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<title>Using the File menu</title>
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Using the File menu</h3>
<P CLASS="Para">
You can create new resources by using the <b>File &gt; New</b> menu on the Workbench menu bar.
Start by creating a simple project as follows:</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
From the menu bar, select <b>File &gt; New &gt; Project...</b></P>
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image11_new_wizard.png" alt="New Project Wizard" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para"> In the New Project wizard, select <b>Simple</b> <strong>&gt;</strong>
<b>Project</b> then click <b>Next</b>.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> In the <b> Project name </b> field, type your name as the
name of your new project. Do not use spaces or special characters in the
project name (for example, &quot;JaneQuser&quot;).</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
Leave the box checked to use the default location for your new project. Click
<b>Finish</b> when you are done.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image12_new_project_wizard.png" alt="New Project Wizard" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;
<P>If you sneak a peek at the navigation view, you will see that it now contains
the simple project we just created.&nbsp; </P>
<P align="center"><img src="../images/Image13_project_in_nav.png" alt="Navigator view" border="0">
<P>Create a second project called JaneQuser2 using the same steps, but instead
of clicking <b>Finish</b>, click <b>Next</b>. At this point you can specify
other projects that project JaneQuser2 depends on. Since we want to create two
independent projects we will not select any of the projects in the <b>Project
References </b> table. Click <b>Finish</b> to create your second simple project.
<P align="center"><img src="../images/Image15_project_depend.png" alt="New Project Wizard" border="0">