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<title>Extension point schema</title>
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<h1>Extension point schema</h1>
<p>Extensions are the key mechanism that a plug-in uses to add new features to the platform. Extensions cannot be arbitrarily
created.&nbsp; They are declared using a clear specification defined by an
extension point.</p>
<p>Each extension must conform to the
specification of the extension point that it is extending&nbsp; Each extension
point defines attributes and expected values that must be declared by an
extension.&nbsp; This information is maintained in the platform plug-in
registry.&nbsp; Extension point providers query these values from the registry,
so it's important to ensure that your plug-in has provided the expected
<p>In the most rudimentary form, an extension point declaration is very simple.&nbsp;
It defines the id and name of the extension point.&nbsp; Any other information
expected by the extension point is specific to that extension point and is
documented elsewhere.&nbsp; (See the <a href="../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/extension-points/index.html">Platform
Extension Point Reference</a> for the platform extension point definitions.)</p>
<p>Reference documentation is useful, but it does not enable any programmatic
help for validating the specification of an extension. For this reason, PDE introduces
an extension point schema that describes extension points in a format fit for
automated processing.</p>
<p>Extension point schema is a valid XML schema as defined by W3C specification.
However, the full XML schema specification is very complex and mostly unnecessary for this particular use. For this reason, PDE uses only a
subset of XML schema features.&nbsp; Each extension point schema is a valid
XML schema, but PDE does not use all the available features.</p>
<h2>The benefits of extension point schemas</h2>
<p>There are many benefits to describing your extension point using the PDE
extension point XML schema:</p>
<li>Extension point grammar allows elements, attributes, and types to be
expressed formally. This
information can be used by tools to validate extensions or offer assistance
during creation of the extension.</li>
<li> XML schema provides for documentation
annotation that is similar to Javadoc in Java source. This mechanism ties
short text for valid elements and attributes to the declaration of
these elements and attributes. It is much easier to keep the documentation
in sync because removal of an attribute will also remove documentation for
the attribute.&nbsp; There is no need to update the reference document.</li>
<li>Reference documentation can be generated.&nbsp; PDE provides a tool that tracks changes in extension point
schemas and updates reference documentation on the fly.</li>
<li>You can provide additional metadata about the extension point that can be
used by tools that process the schema.&nbsp; PDE uses this
mechanism to add additional information about elements and attributes. For
example, if an attribute is marked as &quot;Java,&quot; PDE can provide assistance
while setting the value of this attribute by interacting with Java platform
<h2>Limitations of PDE XML Schema support</h2>
<p>PDE uses a small subset of XML schema.&nbsp; Using the full XML schema
features set would be
an overkill in this particular case. The subset allows
almost 1-&gt;1 mapping from DTDs to schemas, but without DTD limitations. The
following are the main limitations of the PDE extension point schema:</p>
<li>Only global element declarations are allowed.</li>
<li>Only local attribute declarations are allowed.&nbsp; Global attributes cannot be
<li>The following compositors are supported: <b>all</b>, <b>sequence</b>, <b>choice</b>
and <b>group</b>.</li>
<li>There is no global type support.&nbsp; Types must be declared and immediately used.</li>
<li>Attributes can only have <b>string</b> and <b>boolean</b> types.</li>
<li>If an attribute is<b> </b> of type <b>string</b>, only
the <b>enumeration</b> restriction is
<p>If you write an XML schema using these restrictions, you will
notice that the resulting file looks strikingly similar to an equivalent DTD
that defines the same grammar. The advantage of schema is in annotations (both
documentation and metadata). An additional advantage is that the XML schema is itself
written in XML, which makes its processing and reading much easier.</p>
<p>The list above is for reference only. You are most likely to
define an XML schema using the PDE schema editor that will take care of generating the correct file.</p>