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<title>Using the popup</title>
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<h3>Using the popup</h3>
<P CLASS="Para">
Now that we have our project we will create a folder. We will create
our folder using the Navigator view's popup menu.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> Activate the Navigator view and select the project JaneQuser
(the first project we created in the Navigator view). From the view's popup
menu choose <b>New &gt; Folder</b>.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> In the New Folder wizard, your project name appears by default
in the <b>Enter or select the parent folder </b> field. This is because
we chose to create the new folder from your project's context menu.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> In the <b> Folder name</b> field, type a unique name for
your new folder (for example, using your first and last names in the title).
Do not use spaces or special characters in the folder name (for example,
<P CLASS="Para"> <img src="../images/Image14_new_folder_wizard.png" alt="New Folder Wizard" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para"> Click <b>Finish</b> when you are done. The Navigator view
will update to show your newly created folder.</P>
<P><strong>Note:</strong> There is now also an <b>Advanced</b> button. This button
when selected allows you to enter a location outside of a project's hierarchy
as the location for one of its folders. This is called a linked folder.</P>