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<title>Setting up an update site project</title>
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<h2>Setting up an update site project</h2>
<p>An update site project is represented in the workspace with a project that
has a site.xml file at its root.</p>
<p>PDE provides a wizard for setting up an update site project. Typically, you use
this wizard to set up an update site once you are done developing plug-ins,
fragments and features. However, you can create the site project at any stage of development.</p>
<p>By default, an update site project is created local to your workspace. Since you
may want to host multiple versions of your plug-ins and features in this site,
you may want to keep the update site outside the workspace location. In that
case, change the location of the update site project during creation. If the
location you specified already contains the files the wizard is about to create,
it will keep them instead. This will allow you to create this project in more
than one workspace and point at the same shared location.</p>
<h3>Example: Setting up an update site project</h3>
<p>Assuming that you have followed the previous examples, you should have &quot;XYZ
Plug-in&quot; and &quot;German Fragment&quot; in your workspace already, as well
as &quot;Sample Feature&quot; feature project.&nbsp; We will
create an update site that can serve &quot;Sample Feature&quot; to the update manager.</p>
<li>Bring up the update site wizard via <b>New &gt; Project &gt; Plug-in
Development &gt; Update Site
<li>Set the name of the project to &quot;Update Site&quot;. </li>
<li>Set the update location to a non-default location.</li>
<li>Select the <b>Generate a web page</b> listing option.&nbsp; This will help
advertise your features and plug-ins to the world.&nbsp; Click <b>Finish</b>.</li>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/site-new.png" ></p>