing.</p>
<h2>Example:&nbsp; Running the Sample</h2>
<p>Press <b>Run</b>.&nbsp; Another platform instance should open. You will see a
top menu item called &quot;Sample Menu&quot; with a single &quot;Sample Action&quot; item. Selecting it should
pop up a dialog containing the phrase &quot;Hello, world&quot;.</p>