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<title>Product Configuration</title>
<h2>Product Configuration</h2>
<p>The RCP product export story is based on a .product file. This file contains
all the data necessary to build a plugin-based or a feature-based product. Note
that this file is a development-time artefact used by PDE only. It is NOT read
or interpreted by the runtime and must/should not be included in the product
being built.</p>
<p>To create a product configuration, select <strong>File &gt; New... &gt; File
&gt; Product Configuration</strong>.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/product_config_wizard.PNG" width="435" height="499">
<p align="left">The only restriction is that the file extension be <em>.product</em>.
Otherwise, the product configuration could be place in any folder, in any project
in the workspace.</p>
<p align="left">To initialize the configuration, you have three options:</p>
<li>Create a configuration file with basic settings: This option should be chosen
when the user does not even know what a product is or if the user has not
yet declared a product extension in his plug-in.</li>
<li>Use an existing product to initialize the file: This option should be chosen
if you already have a plugin declaring a product extension. With this option,
PDE will pre-populate the product configuration with as much data as possible
given your product declaration.</li>
<li>Use a launch configuration: This optionn should be chosen if you have been
testing your plug-in with an Eclipse application launch configuration that
is filled with custom settings, and you want all those settings to get carried
over to the product configuration.</li>
<p>In our RCP mail example, we already have a product defined: <em></em>.
So the second option is best. Select it and press <strong>Finish</strong>.</p>