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<title>Toolbars in the Workbench</title>
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<meta name="keyword" content="fast view">
<H1 CLASS="Head">Toolbars </H1>
<p CLASS="Para" Label="Type">There are four kinds of toolbars in the Workbench.</p>
<p CLASS="Para" Label="Type">The <i> main toolbar</i>, sometimes called the Workbench toolbar,
is displayed at the top of
the Workbench window directly beneath the menu bar. The contents of this toolbar change based on the active perspective. Items in the toolbar
might be enabled or disabled based on
the state of either the active view or editor. Sections of the main toolbar can be rearranged using the mouse.
<p CLASS="Para" Label="Type">There are also individual <i>view toolbars</i>,
which appear in the title
bar of a view. Actions in a view's toolbar apply only to the view in which
they appear. Some view toolbars include a <b>Menu</b> button, shown as an
inverted triangle, that contain actions for that view.</p>
<p CLASS="Head">A third type of toolbar is the perspective switcher. The
perspective switcher allows quick access to perspectives that are currently
open. It also has a button that can open new perspectives. The perspective
switcher is normally located in the top-right, next to the main toolbar.
However, it is also possible to position it below the main toolbar
("top-left"), or to position it vertically on the left-hand side of the
workbench ("left"). The name of the perspectives is shown by default, but
it is possible to hide the text and show only the icons. To reposition the
perspective or hide the text, right-click on it and choose the appropriate
item from the context menu.</p>
<p CLASS="Head">Finally, the fast view bar is a toolbar that contains icons representing
the current set of fast views. A fast view is a shortcut to a view that is frequently
used; see the section on fast views for more information. The fast view bar
appears in the bottom left corner of the workbench by default. However, it is
possible to position it on the left or right as well.</p>
<p CLASS="Head">In all cases, you can find out what toolbar buttons do by moving
your mouse pointer over the button and reading the tooltip that opens. See the
list of related reference topics below for a table of all toolbar buttons.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts." ><br>
<a href="concepts-2.htm">Workbench<br>
</a><a href="concepts-5.htm">Views</a>
<a href="concepts-2.htm"><br>
</a><a href="concepts-4.htm">Perspectives<br>
</a><a href="concepts-21.htm">Fast views</a></p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" >
<a href="../tasks/tasks-9b.htm"><br>Creating fast views</a>
<a href="../tasks/ttoolbars.htm"><br>Rearranging the main toolbar</a>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" ><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-68.htm">Toolbar buttons</a></p>